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Antarctic Conservation and Formatted: Font: Bahnschrift SemiLight

Research Fund
Formatted: Font: Bahnschrift SemiLight, 14 pt
9500 9th St., Wilmington, DE
Formatted: Font: Bahnschrift SemiLight
Formatted: Font: Bahnschrift SemiLight

July 30th, 2019

Michael Barber
Executive Director
Alaska Conservation Foundation
227 W. 9th Ave., Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

Dear Mr. Barber,

I am writing because I am interested incurrently setting up a sister organization of geared towards the
Antarctic conservation efforts and have a few questions to ask you regarding running a conservation
foundation. I would like for my organization to operate in a similar way as your and to be as successful
in helping conserve the environment. These questions would help me tremendously in creating this non-
profit and start helping al of the animals that make Antarctica their home.

1. What do you consider the most difficult thing about running a conservation effort?
2. If you were to change one thing, either current or while starting, what would that be?
3. What do you find to be the most effective technique to help with the efforts?

I appreciate your time in advance as answering these questions will have an enormous impact on how
the conversation efforts in Antarctica will look. Maybe it would also be possible to be a joint event in the
near future to help educate people about how much their actions affect the environment and animals
themaround them. In any event, I look forward to hearing back from you and potentially working Formatted: Right: 0.31", Space Before: 0 pt
together in the years to come.

Aaron Anderson
Prospective Founder of Antarctic Conservation and Research Foundation.

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