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Time Management, The paradox of time, everyone wants to manage it but fails to do it.

management is one of the essential resources that every manager should possess.

In the class, we have learned the different types of time spent and how we can balance each of them
in a limited timeframe to make our day more productive.

The time management matrix is classified into six different categories, i.e., withdrawal, ritual,
pastiming, games, intimacy, and activities. Before joining sjmsom, we spent most of our time in
games, pastiming, rituals, and withdrawal. Earlier, we thought, are we able to manage our time well
at B school. At that time, we were in a dilemma whether we could do it or not. But In due course at
sjmsom, we learned how to trade off our time between unproductive time and the productive time.
Presently we are in the process of implementing it in our lives, but after the implementation, we are
sure the result we get, will undoubtedly be helpful to do well in our lives.

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