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Which is better for health, consumption of butter or margarine?


While butter is high in saturated fat, margarine is rich in unsaturated fat and
sometimes trans fat. The health effects of saturated fat are highly controversial,
and its role in heart disease has been downplayed in recent years. Conversely,
scientists agree that trans fats, which are found in some margarines, raise the risk
of chronic disease. For this reason, trans-fat-free margarines are becoming
increasingly common. If you prefer margarine over butter, make sure to choose
trans-fat-free brands and select products made with healthy oils, such as olive oil.If
butter is your favorite, consider buying products made from grass-fed cow’s milk.
For summary, many margarines are high in trans fat, which is linked to an increased
risk of chronic disease. However, because of negative publicity and new laws, trans-
fat-free margarines are becoming increasingly common.

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