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On a summer break,

Kara,Becca and Isabel where

hanging out in the pool.
Becca and Kara loves the pool
and spent most of their time
in the water swimming laps to
practice for swim team
tryouts. While Isabela didn’t
like water and heat that much
so she spent her time
flirting with some guys on
the poolside.
After the long day, while
taking their swimming caps
off, Kara noticed that there
is something itchy at her
forehead but she didn’t told
the girls about that because
she used to have a perfect
skin and they might tease her
because of it, specially
Isabel. Becca told the girls
that they should cut their
hair short for a change and
they where all in.
Isabel invited them for
some frozen yogurt but Kara
needed to go first because of
that thing in her face. Kara
then called her mom to drive
her home. She told her mom
about the itchy thing in her
forehead which now turned
into a bump. Her mom laughed
about it, because she
shouldn’t worry more about
that thing because it was
only a zit.
Right after they got home,
they went to the bathroom and
checked the zit that was
throbbing in her forehead.
Her mom went out the bathroom
for a bit to get her makeup
kit and swatched some
foundations on Kara’s face.
After she found out the
perfect shade, she applied it
on Kara’s face after putting
some concealer on her face.
Kara went over to Becca’s
house after concealing her
zit. They talked about their
trainings this summer for the
swim team tryouts and their
hair appointment. But Kara’s
mom and dad wanted to go on a
a place where they can relax
the whole summer. Becca and
Isabel noticed that Kara was
wearing makeup, but Kara just
said that her mom made fun of
her because she don’t want to
tell them about how imperfect
she is now.

Back from the grade

school, she was names as
“Perfect Kara” for being
perfect in everything in her
academics, her skin, her
skills. And she’s so anxious
that maybe because of this
one zit, Becca and Isabel
will treat her different, so
she decided to hide it from
The day after, she woke up
seeing her zit multiplied
into five. She freaked out
and told her mom about it.
She then practiced putting
some makeup and went to the
pharmacy to get some benzoyl
peroxide. The day after
tomorrow, there were ten and
the benzoyl peroxide didn’t
work at all. She told Becca
that she can’t come over
because of a weird summer
cold just so that she can
avoid in telling her friend
about her skin condition.
Kara and her mom consulted
to a dermatologist. The
doctor said that her face was
triggered by the chlorine in
the pool. Kara went so
disappointed that she can’t
swim this summer with Becca
and the worse is she can’t
join the swim team tryout.
She then decided to come with
her mom and dad to vacation
this summer. She made some
excuses to Becca and Isabel.
They accepted their excuse
but they said that Kara
should return for their hair
Kara spent her summer with
her parents doing some logic
activities and puzzles. After
all the bond, Becca reached
for her to remind her about
their hair appointment. Kara
went to the hair salon. She
don’t want to cut her hair
off to help her hide her skin
condition. Becca and Isabel
where so disappointed.

Kara kept thinking about

her lies to them and decided
to not think about them for
now and prepare for her first
day in high school. Everyday
she does this self-
evaluation, cover up and
makeup. She call it SCAM.
During lunch time, she passed
by the Brain Trust kids which
where on the Intelligent and
Talented Program in her
previous school, she also
passed by the Drama table
where Isabel was the center
of attraction and the swim
team table where Becca also
sat with her new friends.
None of them called Kara so
she sat alone in the table
eating the lunch her mom
prepared for her.

SAT exams are coming, and

Kara badly want to ace that
exam so that she can go to
college at Stanford. Her
parents were alumni at
Stanford so she need to get
perfect scores to get to
Stanford and not Harvard.
Although Harvard is also
great for their math programs
but her dad said that the
Harvard’s reputation now is
not really that good. And
perhaps their family should
be loyal to Stanford.
Kara is really pressured
for the exam. On her first
and second attempt, she
didn’t feet well and had a
panic attack because she kept
thinking about their
friendship with Becca and
Isabel and her skin
condition. She can’t read the
questions well, had a
headache and then fainted.
She was so embarrassed after
talking the exam because she
thinks that all the other
students saw how imperfect
she was. But Ms. Davenport,
her math favorite teacher,
and also the proctor of the
exam comforted her. She
really likes Ms. Davenport
because of how she cares
about Kara.

