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Probability & Probability

Carolyn J. Anderson
EdPsych 580
Fall 2005

Probability & Probability Distributions – p. 1/61

Probability & Probability Distributions

• Elementary Probability Theory

• Definitions
• Rules
• Bayes Theorem

• Probability Distributions
• Discrete & continuous variables.
• Characteristics of distributions.

• Expectations

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Elementary Probability Theory


How Likely are the results?

Probabilities arise when sampling individuals

from a population and in experimental situations,
because different “trials” or replications of the
same experiment usually result in different

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Statistical Experiment
A (simple) statistical experiment is some well
defined act or process (including sampling) that
leads to one well defined outcome.
• It’s repeatable (in principle).
• There is uncertainty about the results.
• Uncertainty is modeled by assigning
probabilities to the outcomes.
• Examples. . .

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Examples of Statistical Experiments
Well defined, repeatable, uncertainty, model by
• Flip a coin 5 times & record number of heads.
• Count the number of blue M& M’s in a 9 oz.
• Roll two dice & record the total number of
• Ask people who they intend to vote for in the
next presidential election.
• Recorded number of correct responses on a
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Statistical Experiments

A statistical experiment maybe

• Real (it can actually be done).
• Conceptualize (completely idealized).

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Definition: Probability

The probability of an event is the proportion of

times that the event occurs in a large number of
trials of the experiment.

It is the “long-run relative frequency of the event.”

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• Experiment: Draw a card from a standard
deck of 52.
• Sample space: The set of all possible distinct
outcomes, S (e.g., 52 cards).
• Elemenatary event or sample point: a
member of the sample space. (e.g., the ace
of hearts).
• Event (or event class): any set of elementary
events. e.g., Suit (Hearts), Color (Red), or
Number (Ace).

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Example (continued)
number of aces
Probability of an Ace =
number of cards
= = .0769
• Elementary events are equally likely
• Denote events by roman letters (e.g., A, B,
• Denote probability of an event as P (A).

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More Definitions
• Joint Event is when you consider two (or
more events) at a time. e.g., A =heads on
penny, B = heads on quarter, and joint event
is heads on both coins.
• Intersection: (A ∩ B) = A and B occur at the
same time.
• Union: (A ∪ B) = A or B occur
• Only A occurs.
• Only B occurs.
• A and B occur.

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More Definitions
• Complement of an event is that the event did
not occur. Ā ≡ not A. e.g., if A =red card,
then Ā is a black card (not a red card).
• Mutually exclusive events are events that
cannot occur at the same time. Events have
no elementary events in common. e.g., A =
heart and B = club.
• Mutually exclusive and exhaustive events are
a complete partition of the sample space. e.g.,
• Suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades)

• Numbers (A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K)
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Formal Defintion of Probability
Probability is a number assigned to each and
every member in the sample space. Denote by
P (·).
A probability function is a rule of correspondence
that associates with each event A in the sample
space S a number P (A) such that
• 0 ≤ P (A) ≤ 1, for any event A.

• The sum of probabilities for all distinct events is 1.

• If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then

P (A or B) = P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B)
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Let A = number card (i.e., 2–10), B = face card
(i.e., J, Q, K), and C = Ace.
• Probabilities of events:
P (A) = 9(4)/52 = 36/52 = .6923
P (B) = 3(4)/52 = 12/52 = .2308
P (C) = 1(4)/52 = 4/52 = .0769
• P (A) + P (B) + P (C) = 1
• P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) = .6923 + .2308 =
.9231 = 48/52.

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Another Example
• Experiment: Randomly select a third grade
student from a Unit 4 public school in
Champaign county.
• Sample Space: All 3rd grade students at Unit
4 public schools.
• Elementary Event: A characteristic of the
child. e.g., brown hair, age (in months),
weight, gender, the response “very much” to
question “How much do you like school?”

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Venn Diagram

S ' $A ∩ C
I  C
B @
& %

Addition rules. . .

