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Kasey Merritt

HLTH 1050
Reflection Paper

You learn a lot in this class. At first glance, you would think drugs are around us but I
don’t need to worry about it, I’m not part of it so it has no effect on me. That’s how I always
thought. Until I took HLTH 1050. This class expanded my knowledge about the real world of
drugs, what goes on in gangs, how that drug is made, who does it affect, and how they can be
so damaging to a single person.
In the start of the semester I learned about gangs, three to be exact; The Medellin
Cartel, The Sinaloa, and La Zetas. Who runs them, and why they’re so dangerous. All gangs in
general circle around a single motive, control. This control impacts everyone in the city, region,
or boundaries of a certain gang. When one gang tries to take control of another, those
bystanders of innocent citizens are watching it from their front window. But I also learned that
they’re not completely bad, some help improve the poor communities, provide work, and help
with the government. The leaders can care about the community and provide money for them
to help those in that area thrive, some are good people with a genuine care for their people.
Now some jobs that are provided deal with drug production. Making the drug, or even
harvesting it. With these jobs as stated earlier can help support a community. The sad thing is,
there is not alternative really. They can try to grow crops for corn, or fruits. But they don’t pay
nearly as much and is difficult to transport. With reasons like these, it’s no surprise why some
families turn to drug production. All they want is to provide for their family.
It was interesting however, to learn how some of the drugs are made, such as cocaine. It
goes through a long process. Starting with picking the leaves, drying them out, soaking them in
gasoline, filtering, and then a purifying process. As it’s easy to tell how long it takes to make. it’s
also very damaging to environment. Like I said earlier to make cocaine, you need gasoline and
lots of it. So, when the process is complete. That gasoline is poured into rivers, harming the
environment around the families that are just trying to stay alive.

Another thing I learned that I’ll take with me after this class is what the drugs can really
do to the human body. Understanding why people take them is easy. Some people just want to
have that feel good feeling so they take heroin or smoke weed, drink a bottle of alcohol.
Whatever it maybe, the users just want to feel good. When I was learning about every
individual drug from cocaine to tobacco. It always appeared that it made people feel good.
Never did I see that it was “cool” or “fun” even. The users wanted that euphoretic high, the
good feeling.
But they did so in sacrifice. Each drug affected the brain differently from a burst of
energy feeling like a warrior, to a calm “no worries” kind of energy. But with this came cancer
from tobacco and alcohol. Weed brought on a different type of issue halting brain
development. Heroin if you stopped consuming it provided major withdrawal symptoms that
were almost feverish like. Forcing the user to take another hit so the pain would go away.

But not all users started for a main reason to feel good, that may of came from
depression, or anxiety. Some had medical issues arise earlier and received a prescription for
opioids to help with the pain. But with this solution, they didn’t know about the crisis that
would sweep the country, taking the lives of thousands a year.

Not only does the production of drugs affect that environment in which it’s being made,
but also the regions the drugs get transported to. The users, and even the government.
I understand how exactly this is all related. The users not only harm themselves with
the drug but everyone around them. Overdoses require Narcan, which requires government
spending. Drunk driving takes the lives of innocent. The legalization of weed is a billion-dollar
industry that may help the economy. And with heroin and fentanyl, the government provides
alternative forms to help overcome their addiction. However, with great addictions comes
crimes, murders, anything to help that person get the next high. They become careless about
their surroundings, families, jobs, school, everything crumbles right in front of them. And they’ll
give it all up for just one more kick.
Drugs affect every individual, every city, every nation, and country. The use of drugs is
an epidemic.

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