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Do you want to know how to find long tail keywords? Do you need to get a head up on the competition?

You can

master a technique that all new affiliate marketers need to know if they want to compete in today's online markets.
Below you'll find some hints on how to find long tail keywords.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords - Brief Introduction

A long-tailed keyword (phrase) is an expansion of a broad keyword. The longer a search term the more specific and

"long tail" it becomes. For example:

 Dog => SUPER BROAD (get ready to lose money)

 Dog training => broad keyword

 Dog training guide => increasing relevance

 Poodle training guide => long tail
 Poodle chewing problem guide => long tail keyword, very relevant

The Keyword Graveyard

As Kyle & Carson explain in one of their e-books there are many keywords that will literally send your campaigns to
the graveyard and kill any chances of being profitable. In the example above, if you type "dog" into Google you are

going to find many advertisers whose campaigns are failing.

This is because they are advertising a general keyword that receives a ton of traffic but is not relevant enough to
produce sales at a high rate. You should avoid using one or two-word keywords unless they are product related and
that is a topic for another article!


 They are great for article marketing

 They have limited competition

 They convert very well

 There are thousands and thousands of them

Steps to Quality Traffic

 Enter a broad word into your keyword tool

 Look for phrases with three or more words
 Put the words in quotes and do a Google search
 You are looking for search results of 10,000 or less

 Check that the phrases are receiving sufficient traffic

 You can re-enter the phrases into the keyword tool to get more ideas

 Write and submit your articles

How to Find Long Tail Keywords - Is it Really that Easy?

Of course, learning how to find long tail keywords is only part of the process for driving quality relevant traffic to your

web-site or landing page. If you choose a niche such as internet marketing, it will be more difficult to find relevant, low

competition keywords. However, even if your niche is not that competitive you will need to know how to write articles,
optimize your sites or landing pages and maintain your organic rankings in the search engines.

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