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Situation 1

Legal Maxims: (Meaning of this)

JYP Pork Manufacturing Company is one of the biggest importers in the Port of Batangas. They are one of
the companies who greatly contributes in the collection of duties and taxes in that port but despite of
the fact that they contribute highly, the importation of their shipment shall not be allowed because
swine flu is rampant in the country of origin.

Legal Maxims

Salus populi, suprema est lex-

The law prohibits importation because the welfare of the people should be the number one priority.

Script 1: (the welfare of the people is the supreme law)

Telephone: kring kring

(Warren) Calling chinese importer: What is the meaning of this!

Chachi: Hello sir! Were sorry to inform you but we cannot let your goods pass our jurisdiction because as
what the news says, swine flu is rampant in your country. We wont risk the lives of our people because
salus populi suprema est lex.

Warren: But I'm one of your biggest importer.

Chachi: Still we can't risk it sir. Were sorry.


Script 2: (the law and fraud never live together)

Total Wine Store is obliged himself to deliver to B 20 bottles of wine of a particular brand. subsequently,
TWS delivered 20 bottles knowing that they contain cheaper wine. TWS is guilty of fraud and is liable for
damages to B

(Personally..)rosy barged in the house of warren saying this...

Rose ann: I came here to arrest u because you deliberately gave me an adulterated wine which caused
illness to some of my fam members. And that fradulent act of yours falls under the provisions of article
1170. Remember that jus et fraus nunquam cohabitant

Warren: I'm very sorry Mam. (face palm) BUSTED BTCH

Bottom part of the frame:

In accordance with Article 1170, those in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
negligence or delay and those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.

Legal maxim and meaning front b4 situation

The law cannot exist with deliberate falsehood or fraud. An act of dishonesty that mislead another party
should take charge and be liable for the damages.

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