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A pleasant afternoon everyone.

We will present to you our study entitled the mechanical behaviour of

milled peanut shells composite clay bricks.

According to Ahmed, we have been using bricks even before 7500 BC for making houses. The production
of bricks increased massively with the onset of the Industrial Revolution and the rise in factory building
in England. Ever since that time, we had been continuing in using bricks in our constructions and with
the fast development and discovery of technology, introduction of stronger and more efficient bricks by
adding additives such as synthetic fibers. However, the usage of such material are harmful to our
environment since these material takes too long to decompose…

Thus we decided to look for an alternate organic additive that is ecofriendly and are inexpensive. After
researches, we found that

Peanut are also rich in chitin which are good binding material. In addition, it also has high oxide
composition that

the objectives of this study are to test the compressive strength, flexural strength, water
absorbency and heat resistance of peanut shells clay bricks, next is to determine which
concentration (5%, 6%, and 7% by weight) of the milled peanut shell has the most binding
capacity, and lastly to compare results gathered from the experiment against commercialized
clay bricks.
Why are we doing this research? Our goal is to create an environment-friendly brick that have
minimal negative effect in the environment. We believe that the utilization of peanut shells will
promote waste management at little cost and increase the economic base of the farmer when
such waste is sold thereby encouraging more production and since it is an economically
abundant, it is cheap yet efficient product.
Our study will focus on how the quality of the bricks will be affected by testing it with the tests
said earlier. We will observe how the quality of MPSCCB against commercial bricks.

Moving to the methodology,

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