Her seat mate in math and

calculus which is Alex Nguyen
noticed her and tried to make
friends with her. She was
with Kara’s math and calculus
class from grade school. Alex
invited Kara to her place. As
soon as Kara came to their
house, Alex’s dad cooked for
them. Afterwards they
proceeded to Alex’s room.
Kara noticed that there were
3 monitors. Alex shared that
she plays poker, which is
illegal and she makes money
because of it. Kara then told
her about her struggles in
talking the SAT exam.
Alex told her that she can
help. She took out a bottle
with pills. Those pills where
said that it can help people
focus and boost there
confidence. It’s called the
Novalert. Though it is
legally sold in pharmacies,
it is illegal to get those
without prescriptions. She
let Kara try it. Kara was so
eager to take the SAT exam so
she decided to go for it even
if she know that she might
have bad side effects.
Alex decided to test the
effectiveness of the pill.
She invited Kara for a party.
Kara’s parents were busy at
work so she agreed to test
the new drug. Alex pulled
Kara to her closet full of
designers clothes, shoes and
bag. They dressed up to go to
a party. Kara accepted that
help and assists Alex in her
outfit and makeup. Each of
them took one pill.
After they get dressed,
they drove in to a huge house
where students from their
school were partying too.
Kara saw Isabel with the
other group if friends. Alex
pulled Kara to a table where
Alex’s friends were. Kara
felt confident and she thinks
she doesn’t feel anxious
anymore. At the table, there
were Justine, Bryan and Raj.
Justin was Alex’s friend
since preschool and he’s one
of the theater kids with
Isabel. There’s Bryan, a
cute guy which Alex had a
crush and then Raj. Alex told
her earlier that Raj is the
one who sells the drugs. So
Alex went out with Bryan and
Kara went with Raj. Alex was
teasing Raj about being so
flirty to Kara, and she
thinks that he’s into Kara.
But Kara said drug dealers
are not his type.
Kara and Raj went to a
dark room full of beam lights
where there were lots of
students dancing with the
loud music playing. Raj
invited her to dance. Kara
wasn’t really into dancing,
but because of the Novalert,
she was able to party so
hard. After having the
perfect timing, Raj handed
her a bottle with 30 pills,
Kara also handed her payment
to him.

The day after tomorrow is

the SAT exam. This is Kara’s
last chance to take the exam.
After her mom left, she
prepared for the exam
starting with the SCAM and
then ate some breakfast. But
this time, her breakfast
weren’t all brainy foods. She
then packed the snacks her
mom prepared for her.
During the exam, it was
still the same. The proctor
is Ms. Davenport and the
first set is math. She
finished answering the math
set even before Ms. Davenport
collected it. The exam went
well. After the exam, Ms.
Davenport invited her for
coffee to celebrate her
success in the SAT exam and
talk about Ms. Davenport’s
recommendations for college.
Kara didn’t order coffee
because that might give side
effects given that she took
the Novalert. Kara then
texted her mom.
Made it through this time.
Feeling optimistic. See you
at home.

After her date with Ms.

Davenport and texting her
mom, she went to Alex’s place
to let her know about the
results. As soon as she
entered her room, Alex was
playing poker. Kara told her
about how the exam did go.
After few minutes of talking.
Someone texted Kara. She
thought it was her mom
texting back but she saw
three new message from a
blocked number.
She opened her messenger
and realized it were all
photos. The first was a
picture of Raj and Jara
talking from the fancy party.
Next, Raj was holding the
baggie of Novalert. And the
final picture was Kara with
the money in her hand. After
seeing those pictures. Her
phone buzzed again.
Want me to erase these? I’ll
need a favor. Or two.

Kara freaked out but she

can’t show it because the
Novalert was still effective
in her body. She started
being anxious again thinking
about who might be the person
behind this. She left Alex
leaving her an excuse and
went home straight. As soon
as she got home, she got out
a notebook and a pen and
treated it like a logic
problem and reason it out.
She started with separating
lists for all categories.
First Category: Who knew
about Kara and Raj and the
Novalert? Kara, Alex, and the
one who took the pictures.
Second Category: Who was at
the party? Raj, Alex, Justin,
Bryan, Isabel and some other
kids she recognized.
Third Category: Who would
want to blackmail her? / Who
would want to hurt her? / Who
had she hurt?
Becca and Isabel.
Raj came over to Kara’s
place inviting her to go with
him on another party. But
Kara didn’t want to so they
ended up just talking at her
place. Raj mentioned that her
parents were doctors. That’s
why he have some prescription
pads. While they were still
talking, Kara received
another text message.
First favor: get more
Novalert. Instructions to
She started to feel sick
because the Novalert was
wearing off so she told Raj
the he needs to go. As soon
as the door was closed. Kara
was suspecting that maybe Raj
is working with the blocked
sender. Kara needed some help
to she texted Alex.
Something’s happened. Call
tomorrow morning as soon as
you get up.

The next morning, Alex

called Kara. Kara then went
to her place. She shared
about this blackmailing. As
she showed her the text
message she read through her
expressions. Alex wasn’t
shocked. She was also a
victim of this blocked sender
and is still currently
sending money to that person.
Alex was the one who taught
the blocked sender about
keeping money. So Alex is not
the blocked sender nor
working with the Blocked
Alex and Kara taught that
it might be Raj. But they
were still not sure about it.
So they proceeded to
following the Blocked
Sender’s favor. Alex made a
plan to get a prescription
from Raj. The only way to get
that without Raj knowing is
to steal it from his house.
So she planned to have a
movie night at Raj’s place
with Kara. But their plan
didn’t succeed because Raj
caught Kara stealing some
prescription pad and he got
so angry to them.

