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In Position for Purpose; 7 Keys to Help You Get In Position and Unleash Your Purpose

by Bernard K. Haynes
Copyright © 2017 Lead to Impact™, LLC

All rights reserved. This eBook is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
This eBook may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or
occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.

For more materials and information contact:

Bernard Haynes
Lead to Impact, LLC

For Worldwide Distribution

Printed in the U.S.A

Edited by: Shannon Rasmussen

Published by:
Lead to Impact LLC
3740 Falls Trail
Winston, GA 30187

~ Introduction ~
“Writing and reviewing a purpose statement changes you because it forces you to think through your
priorities deeply, carefully and to align your behavior with your beliefs.” Stephen Covey

You were created with an original purpose in mind to make an impact in the world. The reason that you
are alive right now, that you have endured through extreme pressure and that obstacles could not take you
out is evidence that you have a purpose that wants to live through you.

A few years ago, I was running at full speed; chasing after my dreams of career, family and financial
success. I remember as if it was yesterday. I was doing my daily walk in our neighborhood asking myself
some serious questions about my life. After about fifteen minutes of laying out my case, I heard a voice in
my head say, “Bernard, you need a guiding purpose for your life.”

Those words struck a serious nerve. I could not shake it from my mind. It became clear; the only way I
was going to truly succeed in life was to realize and live out my purpose.

After that day, I immediately began an intense search for my purpose. After a couple weeks of praying,
reading and meditating, I developed my purpose statement.

My purpose statement:
“To help bring out the color within people’s lives by encouraging, equipping and empowering them to
realize and live out their God-designed vision so that they make a greater impact in their life, family,
community and work.”

This workbook contains the instruction, insight and introspective questions I worked through to realize
my purpose. Once you develop your purpose, your next responsibility is to live it out. If you commit to
the process and answer the questions honestly and completely, they can help you get into a frame of mind
conducive to defining your purpose.

You cannot afford to spend the next six months, year, five years, ten years or twenty years talking and
thinking about your purpose. In Position for Purpose will help you get in position and unleash your
purpose to the world.

“The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.”
Proverbs 20:5

Give Yourself Permission

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest
accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have you withheld living your purpose because you are waiting for someone to give you permission to
pursue it? What can you do right now to move from where you are to where you desire to go?

I forfeited living my purpose

I must admit, I forfeited years of living my purpose because I was waiting for someone to give me
permission. I wanted the right person to agree with me and co-sign on my purpose. I constantly delayed
living my purpose because I was putting it in the hands of others.

No matter how much I believed my purpose would help others, I continually made the excuse that I
couldn’t go forward because I needed another person’s approval. It was a never ending quest to find the
right person’s stamp of approval.

After years of failure to find the right person, I finally

“Even if you’re on the right track, realized that this person did not exist. I wasted time trying
you’ll get run over if you just sit to get someone to approve what God had already
there.” Will Rogers
purposed me to do. I finally stopped making excuses and
gave myself permission to pursue my purpose. I stopped giving into fear and stepped out in faith.

The idea of taking a risk and stepping out in faith was paralyzing. It was easy to dream and talk about
what I wanted to do. I sought wise counsel from others and I read the success stories of great men like
Moses, George Washington Carver, King David and Martin Luther King, Jr. Even after reading these
stories, I was still unable to move forward with purpose.

I constantly thought about what made these great men take a risk and step out in faith to pursue their
purpose. The one common denominator that permeated my mind was that they gave themselves

They didn’t wait for everyone’s support or approval. They didn’t surrender to the defeated and
discouraging voices around them. They didn’t give in to the negative inner thoughts that attacked their
minds. They focused their minds and centered their actions on what needed to be done.

I shifted from asking permission from others to making choices that were right for me. It led to a total
turnaround in my life. I began to see my purpose more clearly because I removed the thoughts of getting
someone’s approval. I have not completely overcome this problem; I still find myself seeking the
approval of others or spending too much time worrying about what others think of me.

Stop waiting
Are you waiting for someone to tell you it's okay to write your book, leave a dead end job, begin a family
or give you permission to start that business you have been dreaming about? I'm here to tell you, you'll be
waiting for a long time to get others’ approval. Most people are not concerned with your situations
because they are dealing with their own situations.

