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Filipino prac positive negative

Filipino time

You already know him her that’s why You are not really sure if the skills is
Padrino system you trust him to be part of your really aligned to someone you hired
business and you know their because you just know him/her or you
background already. You are sure are relatives. Here will be a tendency
enough that nothing bad happen in that they may failed their assigned task
your bus hence they can help to that will lead to the failure of the
improve since you already built a business
relationship and you are easy to
You are not sure the skills he have,
Utang na loob Since you hire him/her because of maybe he helps you once but there are
debt of gratitude, you already trust more deserving also to be employed
him and you know he can help you that can rreally help your business
because he helped you before. That’s improve. And also you are not sure if he
why you are assure that when there’s can help you in your business
a problem in your business jhe can
also help you to manage it and fix it.
There will be a collaboration and that You cant give your idea properly since
will leads into success since you you are go with them even it must not.
pakikisama understand each other and you have just because majority agreed.there’s a
one goal for your business tendency that the majority choice was
not successful and your idea is the key
to success but you didn’t give or share
You can think something innovative. It You are not sure what will bethe
improves your thinking skills since you outcome of your output since it is a
are doing or letting yourself doing it rushed and you didn’t think properly
withoul planning or thinking It for a how to do it
long time. You are being a risk taker as
Bahala na an entrepreneur

You can sharre Filipino culture and

filiino food. It will be a positive when
foreigner are going to visit phippines
hospitalutty and they will staring to likeit they will
buy and promote is as well to other
foreigners that’s why their business
will be known not only in the phhil but
also outaude the country

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