Since they didn’t talked

that much after the disaster.
Kara just waited for the exam
scores to be released. A week
after, the scores where out
and Kara got all perfect. She
then celebrated it with her
Raj went to Kara’s house
in a Saturday morning
unexpectedly. They drove to a
restaurant to have some
privacy during their talk.
Raj was blackmailed by the
same person. The blocked
sender used his old secret
when Raj was still in
England. He cheated on the
exams and got the wrong ones.
Raj didn’t want to let his
parents know about that,
that’s why he also decided to
sell Novalerts and deposit
cash to him. But now, Raj
wasn’t selling drugs anymore
because he was into Kara.
Kara don’t want drug dealers
so he stopped doing that, and
now the blocked sender is
after Kara. Raj was blaming
his self. He then handed her
the prescription she needed.

The next day, Kara

received a text message
again. She called Alex
immediately. Kara told Alex
that Raj was a victim too and
he might do something to help
them. So Alex called Raj to
come over at Kara’s place.
More than 10 minutes, Raj
arrived and started to figure
out what to do.

Alex dress Kara in

disguise so that no one could
recognize her. She wore all
black, covered with a denim
jacket, and topped with a
scarf, hair in a but, put on
baseball cap and enormous
glasses. They drove to
Walmart all prepared but
nervous at the same time. The
Walmart was full of people,
Kara went to the pharmacy in
a zigzag direction keeping
her head down as possible. As
soon as she reached the
pharmacy she waited for her
turn in the line, playing
with her phone so that she
can keep her head down. When
it was her turn, she was very
surprised that it was Justin
who accommodated her on the
cashier. Justin wasn’t
expecting Kara too, but he is
expecting someone. After
receiving the prescription,
Justin automatically get
those drugs and acted normal
as possible like he doesn’t
recognize Kara.
Time to fill that
prescription. Walmart,
Redwood City, between 1 and
5. Await further instruction.
Tell no one. Or face
After Kara returned to the
car, she told them that
Justin was working at the
cashier and they’re pretty
sure that he was also a
victim of this blackmailing.
So they invited Justin to
come and talk on a restaurant
not so far to Walmart. The
expected time for him to come
is 5:30. Justin was so
defensive about his secret.
But he just said he is also
blackmailed by the same
blocked sender. And then he
left. Another text message
came to Kara.
Leave pills behind the copies
of The Mystery of Edwin Drood
in the library by the end of
school Monday. Tell no one.
Raj was familiar to that
place because it is where he
used to leave the cash for
that Blocked Sender. But he
didn’t even got a chance to
catch the blocked sender. So
they made a plan. They set-up
a very small camera on a
poster parallel to the books
where Kara placed the pills.
With further wait, they saw
someone coming wearing the
same outfit Kara wore at the
Walmart. The person was
really clueless about the
camera. They only saw a

Raj and Alex thought it

wasn’t a help because they
never saw the face. But Kara
did recognize her, it was
Isabel. Kara then confronted
Isabel after their theater
class, and they talked about
it in a private room in their
school. Alex told Kara that
there is this person who
keeps sending threats about
blackmailing her, so she had
no choice but to follow those
in order to protect her
Now Kara, Alex, Raj,
Justin and Isabel will be
meeting in one place. They
planned about how to catch
the person behind all of
this. Isabel told them that
she don’t want to cause more
trouble and get her hands off
after she will deliver the
pills on the place. She will
deliver it to a 1744
Ridgewood Drive.

The day after, they

prepared for it. Alex used
her skills in tracing down
who was the owner of the
place and Kara was searching
through social media about
people who are connected to
the owner. According to what
they have found, the owner is
Nora Sinclair and she owned
it for years. She’s at
seventies or eighties. The
house was on market for so
long. It has a weird history
since there were some lawsuit
happening. So Nora Sinclair
is trying to sell the house
but someone is trying to
block the sale. Kara also
found out that Nora Sinclair
is already at Bay Area
nursing homes.
The night came, they
followed Isabel dropping the
pills on the mailbox. They
waited for someone to get for
it. Not too long, a guy
picked up the pills. It was
Justin’s boyfriend, he
shouted and went out the car.
Mark, his boyfriend, hushed
him out because the owner of
the house might hear them.
Mark told Justin that they
can follow them.
So they followed Mark as
close as possible making sure
they won’t lose him. They
ended up being at the Walmart
again. They prepared their
phones to capture photos .
After a bit of waiting, a car
parked 2 space from where
Mark parked. A woman with
cowgirl boots went out of the
car. It was Ms. Davenport.
She was the Blocked sender.
As soon as they knew that
it was Ms. Davenport. Alex
and Kara spent a night
investigating about her and
her background including some
lawsuits and her ex husband.
Kara forgot to unmute her
phone after what happened the
other night. She saw lots of
text messages from Isabel.
Isabel was so worried about
what happened after so she
told Becca about everything.
The groups gathered in a
Mexican restaurant including
Becca to make a plan for Ms.
Davenport. They won’t report
thing to the police because
they might be put in danger
too. So they decided to
confront Ms. Davenport on a
public place to avoid
The talk went well, Ms.
Davenport was threatened with
all the knowledge of Alex and
Kara about her. They agreed
about stopping those illegal

Kara and Becca were now

okay too since they already
understood the happenings in
the past. Kara and Raj
started dating. Alex and
Kara’s friendship is still
staying strong.

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