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It is convenient method of separating substances when the components of the mixture

differ in size.
a) Handpicking
b) Decantation
c) Evaporation
d) Sieving
 is defined as to pass through a sorting device like a screen to sort or
separate the particles or to break up of flour.
 Is a simple technique for separating solid particles of different sizes.
 Is used to separate smaller or finer solid particles from larger solid
 Depending upon the types of particles to be separate sieving with
different types of holes is used.
 Are used to separating mixtures of a small particle size leaving the larger
ones on the screen.
 In construction work is used to separate the finer particles for road
building and houses.

2. This process involves pouring the liquid components into another container without
disturbing the sediments at the bottom.
a. Filtration
b. Evaporation
c. Distillation
d. Decantation

3. Materials made of iron mixed with other materials in a mixture can be separate using this
a. Winnowing
b. Using magnet
c. Crystallization
d. Filtration

4. In separating mixtures, the homogeneous liquid mixtures is heated to let the water
a. Sieving
b. Handpicking
c. Evaporation
d. Decantation

5. It is the process of separating suspended solid matter from a liquid by causing the latter
to pass through the pores of some substances, called a filter.
a. Winnowing
b. Filtration
c. Sieving
d. Decantation

Things to bring:

 A rock salt
 Iodized salt
 strainer

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