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What is Neuro Linguistic Selling?

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Neuro Linguis c Programming was developed originally as system of modelling the behavioural pa erns of
selected geniuses in their given field of ac vity. The NLP co-creators, John Grinder, Richard Bandler and
Frank Pucelik had an a tude of adventurism, curiosity and fascina on with human excellence. This ar cle
on ‘sales brilliance’ combines the powerful communica on tools from NLP with
proven sales strategies I have developed over my thirty year career in the field of persuasion.

Neuro Linguis c Programming provides a descrip on for how people organise their thinking, feeling,
language and behaviour to produce the outcomes and ac ons that occur usually unconsciously in different
areas of life. Buying is a decision, a behaviour, an ac on and a state. A sales-person trained in NLP knows
how to communicate in such a way that engages the thinking processes of a client to s mulate the
decision, the ac on, the behaviour and the state required for that person to become a client and feel good
about the choice.

Let’s look at the term Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP is a broad discipline with a precise methodology that can be correlated with neuroscience, linguis cs
and certain aspects of psychology. Neuro is the nervous system and how human beings experience the
world through their senses; Linguis c is how we determine individual meaning and code with language and
what we experience through our senses; Programming is the output or behaviour.

This may sound a bit technical and when you read further it will become clearer for you. It will also be
obvious to you the importance of fully engaging the client’s senses, so you have 100 hundred percent
a en on and your message is fully heard. So let’s take it a step further and look into each component of
what NLP is and how you can use NLP tools to become a sales super star. If you already are a sales
superstar, how you can be sales mega star and if you are already there congratula ons.

The only way your clients can experience your presenta on is through their senses. That may sound
obvious and that simple statement gets a li le more complex when you consider that scien sts say that
human beings absorb 11 million bits of data every second through our senses. Most of that informa on is
of course out of conscious awareness.
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The conscious awareness can only process between 5-9 chunks of informa on, so it is significant for you
as an influencer for your client’s conscious a en on to be highly tuned to your presenta on and that you
are also influencing non-conscious a en on which has a HUGE effect in decision making. Unconscious
a en on carries a lot of weight and o en includes factors that are deep mo vators for people to buy, key
factors they experience moment to moment but are not aware they are experiencing this important
informa on.

In face to face sales, the clients see you, they see your visual aids and their immediate environment. They
hear you and anyone else present in the mee ng as well as other noise. If your product is physical, the
clients can touch it, or touch brochures and other sales materials. The client will also have a tac le
experience of where they are si ng or standing, their physical comfort or discomfort is present and being
processed as sensory informa on. Their immediate sensa ons, feelings of pleasure, displeasure,
ambivalence experiences internally as part of the immediate state all being experienced at the same me
you the sales person is presen ng visual and auditory content. Add in the senses of smell and taste that
may be less obvious yet s ll present. All of the above form part of the massive amount of neurological
informa on a person is experiencing in any second in me and all the above make contribu on to how a
decision is made. As influencer, you will want to guide the client’s senses in the right direc on to support
yours and their outcome.

In phone interac ons, the salespersons voice is key to capturing the client’s a en on and the sales person
has less control on the immediate visual and tac le (kinaesthe c) feed. By using certain language
structures and other forms of engagement such as tonal persuasion a sales person trained in NLP can
influence the client’s visual, tac le and emo onal experience. This is a key aspect that makes NLP selling a
very effec ve system which other systems may not have.

Aside from external sensory data, there is internal sensory informa on. The client constructs images and
sounds of their past buying experiences and future life outcomes, which include buying your product from
you or buying your product from one of your compe tors. The client experiences sensa ons in their body,
these sensa ons will o en indicate to the client that they are either in rapport or not in rapport with you.

Rapport is a massive factor in sales.

The client will also have sensa ons (feelings) related to your proposal and product.
Language is how we create personal meaning for our experience. We store and retrieve informa on
ini ally in pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells. We the use our language to name and to evaluate
what we are seeing, hearing, feeling, tas ng or smelling. Language is how we form our judgements and
then communicate to others our judgement and experiences.

If you think of two people who you have recently encountered, one of whom you ‘felt’ an instant rapport
with and another where the rapport was missing. Rapport generally is experienced as a ‘feeling’, that
feeling will be accompanied by an internal expression, such as ‘I really feel comfortable with this person, I
trust this person’ or ‘I distrust this person’ The language is how you have interpreted and judge the
interac on based on what you saw and heard in the exchange and the feelings you felt.

As human beings we naturally judge through language. If you walked into an art gallery that was exhibi ng
art you have not seen before, you would look at the art and make judgements formed on your natural
preferences which have been built over your life experience. The judgements would be your narra ve, ‘I
like this one’ ‘Not too sure about this one’ ‘This one is different’ and so on.
Language provides us personal meaning and ra onale for what we experience through our senses.
Is the automa c behavioural responses and ac ons that occur as a result of what we have absorbed
through our senses. The programmes we run are mainly unconscious or even when deliberate have
occurred through non-conscious processes.

In selling we are seeking to ac vate the buying ‘programme’ that is natural to the client. Asking ques ons,
resistance, rapport, agreeing, ge ng convinced, remaining convinced, signing the contract are all examples
of ‘programmes’ a client will have stored in their behaviour bank, each client will have their own unique way
of running their ‘buying’ programme and sub-programmes associated with buying.
A person trained in NLP selling will be able to engage the client visually and auditory sense so the client
builds posi ve internal representa ons of buying the product, the linguis c judgements will be along the
lines of ‘I want this’ or ‘I must have this’ and the client will feel good about the purchase.
Happy selling and remember NLP is very powerful, use it ethically.
About The Author

Michael Carroll is the founder and course director of the NLP Academy and co-founder with John
Grinder and Carmen Bos c St Clair of the Interna onal Trainers Academy of NLP.

He is the only NLP Master Trainer in the world cer fied by John Grinder and Carmen Bos c St Clair
and he works closely with them in developing and delivering high quality NLP training.


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Kelly Wieninger
here seems to be an error on the website
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Linda Nicholls
Did anyone proof read this document in the last few years, first impressions are important
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