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Addition Rules
• Rule 1: If 2 events, B & C, are
mutually exclusive (i.e., no overlap) then the
probability that one or both occur is
P (B or C) = P (B ∪ C) = P (B) + P (C)
• Rule 2: For any 2 events, A & B, the
probability that one or both occur is
P (A or B) = P (A∪B) = P (A)+P (B)−P (A∩B)

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Example: Teachers by Region

The population consists of all elementary and

secondary teachers in US in 1969.
Region Elementary Secondary
Northeast 273,687 224,013 517,700
North Central 314,614 265,848 580,462
South 240,028 183,180 423,208
West 279,445 213,021 492,466
1,107,774 906,062 2,013,836

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Example: Teachers by Region
• Elementary event (or “sample point”) is a
• Event is any set of teachers. (e.g., region,
level, or combination).
• Simple Experiment: Select 1 teacher at
1, 107, 774
P (elementary) = = .55
2, 0138, 836

P (not elementary) =P (secondary) = 1 − .55 = .45

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Example: Addition Rules

Rule 1: Events are an elementary teacher from

the South & an elementary teacher from the
P (elementary in S or W) =
= P (elementary, South) + P (elementary, West)
240, 028 279, 445
= + = .26
2, 013, 836 2, 013, 836

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Example: Addition Rules (continued)

Rule 2: Events are an elementary teacher and a

teacher from the South
P (elementary or from South) =
= P (elementary) + P (South)
−P (elementary and South)
1, 107, 774 423, 208 240, 028
= + −
2, 013, 836 2, 013, 836 2, 013, 836
= .64

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Conditional Probability
• Conditional Probability equals the probability
of an event A given that we know that event B
has occurred.
P (A ∩ B) P (A, B)
P (A|B) = =
P (B) P (B)

• Example: What is the probability that a

teacher is from the South given that he/she is
an elementary school teacher?

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Example: Answer

P (elementary and South)

P (South|elementary) =
P (elementary)
240, 028/2, 013, 836
1, 107, 774/2, 013, 836
240, 028
1, 107, 774
= .217

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Example (continued)
• Note that
423, 208
P (South) = = .210
2, 013, 396
• Knowing that a teacher is an elementary
school teacher changes the chance that the
teacher is also from the south,
P (South|elementary) =
6 P (South)
.217 =6 .210

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Bayes Theorem
• P (A ∩ B) = P (A, B) = P (A|B)P (B)
• P (A ∩ B) = P (A, B) = P (B|A)P (A)
• Bayes Theorem:
P (B|A)P (A)
P (A|B) =
P (B)
• Example: Monty hall problem.

Door A Door B Door C

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Monty Hall Problem
• Start of Game: Probability of getting the big
prise (e.g, car)
1 1 1
P (A) = P (B) = P (C) =
3 3 3
• You pick door A.
• Monty opens door B and gives you the
chance to switch from door A to door C. What
should do you do?
• Monty’s trying to not let you win. . .
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Monty Hall Problem (continued)
• Choose the door for which has the larger
conditional probability, i.e., P (A|Monty opened B)
or P (C|Monty opened B).
• Use Bayes Theorem. . . so we need
• Conditional probabilities that Monty opens door B
given the car is behind A, behind B and behind C.
• Joint probabilities that Monty chooses door B and
the car is behind door A, door B and door C.
• Unconditional probability that Monty chooses door

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Monty Hall Problem (continued)
Conditional prob. that Monty opens door B:
P (Monty opensB|car behind A) = P (BM onty |A) =
P (Monty opensB|car behind B) = P (BM onty |B) = 0
P (Monty opensB|car behind C) = P (BM onty |C) = 1

Joint probabilities:
1 1 1
P (BM onty , A) = P (BM onty |A)P (A) = × =
2 3 6
P (BM onty , B) = P (BM onty |B)P (B) = 0 × = 0
1 1
P (BM onty , C) = P (BM onty |C)P (C) = 1 × =
3 3
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Monty Hall Problem (continued)
(Unconditional) Probability that Monty opens
door B:
P (BM onty ) = P (BM onty , A) + P (BM onty , B) + P (BM onty , C)
1 1 1
= +0+ =
6 3 2
Apply Bayes Theorem. . .