Stop reading and declare, “I give myself permission to

“Always focus on the front windshield
pursue my purpose.” You are not promised to live the next
and not the review mirror.”
minute or the rest of today – let alone tomorrow – so you Colin Powell
might as well live your purpose.

Don’t disqualify or downplay your purpose. We have the tendency to do this when we are worried it
won’t work out. We become overwhelmed with fear because we are afraid of failing in front of others.
We feel inadequate because we feel as if we don’t know what we are doing.

We have all encountered these feelings from time to time, as have the people we regard as very
successful. But when you downplay your purpose, you do yourself and those connected to you a

Creating a meaningful life and pursuing your purpose takes time and effort. But you’re worth the effort.
Now is the time to give yourself permission to move toward your unique purpose.

4 Truths
Listed below are four truths that will give you permission to pursue your purpose. You may be surprised
by how much you can do once you get started.

1. You can only be you. – If you are trying to be who someone else wants you to be, give up the
madness. God designed you to be your unique self. If people laugh at you for living your uniqueness,
laugh back at them for being like everyone else.

Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of
somebody else.” Let this statement marinate in your mind. Think about the significance of why you are
on earth.

You were not created to be an imitator, but an originator. You were not designed to walk in someone
else’s shoes. The only shoes you should wear are your own. Don’t worry about measuring up to someone
else, If you are then you are not truly living; you are merely existing and wasting time.

2. Your purpose is worth it. – Living your purpose is a courageous journey. You cannot become who
you desire to be by continuing to wait for others’ permission. If you are passionate about something,
pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks or says.

Turn a deaf ear to pessimistic people who tell you it

“When you can do the common things of is impossible. The only place your purpose is
life in an uncommon way, you will
command the attention of the world.” impossible is inside your head. Once you make up
George Washington Carver your mind that your purpose is worth pursuing, you
are halfway there. Now it is time to move forward and follow through.

Allow your dreams to be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words. Follow your
purpose regardless of what others say or don’t say. At the end of the day, it’s you who has to live with
your decisions, not anyone else.

3. Knowledge without action is dead. – The number one damaging thing that constantly holds people
back is their own apprehension to take action with the knowledge they already have. They believe they
need additional knowledge, skill, experience and training before they can take advantage of their purpose.

They falsely believe that more knowledge will give them permission to pursue their purpose. Acquiring
knowledge is great, but without action it is a dead proposition. What good is it to know how to implement
your purpose, but never do it? You must take baby steps. You must act on what you know. You must give
yourself permission.

Because you acquire more knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing; growth happens when you
implement what you know and your life begins to change in the right direction.

4. Choose to live your best. – You miss 100% of the shots you never take. You miss living a great life
waiting for the right people to choose you. You forfeit personal and family growth if you choose to live in
a comfort zone.

You must make a choice to live your life by faith or your life will never change. Fight through the fear,
the worry, and the unfamiliar and enjoy your journey. You cannot change what happened yesterday. You
only have control over today so you might as well choose to live your best.

Experience what life has to offer. Try out that new

“The way to get started is to quit talking restaurant. Travel to a different place. Change the color
and begin doing.” Walt Disney
schemes in your home. Link up with some new people.
New experiences help you grow and they make life interesting. Make an effort to try new things and
break free of stale routines.

Don’t let the thought of trying something new hold you hostage. Give yourself permission to experience
new and exciting things. You only have one life and you might as well choose to live your best.

You don’t have to wait for someone to pick you. Pick yourself. Your family, friends and others connected
to you are waiting for you to give yourself permission to live your purpose. You have the potential to be a
trail-blazer, a trendsetter and a real difference-maker inside of you. The only thing that is stopping you is
you. Declare out loud to the world that today you give yourself permission to pursue your purpose.

Personal Application Questions:

1. What have you held back doing because you are waiting for someone to give you permission to move?

2. What can you do today to give yourself permission to live your purpose?

3. Why is your purpose worth living?


4. What individual (s) can you trust to help hold you accountable in moving forward with your purpose?

“The more people you have to ask for permission, the more you miss living at maximum capacity.”
Bernard K. Haynes

Focus on Your Purpose

“Lack of focus, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” Zig Ziglar

Do you struggle with focus? The first step to living your purpose is focus. Your focus determines where
you are going. Without a clear focus, you can easily get off course and end up in places you never wanted
to go. A typical day can be challenging with hundreds of things to do, many of which have nothing to do
with your vision.

