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Evander Soros is the only child in the family.

Phiona, his mother had complications during labor

and she couldn’t get pregnant anymore. She raised him the best she could “working hard and
let him in front of the TV”.

Evander smokes daily despite always getting mad because the sound of the wrapper burnt into
ashes reminds him her mother’s dead eyes before going to work and throwing the stub out of
the window directly to the front yard.

In his wallet he always carries the cut image of her mother and who probably was his father.
She always refuses speaking about him, so, the little information he knew about him was when
she gets drunk and start spitting some events in her past. He always cries, even if he wasn’t
sad or melancholic.

His voice was soft with a deep bass pitch with a self-reverb making people around like if they
were on a church listen to a priest whose voice reach until the very last corner. Evander has
the curse to transmit his emotions through his voice, if he feels sad, people around him will be
sad if he feels awkward people will reject him like if death was approaching.

Evander can’t feel most of feelings except the grieve inside his heart which he tried so hard to
pull them off his chest to see if the sensation stopped. His mother was dying and asked him to
take some paper from her shelve and inside a little old box he found some letters from his
father to her.

Evander meets Daphne in the drugstore he used to go to buy his anti- depressives and
painkillers for his back and shoulders. They start hanging out and he discovered he actually
feels about her.

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