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Document Development Exposition: Correspondence

ENGL 2116

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I was really worried on what to write about, if this was just about a problem then it would be easy,
but I have to write about a specific problem coming from a specific organization, I was doing my
topic on acid rain so I thought about power plants, power plants release emissions but not that
much, I made up they release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the air, these chemicals can cause
acid rain when mixed with clouds and I made up that acid rain has been forming and has been
affecting a nearby creek called Allison creek. The power plant that I used was a real power plant that
is owned by Duke Energy called Catawba Power station in South Carolina with a nearby creek called
Allison creek. The next step which was the solution was easy, I simply proposed that the power plant
be deconstructed and be replaced by well-placed wind turbines.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I had a skeleton draft. For both of my documents, my letter I had a design and a brief overview that I
completely changed, and for my email I just had a couple of lines. This was due to my lack of idea(s)
on what I was going to write about.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I managed to successfully complete both the letter and email and get a fairly good grade on it, I had
a few minor errors such as formatting and spacing, the biggest error was with my email, I didn’t
wrote to an internal audience, instead I wrote to Duke Energy while I was writing for the EPA.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I have fixed the minor errors, but more importantly I changed my audience for my proposal email, I
changed it from Duke Energy to a more internal audience which is a real person who is Andrew R.
Wheeler, the administrator of the EPA.
Document Development Exposition: Correspondence
ENGL 2116

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