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Every day, at least a billion people suffers a disease which includes students, white
collar workers, businessman, government officials and especially people in the bottom
of the society. The origin of that disease is the environment of the people live. For
example, a person who lacks money which will be used for his living because he/she
doesn’t have a job, have a personal problem or any other depressing possibility which
is indeed numerous to count. Some people just are not lucky in life which I mean is
they miss the right opportunity which made their liver green with regrets. While some
people are just lazy even though the opportunity is right beneath their noses. But the
most common example is having too much debts, social isolation and such other
unfairness in the world. And the mental disease that I’ve been talking about is mental
depression, A.K.A. the most common and easiest mental disease to solve because
some are incurable like Alzheimer’s disease which could seriously affect a person or
more like his/her family.

According to research, students are the most common victims of depression especially
college students who have many outputs and researches to make with a strict deadline
that can be fatal to their grades and also to their selves mentally, physically, socially
and financially. Although it’s very common, mental depression is a very tricky disease
because every depression has different solution due to every victim have a very
different source of problem like the example I’ve given above like too much debts
which is rooted with money and can be solved with money as the first choice but the
most common solution to depression is consulting to a psychology whom are
specialized on mental problems especially depression. But some victims of depression
are unaware that they have depression.

In other words, the most common mental disease called depression must be solved
because it can affect the whole society. Depression damages a person and victims of
depression are rather innumerable which can be said as a large part of society. So,
everyone must have self-awareness not just for avoiding/curing depression but also
for the sake of the society as a whole.

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