P (A) 1/3 1 1
P (A|BM onty ) = P (BM onty |A) = × =
P (BM onty ) 1/2 2 3
P (C) 1/3 2
P (C|BM onty ) = P (BM onty |C) = ×1=
P (BM onty ) 1/2 3

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Monty Hall Problem (continued)
• I got this example from: Gill, J. (2002).
Bayesian Methods for the Social and Behavioral
Sciences. Chapman & Hall.
• Other sources on The Monty Hall Problem.
• History.
• Use today.

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• If the conditional and unconditional
probabilities are identical, then the two events
are Independent.
• For Independent events,
• P (A|B) = P (A)
• P (B|A) = P (B)
• P (A and B) = P (A ∩ B) = P (A)P (B) =⇒
the “multiplicative rule”.

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Conditional Independence (continued)
• Conditional probabilities and Conditional
Independence: two very important concepts.
• Conditional probability and regression.
• Conditional Independence: explaining
dependency (e.g., classic example: Cal
graduate admissions)
• Demonstration: Toss penny and quarter and
give information about what happens.

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Are Events Conditionally Independence?
• Physical considerations— physically
unrelated events..
• Deduced from observations.

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Independent: Physical Considerations
• Toss a penny & a quarter:

P (penny = head & quarter = head) =

P (penny = head)P (quarter = head) = (.5)(.5)
= .25
• Role two dice:

P (die1 = 5 & die2 = 6) =

P (die1 = 5)P (die2 = 6) = (1/6)(1/6)
= 1/36 = .0278
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Independent: Physical Considerations
• Administer an test that measures attitude
toward gun control to 2 randomly drawn
adults in the US population.
• P (Score1 = 50 and Score2 = 55)
= P (Score1 = 50)P (Score2 = 55)

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Independence: Deduction
Whether events are independent can sometimes
be deduced from observations, e.g., Mendal’s
• Mendal postulated that existence of genes
that are recessive and dominant.
• Experiment: Bred pure strains of yellow peas
& green peas.
• 1st generation: Cross the yellow and green
• 2nd generation: Cross plants from 1st
generation with each other and found. . .
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Mendal’s Experiments (continued)
• Results: About 75% yellow and About 25%
• Results were very regular and replicable (with
other traits and plants).
• Part of explanation involves assumption of

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Mendal’s Experiments: Explanation
• There exist genes which when paired up
control seed color according to rules:
y/g −→ yellow g/y −→ yellow
y/y −→ yellow g/g −→ green
• 1st generation: Pure yellow strain (y/y) could
only give a y gene and pure green strain (g/g)
could only give a g gene.
• 2nd generation: About 1/2 of parent plants
contribute a y, about 1/2 contribute a g, and
pairing in random (independent).

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Mendal’s Experiments: Explanation
y g
y y/y y/g
Paternal (.25) (.25) (.50)
g g/y g/g
(.25) (.25) (.50)
(.50) (.50) (1.00)

• Probability of each cell = (.50)(.50) = .25. . . this is the

independence part of the theory.
• Probability of phenotype:

P (yellow pea) = P (y/y) + P (y/g) + P (g/y) = .75

P (green pea) = P (g/g) = .25
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Mendal’s Experiments: Explanation
• Mendal’s theory is an example where an
abstract probability theory is applied to
observed data.
• The postulated probability distribution of seed
color for 2nd generation

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Basic Logic
• Assumed some things to be true (e.g.,
Mendal’s theory).
• Make deductions about what should be true
in the long-run (e.g., 2nd generation: 75%
yellow and 25% green).
• It’s physically impossible to do all possible
experiments, so we do some (“sample”).
• By chance the results will differ from what
should be true; however, in the long-run, it
would be exactly equal/true.
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Probability Distributions

From Hayes:
• “Any statement of a function associating each
of a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive
events with its probability is a probability
• “Let X represent a function that associates a
Real number with each and every elementary
event in some sample space S. Then X is
called a random variable on the sample
space S.”

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Random Variables
• If random variable can only equal a finite
number of values, it is a discrete random
Probability distribution is known as a
“probability mass function”.
• If a random variable can equal an infinite (or
really really large) number of values, then it is
a continuous random variable.
Probability distribution is know as a
“probability density function”.

