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Sarah Fernandez



Zumba was a great class to take, there were many things that I can compare with this

course and other courses that I have taken. The time and patience is what I can take from this

course and I have used time and patience to other courses that I have took. It takes patience to

understand the dance movements, and to take it step by step, as used for my chemistry class. In

order to figure out the problem I had to follow the formula step by step and it took a lot of

patience to solve the problem. When I got the problem wrong I had to have patience to review

the question again and to try again. As well using time, it took time to get the steps right to watch

the professor teach the dance moves.

Taking a fitness course in college I was nervous, and didn’t want to take one. When I

signed up for zumba I had a little knowledge of it, because I used to do a few dances when I was

younger. At first I was going back on it of taking this class, but I enjoy music and wanted to try

something new. Now that I have completed it, I really enjoyed taking zumba. I will take the class

again, because it had helped me with my other classes and it really relaxing and calming in the

morning. It had helped me with my shyness, and being afraid on whether if anyone else was

looking. The first activity was helpful, because it was a progress to see what I learned in the

beginning of the semester and to compare in towards the end of the semester. Looking at it I

have improved the activities were good as well learning different kind of culture dances. How I
will approach on what I learned to the future is to let loose and to just not stress as much.

Dancing Is a way to release any kind of stress, and to just have fun.

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