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Student No. 18-10444


What benefits you can acquire in taking entrepreneurial approach in your engineering career?

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business,

which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are
called entrepreneurs.[1]
In this talk, the host interview Sam Lytle, a civil engineer turned entrepreneur. Sam Lytle
is a licensed civil engineer graduated in University of Nevada and the owner of Civil FX, a company
provides premium 3D visualization and animation services associated with civil engineering
projects. In this interview, Lytle breaks down the benefits you can acquire in taking
entrepreneurial approach in your engineering career.
These benefits are listed below:
• You will be able to practice your creativity while using your engineering career. In this
case, you can keep on learning and identifying your passion and what you really want to
do and make it as a career.

• You can identify the problems and needs of the community and other people. In this
way, you can have an edge if you take initiative to provide these services and solutions
that can cater these needs. The engineering field is filled with people who are trained to
solve problems. New businesses erupt when there is a need to bring something into the
market that is missing. Filling a void is perfect for someone who can define a problem.
Engineers are trained to think logically and to follow a methodology to uncover useful
solutions. This is how engineering bring value to consumers. This is the basis of a
successful business. [2]
• You can create jobs and contribute to the economy. Thus, lowering unemployment
rates while helping people feed their families.

• You are self-branding. In this case, you will know your worth and area of expertise.
Developing this expertise and making people aware of it, is called self-branding. Self-
Branding is an important factor in advancing your career as an entrepreneur and can be
your selling factor.



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