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Boys Academic Support Group

Session 3

Review Confidentiality and Group Norms

Check in: Cloudy/Sunny

Discuss “Begin With The End In Mind”—Motivation seems to be something most of you have in
common. Finding motivation can be difficult when things outside of our control or our experiences
consume us or define us. Sometimes we have to think about our ultimate goal and what we envision for
our life to help us find the motivation to do something.

Bridge Activity---Using colored pencils draw and write phrases to answer these questions.

Step 1: Past
 What past experiences have shaped who you are now?
 What positive things have you experienced in your past?
 What negative things have you experienced in your past?
 What does the past feel like? What emotions or colors are relevant?
 Who are the people who were important in your past?

Step 2: Future
 What do you want your future to look like? What do you hope to accomplish?
 What feelings, moods, or experiences do you want for your future?
 What would you like to be different in your future?
 What pictures, colors, or feelings belong in your future?
 Who are the people who belong in your future?

Step 3: Bridge (Action)

 What do you need to help you get from “where you’ve been” to “where you want to go”?
 What are the people who can help?
 What does your mindset or attitude need to be?
 What things do you need to do? What steps do you need to take to get across?
 If you want __________________ in your future, what might you need to do first?
 What might get in your way? Is there a troll under your bridge? Is your bridge stable? What
will help make your bridge sturdier?
 What pictures, colors, or feelings belong in this middle section

Step 4: Processing
 How did it feel doing this activity?
 What in your bridge sections seems most important? Hardest? Easiest?
 What in your bridge section seems most immediately do-able?
 What things could you take action on after creating this?

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