When your mind and efforts are scattered in many directions, nothing gets done well. The things you
initially prioritize gets pushed farther and farther down the list because you take on another task to

The fallacy of multi-tasking

The one thing I have experienced and witnessed that kills focus is multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is the lie
that tells you that you can juggle many things at once and succeed. It is when you try to do more than you
really are capable of doing.

In the beginning, it seems you are pulling off the impossible. You look like superman or superwoman to
every watching eye. You get the applause from people about the great job you are doing and it seems you
can do no wrong. With the seeming success come more and more things added to your plate. Instead of
refusing, you believe the hype that you can do more without giving up something.

The great fallacy of multi-tasking is that it takes your

“If you don't have time to do it right,
focus off what you do best. You are robbed of achieving when will you have time to do it over?”
greatness in the areas that you thrive. You are called to John Wooden
important work that not just anyone can do. The biggest obstacle to your focus is a million little
distractions that you encounter every day.

What past events in your life have caused you to lose focus? How can you focus forward in your vision
when life presents overwhelming circumstances? To achieve the success God has for you, you must first
focus on your definite purpose. A definite purpose is your life’s overall direction. What do you see for
your life? Is it a successful marriage, a loving family, your own unique business? Is it the ownership of
property or personal assets? Whatever your purpose is, you can only accomplish it with focus.
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Winning the prize

The ultimate desire of a person running a race is to win the top prize at end. The runner lines up in the
starting blocks along with the other runners in the race. He hears the starting gun go off and he begins to
run. As the runner takes off, his eyes are focused on the finish line. His eyes are not focused on the
runners on either side of him. He is focused straight ahead. He understands if he takes his eyes off the
prize and focuses on the other runners’, he will be in danger of losing the race.

His ultimate goal is to cross the finish line ahead of the other runners to win the prize. The prize is what
motivates the runner to run the race. Whatever God has purposed for your life is possible to achieve, but
you must run your race and focus on your prize. Your race is for you to run and no one can run it for you.

The prize that a runner receives for winning a race is an

"Decide upon your major definite earthly prize that soon fades with the passing of time. The
purpose in life and then organize all
prize I am referring to is not some deteriorating earthly
your activities around it." Brian Tracy
reward, but it encompasses all that you will receive in this
life and the life to come. It takes more than just working hard at something. You must know what to work
hard at in order to accomplish your purpose, live your values, see your future, set your goals and work
your plan.

If you have too many pursuits, you can become easily sidetracked. Successful people know that one of the
key factors to achieving success is that you must visualize and focus on the prize that is set before you.
Focus sets your mentality to aim straight for a goal, while blocking out other unproductive thoughts and
distractions from your mind. Your abilities and gifts are more honed and tuned in when you are focused.

Personal Application Questions:

1. What past failures have caused you to lose focus on living your purpose?
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2. How can you use your past failures to help shape where you are going?

3. What successes have you held onto that cause you to live a comfortable and complacent life? What can
you do to let go of yesterday’s successes to experience more of your purpose today?

4. What clutter can you eliminate from your life so that you focus on the one or two things that will move
your life forward?

5. How will a clear focus help you live your purpose with power in spite of obstacles and opposition?

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave
up.” Thomas Edison
~ 12 ~

Pursue Your Purpose

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but
where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Are you clear about your life’s purpose? God did not meticulously design you to live a haphazard life full
of frustration and confusion. He created you with a unique purpose to pursue. Without purpose, you will
never experience the level of fulfillment that is possible for your life.

What is purpose?
Purpose is your unique life assignment. It gives the direction for your daily living. It provides the
foundation for your values, vision and goals. Purpose gives meaning to everything you do in your
personal, family, social and professional life.

Purpose is bigger than your job, career or what you do. It is a calling. It is a mission. It is an overall theme
for your life that transcends your daily activities.

Your life’s purpose is unique to you. No one else in the world can fulfill your purpose, but you. Whether
it concerns an area explored by many or by only a few, what matters is no one can approach it the way
you can.

If you have not experienced the level of success

You are not defined.
you know you are capable of or if you have felt
 By who others say you are.
as if something is missing from your life, take  By your job, title, position or possessions.
note of this very important principle: You will  By your past failures or mistakes.

only experience true success in your life to the extent you are clear about your life’s purpose.

