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My plans for the future is to finish my university career, graduate, work in my career as a clinical

psychologist, obtain my masters and doctorate, start an independent business, learn a new
language and musical instrument, travel, study my second career in medicine, specialize in
psychiatry and helping people who need it most.

mis planes por el futuro es terminar mi carrera universitaria,graduarme, trabajar en mi carrera

como psicologa clinica, obtener mi maestria y doctorado, iniciar un negocio independiente,
aprender un nuevo idioma e instrumento musical,viajar, estudiar mi segunda carrera en medicina,
especializarme en psiquiatria y ayudar a las personas que mas necesiten.

The city of Tarapoto is located in the region of San Martín, containing one of the best tourist
places in the jungle to visit, with a beautiful nature, various animals, various typical dishes and
various exotic drinks.

On my vacation I went out with my friends to the movies or to eat some restaurant, I went with
my sister to various tourist sites in Tarapoto, we visited my grandmother and my aunt, I visited my
nephew, I helped a lady in her things and I read a book.

En mis vacaciones salí con mis amigas al cine o a comer algun restaurante, sali con mi hermana a
diversos sitios turisticos en tarapoto, visitamos a mi abuela y a mi tia, visite a mi sobrino, ayude a
una señora en sus cosas y lei un libro.

USA UU. It is a country that is located in the center of North America with the Pacific and Atlantic
Ocean, being the third largest country in the world, with the highest rates of economy that is the
dollar, contains the best universities, scholarships and best professionals of the country, where
everyone who arrives wants to get the American dream, succeed and be successful, like the great
businessmen and celebrities, also contains the highest rates of obesity in children, adolescents and
families with various diseases by the different fast food restaurants .

EE. UU. es un pais que esta situado en el centro de América del Norte con el oceano pacifico y
atlantico, siendo el tercer pais mas grande del mundo, con las mas altas tasas de economia que es
el dolar, contiene las mejores universidades, becas y mejores profesionales del pais, donde todo
aquel que llega desea obtener el sueño americano, triunfar y ser exitoso, como los grandes
empresarios y famosos, tambien contiene las mas altas tasas de obesidad en niños, adolescentes y
familias con diversas enfermedades por los diferentes restaurantes de comida rapida.

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