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Laburnum – a small tree

2. Chignon – a type of hairstyle
3. Abattoir – a slaughterhouse
4. Feign – stimulate, pretend
5. Impresario – a person who manages a theater
6. Scallop – flat fish with two flat fan-shaped shells, can be eaten
7. Guillotine – beheading machine, machine for cutting paper, method of shortening debate in
parliament by fixing time of vote
8. Basilisk – a fabulous creature, a cockatrice
9. Quagmire – an area of wet ground
10. Oboist – a person who plays the oboe
11. Impalpable – that cannot be felt physically
12. Sanctity – the quality of being considered so holy or important that must always be respected
13. Rancor/ Rancour – feelings of hatred : a desire to hurt other people
14. Lampoon – criticize someone in an amusing way
15. Cenotaph – a monument built in memory of soldiers killed in war who are somewhere else
16. Acquisition – something that you have recently obtained
17. Coulomb – a unit for measuring electric charge
18. Vignette – running ornaments of leaves and tendrils
19. Wallaby – a small kangaroo
20. Zephyr – a gentle breeze, wind
21. Regatta – a sporting event of races between boats
22. Okapi – an African animal that belongs to the same family as giraffe
23. Buccaneer - a pirate
24. Saute – to fry something quickly
25. Doppelganger – an apparition or a double of a living person
1. I was attacked by a _______ of crows (murder)
2. My uncle commandeered a ______ of soldiers (platoon/troop)
3. When Ally was walking in the park , she was attacked by a _______ of bees.
4. Nick was surrounded by a _____ of women at the airport. (gaggle)
5. Who is Marvel’s first black superhero ? (The Falcon)
6. Who created the Black Panther suit ? (Shuri)
7. What is the first Hollywood movie in 25 years that boasts an all- Asian cast ? (Crazy Rich
8. Who wrote the play, “Macbeth” ? (Shakespeare)
9. Shakespeare’s work were mostly written in ____. (poetry and prose)
10. Mary Shelley’s most famous work is …… (Frankenstein)
11. Dracula’s real name is ……. (Vladimir)
12. Mythologically speaking, a werewolf’s greatest weakness is _____ (Silver)
13. The Charge of the Light Brigade was written by _____ ( Lord Alfred Tennyson)
14. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was written by ______ ( Roald Dahl)
15. Complete this phrase. Water, water everywhere, Nor any drop ______ (to drink)
16. The title of one of the most tragic love story is Romeo and ______ (Juliet)
17. The setting of Macbeth is in _____ (Scotland)
18. The renowned author of the Harry Potter series is _____ ( J.K Rowling)
19. Throughout the Harry Potter story , at some point, Harry was acquainted with a house elf
named ______ . (Dobby)
20. How can a house elf be freed from their spell of slavery ? ( by being given an piece of cloth/
or an related answer would suffice)
21. Kubla Khan was written by ______ ( Samuel Taylor Coleridge/ Coleridge)
22. The Fault in our Stars was written by ______
23. What is a synonym of happy ? (jubilant, thrilled, ecstatic or any suitable answer)
24. What is an antonym of justice? (injustice/ any suitable answer)
25. The archer packed her bow and a _____ of arrows. (Quiver)

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