Pursue your purpose

You were created with the desire to pursue your purpose. Without it, you are paralyzed by stagnation,
crippled by fear, bored by the daily routine or frustrated by failure. Our inherent need for purpose gives
rise to questions such as, “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” or “What is the point to life?”

As you begin to discover the answers to these questions, you will learn that your purpose will not just
magically happen. It will not progress forward without your full participation. You must pursue it with a
tireless, dedicated work ethic. You are responsible for the intentional fulfillment of your purpose so the
world may benefit from your contributions.
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When you realize your life's purpose, everything changes. Your desires, the way you approach life, the
people you associate with, the material you read and the things you listen to will change.

When your deepest desires are met, you feel encouraged, equipped and empowered. This focus gives rise
to greater clarity about who you are, what you stand for and where you are going. A sense of inspired
action will naturally rise up inside of you when you are living passionately with clear direction and a
purpose to live for.

Answer these eight questions to help you realize your purpose.

1. What are your unique gifts and talents? How could using your gifts and talents serve, help and
contribute to your family and community?

2. What are your deepest desires within you?


3. What experiences in life were really fulfilling to you?

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4. What do you do that causes you to forget what time it is because it brings you great joy and

5. What would you do with your life if you had all the money and resources you needed?

6. What are your 5 -7 non-negotiable core values? Why is each value you listed important?

7. What challenges, difficulties or hardships have you overcome? How did you overcome them, or how
are you overcoming them?
~ 15 ~

8. What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?


After thinking through and answering the above eight questions, your purpose will become clearer. From
your answers to the eight purpose questions, develop and write down your purpose statement and begin to
live it.

Example purpose statement:

“To help bring out the color within people’s lives by encouraging, equipping and empowering them to
realize and live out their God-designed vision so that they make a greater impact in their life, family,
community and work.”

Write Your Purpose Statement:


“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
~ 16 ~

Seven Positions of Purpose

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you” Maya Angelou

A couple of years ago, I became curious about what it took for a professional basketball team to become a
repeat champion. I researched professional basketball champions over the last thirty years to find out what
characteristics make repeat champions.

My research
I discovered teams that won multiple championships possessed players and coaches who understood their
position on the team. Each player knew what his main responsibility and role was in making his or her
team champions. They made a commitment as a unified team that everyone would play his or her position
at a high level every game.

They decided to put the team above the individual. This took major dedication from each player to give
up his or her personal success for the team. This kind of dedication and commitment took a major
adjustment in their thinking. For some players it required a transformation in how they approached and
played each game. The players from repeat championship teams understood that when the team wins,
everyone wins.

From my study of these multiple championship teams, I learned there are seven key positions (point
guard, shooting guard, power forward, small forward, center, sixth man and coach) that must be
performed with excellence in every game.

After studying the key positions on repeat basketball Seven Positions of Purpose
championship teams, I realized seven key positions An analogy of key positions on a basketball team.
of purpose for life. I know that there are more Coach – Communicate
Point Guard – Concentrated
positions to your purpose, but I believe after intense Shooting Guard – Consistent
prayer and study that these seven are vitally Small Forward – Confidence
Power Forward – Courage
important in fulfilling your unique purpose. Center – Character
6th Man - Commitment
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Seven Positions of Purpose

Spend some quality time answering the following questions about what you need to do to get in and stay
in your position of purpose. These seven positions are not an exhaustive list, but they are important in
helping you unleash your purpose in the world.

1. Character
Your Character is who you are when no one is looking and what you are willing to stand for when
everyone is looking.

A. Character is displayed in the actions of a person under pressure.

B. Your character is revealed by your actions and not the words you speak.

C. Strong character in an individual communicates credibility, respect and earns trust.

1. What three character traits do you value the most? Why do you value these traits?

2. Reflecting on your life, tell about a time where you had to show strong character in a situation when it
would have been easier (so you think) to do the wrong thing?

“Be more concerned about your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” Dale Carnegie
~ 18 ~

2. Commitment
Commitment is a binding agreement between the heart, mind and emotions that moves an individual
on a course of action to pursue his purpose.

A. Commitment starts in the heart.

B. Commitment is tested by action.

C. Commitment opens the door for success.

1. In what ways has a lack of commitment kept you from living your purpose?

2. What are the hardest commitments you have struggled to keep while working toward your purpose?
What must you do to commit to your purpose even through struggles?

