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Choose the letter of the best answer
1. Sacred songs highlighted by quotations from the Qur’an
a. Lugu b. Kalangan c. Lunsey d. Dikker
2. Also a maranao term for lullaby
a. Bayok b. Yaya c. Sa-il d. Yakan
3. A large, deep-rimmed gong, vertically suspended, hanged in wooden frames
a. Kulintang b. Agung c. Gabbang d. Seronggagandi
4. A guitar-like made of bamboo, cut before one nod and after one next
a. Kulintang b. Agung c. Gabbang d. Seronggagandi
5. A native xylophone in Sulu, a bamboo keyboard on top, constructed out of wood
a. Kulintang b. Agung c. Gabbang d. Seronggagandi
6. A 2-string plucked lute instruments made of wood which resembles and elongated guitar usually having 2 strings
a. Kudyapi b. Suling c. Lumad d. Tahunggo
7. Made mainly of “tamiang” bamboo, a long, thin-walled bamboo tube
a. Kudyapi b. Suling c. Lumad d. Tahunggo
8. A group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together
a. ensemble b. rattan c. liturgy d. folk song
9. The thin pliable stems of a palm, used to make furniture
a. ensemble b. rattan c. liturgy d. folk song
10. The sacrament of the Eucharist or the Mass
a. ensemble b. rattan c. liturgy d. folk song
11. A song that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style
a. ensemble b. rattan c. liturgy d. folk song
1. A legendary bird of the Maranao
a. Okir b. Sarimanok c. Hilot d. Pulakan
2. It came from an old Malayan word which means carve or “ukit”
a. Okir b. Sarimanok c. Hilot d. Pulakan
3. Similar to sarong worn by peoples in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia
a. T’nalak b. ikat c. malong d. Bilaan
4. A process of dyeing the fabric abaca textiles
a. T’nalak b. ikat c. malong d. Bilaan
(5-14 Matching type)
5. Church located at the town of Saway. Camiguin Island a. Torogan
6. Also called Real Fuerza de Nuestra Senora del Pilar b. Panolong
De Zaragoza c. Grand Mosque of Cotabato
7. Largest mosque in the Philippines d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga
8. A wing-like ornament of a torogan flaring out from the beams e. Sto. Rosario Church
9. Ancestral house og the upper class Maranao
10. An earthenware vessel for secondary burial from a. Kendi
Sarangani Province b. Gador
11. A large intricate decorated white metal tobacco container c. maitum Jar
12. A heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water, coffee or tea d. Kamplilan
13. A large manually carved wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl e. Batige
14. A single-edged steel sword with a handle made of hand carved ivory
1.Which of the following statements is NOT trueabout folk dancing?
a. It makes you physically inactive b. it helps you to develop endurance
c. A skill is needed by a dancer to dance it d. It is a traditional dance of a given people
2. You spring on one foot and you land on with the other foot. What locomotor movement did you perform?
a. hop b. leap c. jump d. pivot
3. What did you do when you spring on one foot and land on the same foot?
a. Tapping b. Hopping c. Jumping d. Stamping
4. Which dance related injury can be treated by having the person drink cool water or non-alcoholic beverage
without caffeine?
a. Sprains b. Bruises c. Heat exhaustion d. Cramp or tight muscles
(5-14 Matching type)
5. First position a.

6. Second position b.

7. Third position c.

8. Fourth position d.

9. Fifth position e.

10. First position a.

11. Second position b.

12. Third position c.

13. Fourth position d.

14. Fifth position e.

1. Refers to the things that make a person stressed
a. Stress b. stressor c. Eustress d. Distress
2. Also called manic-depressive disorder
a. Major depressive disorder b. bipolar disorder
c. Schizophrenia d. Post-traumatic stress disorder
3. A mental illness with biological origins that is characterized by irrational behavior
a. Major depressive disorder b. bipolar disorder
c. Schizophrenia d. Post-traumatic stress disorder
4. A person may have this disorder when he/she experienced a traumatic situation
a. Major depressive disorder b. bipolar disorder
c. Schizophrenia d. Post-traumatic stress disorder
5. Refers to the end of the physical being of a person
a. Death b. Loss c. grief d. Grieving
6. Occurs when someone dies or a life situation changes or ends
a. Death b. Loss c. grief d. Grieving
7. Which of the following situation is stressful
a. Choosing gift for a friend b. Arguing with a classmate
c. Going to a new place d. Having a newborn sibling
8. Which of the following is Not stressful
a. Getting a failing mark b. Losing your money c. Watching traditional play d. Witnessing a crime
9. Negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor
a. Eustress b. Distress c. Depress d. Stress
10. Refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor
a. Eustress b. Distress c. Depress d. Stress

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