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HideToolz v2.2

change log:
06.08.09: updated for Windows 7 Build: 7100

The original author of HideToolz is Ms-Rem. I don't think he maintains HideToolz

anymore... and this is a really useful tool... =)

So... after some reverse engineering:

I have modified the driver to work with newer version of Windows, from Vista SP1+
to Windows 7 (build 7100 as of present)...
due to the changes, this version no longer works with Windows 2000...


If you are running Vista SP1+ you need to apply the vista shutdown
fix\shutdown_fix_vista_only.reg to
the registry and reboot BEFORE running HideToolz. This patch disables kernel
paging of device drivers, and fixes the problem
with BSOD at shutdown. You may apply this patch simply by double clicking the file
and clicking "Yes" - this will set:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory

DisablePagingExecutive from its default of 0 to 1.

Windows 7 users DO NOT need to use the 'shutdown fix'

Questions, comments, suggestions?


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