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Where sex is free and love is expensive. Where losing a phone is more painful than losing your virginity. Where
modernization means nudity, where if you do not drink / smoke you are out of fashion, where the kids flirt and pass
negative comments to other girls. Where if you do not cheat on your partner is because you're not smart or clever. Where
the bathrooms have become photo studios. Where temples become dating points. Where to worship God is difficult.
Where lies become realities. Where the ladies fear pregnancy more than the H.I.V. Where pizza delivery is faster than
emergency response. Where people become toxic when they tell you your truths or when you resist changing. Where
perspectives and clothing decide the value of a person. Where money is more important than family and friends. Where
the children are ready to leave their families for their love of the moment. Where the boys are afraid of marriage, but they
love having sex. Where love is a game. Whoever plays with the mind always gets happiness and whoever plays with the
heart always gets hurt. Modernity, love and liquid education ... The new generation of humanity.

MATTHEW 24: 12-13; and because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end
will be saved.

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