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Discrete Random Variables
From Mendal’s theory, assign event to real
number (arbitary):
1 if yellow
Y =
0 if green

Probability Mass Function:

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Lottery Spinner

Color Y P (Y )
Yellow −100 .10
Blue −5 .20
Red 0 .50
Green 10 .10
Tan 100 .10

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Lottery Spinner

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Lottery Spinner

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Continuous Random Variables
• When a numerical variable is continuous, it’s
probability distribution is represented by a
curve known as a “probability density
function” or just p.d.f.
• Denote a p.d.f by f (y).
• P (x1 ≤ Y ≤ x2 ) = area under curve.
Probability = area under curve.
• P (Y = y) = 0

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Continuous Random Variable
The event is how many miles a randomly
selected graduate student attending UIUC is
from “home.”

What would c.d.f look like?

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Continuous Random Variable
Probability that a graduate student attending
UIUC is 2,000 or more miles from “home”
corresponds to the shaded area.

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Continuous Random Variables
The event is temperature outside the education
building on January 27th.

P (22.0o ) = 0
P (19.5o ≤ temperature ≤ 21o ) =black area.
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Examples of p.d.f.’s
Where’s the mean, median and mode?

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Examples of p.d.f.’s
Where’s the mean, median and mode?

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Characteristics of Distributions
• Discrete or continuous
• Shape
• Central tendency
• Dispersion (variability)

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Expected Value
If you played this game what would you expect to
win or lose?
Color Y P (Y )
Yellow −100 .10
Blue −5 .20
Red 0 .50
Green 10 .10
Tan 100 .10

µY = E(Y )
= .1(−100) + .2(−5) + .5(0) + .1(10) + .1(100) = 0
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Expectations are Means
• For discrete random variable,
E[Y ] = µy ≡ yi P (yi )

• For continuous variables,

E[Y ] = µy ≡ yf (y)d(y)

• Variance is the mean squared deviation,

σy2 = E[(y − µy )2 ] = E[y 2 − 2yµy + µ2y ]
= E[y 2 ] − 2µy E[y] + µ2y ]
= E[y 2 ] − µ2y
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Expectations are Means (continued)

Example: The variance of lottery spinner:

σ 2 = E[(y − µy )2 ]
= (yi − µ)2 P (Yi )
= .1(−100 − 0)2 +.2(−5 − 0)2 + .5(0 − 0)2
.1(10 − 0)2 + .1(100 − 0)2
= 2, 015
. . . So how much would you pay to take a spin?
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The Algebra of Expectations

Why? We don’t have to deal with calculus & it’s

used alot in statistics. From Hayes Appendix B,
• Rule 1: If a is a constant, then
E(a) = a
• Rule 2: If a is a constant real number and Y is
a random variable with expectation E(Y ),
E(aY ) = aE(Y )

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The Algebra of Expectations
• Rule 3: If a is a constant real number and Y is
a random variable with expectation E(Y ),
E(Y + a) = E(Y ) + a
• Rule 4: If X and Y are random variables with
expectations E(X) and E(Y ), respectively,
E(X + Y ) = E(X) + E(Y )

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The Algebra of Expectations
• Rule 5: Given a finite number of random
variables, the expectation of the sum of those
variables is the sum of their individual
expectations, e.g.

E(X + Y + Z) = E(X) + E(Y ) + E(Z)

• Rule 6: If a is a constant and if Y is a random
variable with variance σy2 , then the random
variable (Y + a) has variance σy2 .
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The Algebra of Expectations
• Rule 7: If a is a constant and if Y is a random
variable with variance σy2 , then the random
variable (aY ) has variance a2 σy2 .

• Rule 8: If X and Y are independent random

variables with variances σx2 and σy2 , then the
variance of X + Y is
2 2 2
σ(x+y) = σx + σy
• What about variance of (X − y)?
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2 2 2
The Algebra of Expectations
• Rule 9a: Given random variables X and Y
with expectations E(X) and E(Y ),
respectively, then X and Y are independent
E(XY ) = E(X)E(Y )

• Rule 9b: If E(XY ) 6= E(X)E(Y ), the

variables X and Y are not independent.
. . . that’s enough for now.
o Probability & Probability Distributions – p. 61/61

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