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Date: July 30th, 2019

To: Anna Dalton

From: Aaron Anderson

Subject: New Campaign Ideas

Dear Ms. Dalton

The Problem
We all know that the Alaskan and Arctic wildlife are being threatened by many effects of global
warming, one of which being the rising water levels caused by melted ice. Scientists have said
that in the next couple of decades sea levels could rise half of a foot worldwide. This would
result in a loss of habitat for hundreds, possibly thousands, of already endangered arctic
species. We have the opportunity to help inform millions of people and convince them to help by
reducing their environmental footprint. I’m asking that we plan and launch a campaign in Europe
and in both North and South America to help people make this change.

The Solution
This campaign should cost twenty-five thousand for the travel and staffing expenses and would
have us helping everyday people take a look at their day-to-day contributions to the
environment through open events in major cities. This campaign would also help increase this
conservation efforts public exposure. If more people knew we existed I am positive our donation
efforts would increase tenfold. As of right now our demographic mostly consists of people that
are already environmentally conscious, people that already take steps to keep the environment
clean. By targeting and converting people that may not know or understand the effects of their
actions, we could make more of a difference and reduce the negative effects occurring in the
arctic. I would like to start the process of getting this campaign running and would appreciate if
you could help me by creating a timeline and a budget for this campaign.

Aaron Anderson
Arctic Conservation Foundation Campaign Director

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