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My name is Kathrynne Fernandez, I´m 24 years old, this year have been so intense. I´m almost
about to end my technology in security and health in the work, what it means that everything
became harder and I´ll have to do a lot of things. From January to April on the academic aspect
several things happened, I was finishing third semester of my career but on that time I wasn´t
working, so I had a little bit more time then I could do funny things, I knew other places, went to
the mall and I watched movies. On April I started my last and fourth semester, it ends on April
22nd so that means that I had to start the work practices and that has given me a lot of learnings,
also have allowed me to meet extraordinary people.

This hard work won´t end until October, for that reason I hope have can give me a happy and a
deserved holidays on December and take the forces for a new phases.

Good Bye!

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