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1.OOPS (abstraction,encapsulation,inheritence,polymorphism) real time example

2.Diff between abstraction and encapsulation
3.Diff between abstract class and interface (real time example)
4.types of polymorphism -method overloading(static polymorphism,compile time poly)
and method overriding(dynamic polymorphism,run time poly)
5.immutable class , inner classes
6.collection (diff all, internal implementation of hashmap)
8.exception handling
9.String literature (.equals and ==)
10. string reverse, fibonnaci series, array duplicate remove and print unique
11. why multple inheritence not allowed (diamond ring problem)
12. static, abstract and final keyword

///////////////// spring-mvc /////////////////

1. ioc
2. dependency injection
3. bean life cycle and bean scopes
4. spring mvc annotations
5. architcture of spring mvc

////// hibernate /////////////

1. how to configure hibernate in spring project

2. session factory and session
3. @transactional in spring
4. transactios in hibernate
5. cache in hibernate
6. get vs load in hibernate
7. mapping relationship

//////////rest api ////////////

1. what is web service or api

2. what do you mean by restful web service
3. annotations

////////// sql //////////////

1. what do you mean by database (sql)

2. joins in sql
3. calculate third highest rank or marks
4. diff between mongo n sql

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