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something,
you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses,
only results.” Unknown
~ 19 ~

3. Concentrate
Concentrate is to direct one’s thoughts, attention and actions towards a desired purpose.

A. A concentrated purpose frees you to embrace your vision to produce powerful and lasting

B. Do not neglect your focus by trying to do or be everything. There can be a danger in focusing
on too many pursuits.

 You become exhausted and burned out.

 You experiment with different goals and never achieve real satisfaction.
 You procrastinate because too many projects compete for your time.
 You become distracted from your ultimate goals.

1. What one or two strengths in your life do you need to concentrate on more?

2. Reflecting on your life – How has a lack of focus kept you from living your purpose? How can focus
help you live your purpose with power?

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave
up.” Thomas Edison
~ 20 ~

4. Consistency
Consistency is a reliable, dependable and coherent approach to daily living that aligns oneself with his
purpose. This daily approach is not a system of habits, but a progressive attitude in living your purpose
even when adjustments and changes have to be made.

A. Consistent living empowers you to overcome the distractions and discouragement s that can
take your life off course.
B. Consistent living is not a one-time event, but a daily journey.
C. Consistent living will enable you to reach your goals more quickly.

1. How can you become more consistent in working toward your purpose?

2. How do you maintain balance in life and stay consistent in living your purpose?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle
~ 21 ~

5. Confidence
Confidence is the assurance and reliance in your abilities, talents and gifts to accomplish your purpose.

A. Your confidence is often the only difference between success and failure.
B. Your confidence determines how you approach life.
C. Your confidence is the foundation for turning problems into potential solutions.

1. Give an example of a time you had to show confidence after being rejected.

2. Reflect on a time when you were very confident that you were moving in the right direction and it
seemed things were going well; then tragedy, distraction or disappointment suddenly knocked you off
course. How did you respond? Were you able to overcome the tragedy, distraction or disappointment?
What can you do if something similar happens again?

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
~ 22 ~

6. Courage
Courage is standing when everyone else wants to run, speaking when everyone is afraid to speak,
acting when everyone is paralyzed by fear, taking action in the face of danger, holding one’s character
and moral uprightness when everyone else is tempted to compromise theirs.

A. A lack of courage gives your fears the fuel they need to hold your purpose hostage.

B. Courage empowers you to do what you are afraid of doing.

C. Defining and living by your core values gives you the courage to say no to fear and yes to
living your best life.

1. In what area in your life have you had to display courage in overcoming an obstacle or challenge? How
did you overcome the obstacle or challenge or what do you need to do to overcome the obstacle or

2. How can you display courage and live your purpose even in the face of fear?

“Courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear”. Mark Twain
~ 23 ~

7. Communicate
Communication is the outward expression of an individual’s purpose to the world through verbal and
nonverbal actions.

A. You must find a way to effectively communicate your purpose to the world.

B. Effective communication has more to do with listening than with talking.

C. Your actions have to speak louder than the words you say.

1. In what ways can you effectively communicate your purpose?


2. How can you communicate your purpose to the world on a daily basis?

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success
or failure in the mind of another.” Napoleon Hill
~ 24 ~

Seven Poisons to Purpose

1. Desperation – You do things contrary to the right character you need to display.
2. Defeat – You feel like a failure so you do not pursue your purpose.
3. Diversions – You become more attracted to the wrong things than the right things.
4. Doubt - You question whether living your purpose is possible.
5. Delays – You put off doing what you know you need to do.
6. Discouragement - You focus on your problems rather than possible solutions.
7. Disclaimers – You allow your negative inner voice to talk against your purpose.

What poisons have you allowed to distract you from living your purpose? How can you overcome these
poisonous distractions?

“Do not go where the path may lead instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ 25 ~

The World is Waiting for Your Purpose

“Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than
you.” Unknown

The world is waiting for you to make an impact with your purpose. You cannot wait for the perfect
timing, the right situation or the right economic climate. You must start pursuing your purpose now.

It is up to you to decide whether you will live your purpose. You don’t have to attend another seminar or
workshop, watch another program or listen to another podcast to live your purpose. It is time to do what
you know to do. Every day you do not live your purpose is another day that you and the world miss your

Whatever your purpose is calling you to, I admonish you to walk in it. Do not let anyone, including your
family, your friends, or even yourself, talk you out of your purpose. You do not know what will happen
with the book you write, the job you apply for, the business you start or the person you encourage.

