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Javid Gulu-zada

Group :B1


Elon Musk born in June 28 ,1971 in Pretoria, south Afrika ,an

American entrepreneur from South Africa .Who has founded the
company Zip2 electro newspaper , PayPal electronic payments
and created SpaceX project ,the creator of carrier rockets and
spacecraft .In his childhood he has read many books ,he has
read everything to what the hand reached out .When he was a
teenager , he flew to America because he didn’t want join to the
army , he believed that America was a country of opportunity.
After he came to America he had entered to the university, but
he didn’t go to the lesson he had a photo-geographical memory
and he just read the book before the exam. And there he met his
first wife ,a few years later they already had five children .A few
years later he founded the first company ,the company was
called (Zip2) with this company he want to change world .The
significance of this company has made news in electronic form
.But this company don’t change the world and he has sold this
company for 307 million of $ .The next his company was a
PayPal he has wanted to make the transfer of money much faster
, because before that the usual has took several Weeks .His main
competitor was Ebay, but ebay did not survive and bought his
company PayPal in 2002 for 1.5 Billion $. His next company
was TESLA. This new project had caused to a lot of financial
problems. He proved that he invested all of his money to this
project to all investors. One of his projects is SpaceX. He had
caused with many problems because of this project. First three
rockets of SpaceX was unsuccessful. They had only one month
for producing and launching new rocket.
This rocket was successful, and they created first commercial
company which launched to cosmos and landed rocket to the
EARTH. After this they signed a contract for a 1,3 billion$ with
NASA . In this moment he is one of the successful human on the
Earth .He has a wife whom he loves and he has all about what
an ordinary person can only dream about.

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