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Dr. Aryn Sweeney

These exercises should be done in the key you are studying that week, beginning on the
lowest note you can play in that particular key (B flat or B natural) to the highest note
you can play in that key (F sharp, G).

Always do these exercises in front of a mirror! Visually paying attention to your

embouchure and breathing.

These exercises should be done at a relatively loud, full (but not forced) volume. You
should be testing the lungs of your instrument and reed, but NEVER press the sound.

These exercises should not exceed 30 minutes; there are many other things to play!

Exercise 1

Do this exercise on every not in your scale ascending only. (quarter note = 40)

The goals for this exercise:

 Practicing deep, low breathing
 Opening your throat, relaxing and letting your reed vibrate.
 Stable, even sound throughout (minimal embouchure and no vibrato, control the
sound with your air)
 Beginnings and endings of notes (attacks clear and consistent, endings with good
pitch and “collected”)

Exercise 2

This exercise is for low note articulation and following through with your air (quarter
note = 40)

The goals for this exercise:

 Keep your support throughout rests
 Make your first attack loud and get progressively softer
Exercise 3

Your scale of the week played very slowly (quarter note = 40).

Goals for this exercise:

 Even sound, all the notes should sound like each other throughout the low and
high registers.
 Legato between every note, this comes from support and a continuous air stream.
 Intonation, if your embouchure and air are working properly the intonation will be
very close to prefect.

Exercise 4

Salviani Scale method, start at quarter note = 60 working toward 144.

 Agility of fingers
 Hairpin Dynamics
 Continuous supported air stream

Exercise 5

Scales in thirds, fourths, and fifths played very slowly, quarter note = 40. Starting on the
lowest note you can play in the scale (B flat or B natural) to the highest (F , F sharp, G).

 Continuous air support

 Evenness of sound between registers
 Solidity between notes, no “bumps”
Exercise 6

Long tones exercises from Jay Light Essays for Oboists.

Long tone exercises from Singer Practicum Book 4 page 1.

 Continuous air support

 Evenness of sound
 Good air between notes, no “bumps”

Exercise 7

Vade Mecum, first two pages, played slowly and in piano with a free open vibrating
sound, quarter note = 40.

Exercise 8

Reed alone, buzzing from C chromatically down to G and back up to C. Borrowed from
Richard Killmer.
 For strength, control, and flexibility of embouchure

Exercise 9

Scale and arpeggio sheets from Nancy Ambrose King. Start with quarter note = 60 and
work up to 144.

 For technique and agility of fingers

 Continuous air stream and support

Finish up with extended techniques of articulation exercises/double tonguing,

circular breathing, and vibrato discussed in additional handouts.

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