If you live your purpose the way you are meant to live it, then you could write a top-selling book, own a
multi-million dollar business or encourage a person to live a better life.

You do not know what can happen in

“Friends time waits for no one. It moves on and your life and those connected to you until
keeps moving on. It does not stop for anything or
anybody. It doesn’t matter how much money you you do what you know you need to do. I
have, how much power you have, or how much am not promising that you’ll be a
prestige you have – time keeps moving on. Everybody
has the same amount of time twenty-four hours per millionaire, that everyone will love you
day not one minute more.” Willie Jolley or that everything will happen the way
you want, but I know when you make a conscious decision to pursue your purpose, your life will never
be the same.

Colors will become brighter, words will become more powerful, your energy will rise and your purpose
will become clearer. Start living your purpose today because the world is waiting for it.

“... I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will
press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble...I will get up. It's OK to fail...I will rise
again. Today I will make a difference.” Max Lucado
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Meet Bernard

I am the CEO of Lead to Impact LLC, a company that helps people lead to
positively impact their world. I specialize in inspiring, coaching and training
individuals in leadership development, vision implementation and team

I am the author of four leadership books: ‘Vision Impact!’ ‘It’s In You to

Win,’ ‘Lead UP!’ and ‘Man Up! Rise to the Challenge.’ Each book helps
people lead at maximum capacity.

You don’t have to have special credentials, a fancy title or a created position
to lead. You are a leader if you are a parent, youth league coach, janitor, teacher, student or employee.
Leadership is not about a position or title; it is a matter of the heart. I believe God created every person
with the potential to lead with impact.

My goal with Lead to Impact is to create insightful, inspirational and instructional content that individuals
can implement in their life, family, community and work that makes an impact for generations. If you
consider yourself a leader and you desire to lead at maximum capacity, then Lead to Impact LLC is the
company for you.

I have been married to my beautiful wife, Dana, for “To be yourself in a world that is
constantly trying to make you something
over twenty-one years and we have two wonderful else is the greatest accomplishment.”
boys, Jordan and Jalen, who will surely impact the Ralph Waldo Emerson


Visit our blog website at or contact me at or follow

me on Twitter or Facebook.

What others are saying about Bernard and his books:

Vision Impact’s practical and relevant information is an excellent resource to help individuals develop
and implement a personal and family vision plan. The insight, instruction and inspiration within this book
will empower you to make better choices and help you implement a solid plan to make your vision a
Dr. Tedra White - Career Development Strategist and Coach.
~ 28 ~

In order to know where you're going you have to see how to get there. What do you want to accomplish in
your life? You won't accomplish any of it without vision. This book by Bernard Haynes lays out exactly
how to get that vision for success and encourages you to take action. It's a very well written book that has
clarified a lot of things in my own life.
Kimanzi Constable – Author, Speaker, Consultant

Mr. Haynes of Lead to Impact provided a powerful seminar (Man Up! Rise to the Challenge) for the
fathers of our Head Start students. The presentation was right on target for encouraging men to live
a positive and productive life. The worksheet he used during the presentation was really a great tool for
the men to use and reuse. The men commented afterwards how the workshop really was an eye opening
experience. Thank you so much Mr. Haynes for this powerful presentation.”
Teressa Dobbs - Family Partner Douglasville Head Start Male Involvement Program

"It's In You To Win" is a brutally honest look at all the ways we short-change ourselves and undermine
our own efforts. Bernard Haynes dissects all the stumbling blocks that keep us from living our best lives,
and teaches readers to recognize, and combat, negative influences. This isn't a book you'll read once: it's
the kind of book you'll keep within reach because its 31-message format lends itself to daily reading and
study. Shannon Rasmussen

I could not put this book down. It transcends culture, gender and economics. Anyone can relate to the
messages. This book was a Godsend for me at a time that I really needed my values reinforced. Thanks
Bernard! Jesse Bonner - Head Basketball Coach, Kennesaw Mountain High School

There is no shortage of encouraging and motivating messages that everyone is entitled to win. Bernard
steps in, however, and affirms the value of each individual on earth, showing that each is laden with a
spark ready to be fanned aflame thus impacting others positively. The book provides rich wisdom on just
"how" you can take a hold of your God-given resources and win big, regardless of challenges you will
face. Get it and stock it for your family!
Lawrence Namale - Author: “Turn Your Setbacks into Major Comebacks”

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