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Book Review


LANDSCAPE DESIGN, W. W. Norton & Co., 2008, Hard back,
pp 352, £40.00, ISBN: 978-0-393-73168-2

Steven Cantor, an established landscape architect, practitioner and teacher has come up with
this most remarkable, up-to-date and beautifully illustrated book on a topic that leaves a
positive impact on communities worldwide in terms of helping the sustainability agenda
and providing greener spaces inside polluted, cramped city centres. This is a timely book as
the significance and use of green sustainable roofs for improving energy efficiency, recycling
waste water and providing green relaxing spaces in city centres is fast being
recognised across Europe and America. 'Green Roofs' explains the contribution of this
technology in helping reduce wasted spaces and innovation within building design
while bringing substantial benefits to clients committed to sustainable design.

The author provides a most thorough overview of the need for and usage of the green roof
technology and the complexity of the design process involved. He then goes on to explain the
specifics of plant materials, required irrigation and specifications in a beautifully
illustrated, thoughtfully structured book. 70 case studies from across Europe and America are
used to explain the varied nature of work undertaken by landscape architects across different
cultural and social backdrops. The concepts of space management and design are
seamlessly brought together in this practical, informative and inspiring book. The thorough,
beautifully illustrated case studies can have the reader riveted for hours.

'Green Roofs' achieves to bring to light the multidisciplinary building design process involving
users, designers from various disciplines, planners and horticulturalists in applying the green
roof technology. This is a handy book for the practitioners (providing addresses and details of
organisations mentioned in the text alongside specifications and detailed application), an
excellent text for building clients and a thoroughly riveting read for anyone interested in
understanding green roofs.

Zehra Waheed
School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University

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