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Document Development Exposition: Instructions and Usability Memo

ENGL 2116

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

Starting this assignment, we had planned the questions and the steps we were going to tell the user
to take during the experiment. After we conducted the experiment we combined our notes to see if
everyone noticed similar things.

Second Draft (for your packet)

Improvements were made to help make it clearer to the user how to navigate through the website.
We talked about our objective, areas of improvement, questionnaire, and appendix A/B. Appendix A
is the original website instructions provided that had instruction that were not clear. Appendix B was
updated to make it clearer to the user on how to navigate through the website more efficiently.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

Changes were made to grammar mistakes, spacing, and some information. The images were
separated by black boxes to make it clear to the user that it’s a picture. A lot of the excess
information was removed and made the steps sound more commanding.

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