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The Fairy girl

Once upon a time, there was a fairy of flower. Her name was
Sabrina. I had many friends of animal and fairy. I had BFF or Best Friend
Forever in squad the name was the sweet shining girl. There was Salsa,
Indah, and me. I worked by tooth Fairy. Some human don’t believe with
tooth fairy. I look like beautiful and had a long hair.

One day, I called by the ancient one. She was the queen of Fairy
village she want to celebrate Christmas day. She didn’t come because she
was sick. All of The sweet shining girl squad was in there. She got flu and
fever. She got covered by magic poison who make by Indah. Indah was
poison fairy and salsa was flower fairy. After she covered, she came to
normal Sabrina again.

Her father worked by army in Fairy Village. Her mother was dead
because her project, she was the faster flyer in fairy village. Everyday
Sabrina lived with her father.

One day, she worked in New York. She takes the teeth and put the
candy in behind the pillow. When she go out of the house, some human
look Sabrina flying. Sabrina is lucky because the human not catch them.
After that Sabrina went to fairy village. Then, Sabrina arived in Fairy

She got money because she worked by tooth fairy. Sabrina go to

mini market and mall for buy the supplies and dress. One day, Indah got
married and Sabrina invited. Sabrina use dress, that was bought at mall.
When Indah got married, Sabrina will be person in charge. She so happy
because that.
The End

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