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Kingdom I Found

It’s been the happiest day since you came,

I won’t regret this feeling even it’s full of shame.

For me, you shaved the ice on me,

The ice that won’t melt that I let it be.

I love you for loving who’s in me.

And I love you more for loving the dark side in thee.

I never stopped trying to find someone like you,

And now, I won’t let go because I already found you.

YOU, who gave my life back

And never left me alone.

YOU, who chose to love me and gave my own track,

And never ever stopped guiding me to my own throne.

I’m the Queen you said,

But who’s the King, I asked so badly.

I can’t see you on the end of my thread,

It really made me feel so sad.

How I wish we’ll end up in our own happy ending

But there are too many constraints that keep coming in our way.

The story I wish would stop where we are mending,

And be joyful to things in our life that keeps on play.

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