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Vet Pathol 43:943–955 (2006)

Experimental Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection in Horses:

Effect of Route of Inoculation and Virus Serotype
Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (EWH,
LD, MDM); Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, Department of Population Health,
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (DGM, DES); and Department of
Large Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (POM)

Abstract. Horses were inoculated with Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey and Indiana viruses by routes
simulating contact and vector transmission. Clinical signs, lesions, antibody development, viral shedding
and persistence, and viremia were monitored. Horses were infected with both viruses by all routes as
confirmed by seroconversion. Salivation, primary lesions at inoculation sites, and secondary oral lesions
were the most common clinical findings. Viral shedding was most often from the oral cavity, followed by
the nasal cavity; titers were highest from oral cavity samples. Virus was rarely isolated from the
conjunctival sac and never from feces or blood. Development of neutralizing antibody coincided with
cessation of lesion development and detection of virus by isolation. Circulating virus-specific IgM, IgG,
IgA, and neutralizing antibodies developed in most animals postinoculation (PI) days 6 to 12, depending
on the route of inoculation. At postmortem (PI days 12 to 15), lesions were healing, were not vesicular,
and did not contain detectable virus by isolation, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, or
immunohistochemistry. Numerous infiltrating lymphocytes and plasma cells suggested that lesion
resolution was partially due to local immunity. Detection of viral RNA from tonsil and lymph nodes of
head at necropsy suggests that these tissues play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease; molecular
techniques targeting these tissues may be useful for confirming infection in resolving stages of disease.
The routes of inoculation used in this study reflect the diversity of transmission routes that may occur
during outbreaks and can be used to further study contact and vector transmission, vaccine
development, and clarify pathogenesis of the disease in horses.

Key words: ELISA; experimental infection; horses; RT-PCR; serology; vesicular stomatitis;
vesicular stomatitis virus; virus isolation.

Introduction Elucidation of the pathogenesis and epidemiol-

Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is a disease of horses, ogy of VS is complicated by a diversity of potential
cattle, and swine caused by related viruses in the transmission routes, including biological vector,
genus Vesiculovirus of the family Rhabdoviridae. In mechanical vector, and contact transmission. The
the United States, outbreaks of VS have been relative importance of each of these potential
associated with 2 genotypically and serologically transmission routes related to VS outbreaks in
distinct serotypes: Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey horses is unknown. Understanding the epidemiol-
virus (VSNJV) and Vesicular stomatitis Indiana ogy of this disease is further complicated by the fact
virus (VSIV). Of these, VSNJV has occurred most that vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection in
often and, in recent years (1995, 1997, 1998, 2004, horses is often inapparent or subclinical12 and that
and 2005), has been responsible for multiple in many cases VS would not be detected under
outbreaks in the western United States.1–4,11 The existing surveillance strategies that are based on the
most recent outbreaks of VSIV occurred in the detection of vesicular lesions or related clinical
western United States during 1997 and 1998.1 signs. Without an understanding of viral trans-
These and prior epidemics have resulted in sub- mission risks or development of effective VSV
stantial direct and indirect economic impact on the detection systems, efficient and cost-effective con-
horse industry.4 Furthermore, as an Office In- trol and eradication strategies cannot be created to
ternational Des Epizooties List A disease, VS deal with these recurring outbreaks.
outbreaks result in an extensive regulatory re- The overall objective of this study was to develop
sponse, often resulting in quarantine and restricted an experimental system that produces the various
domestic and international trade. clinical responses associated with VS in the field in
944 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

order to provide a reproducible system for future for virus isolation, RT-PCR, histopathology, and
studies evaluating transmission efficiency, vaccine immunohistochemistry. Duplicate pieces of tissue were
efficacy, and VS detection strategies. Specific collected in 1.5-ml cryovials, snap frozen in liquid
objectives were to 1) determine if horses can be nitrogen, and stored at 270uC for RT-PCR or placed in
1 ml of viral transport medium on ice for virus isolation.
experimentally infected with recent western United A third sample of tissue was placed in 10% buffered
States isolates of VSNJV and VSIV by 4 routes of formalin for histopathology and immunohistochemis-
inoculation simulating contact or vector transmis- try, allowed to fix for 24 to 48 hours, and then routinely
sion; 2) determine if development of clinical signs embedded in paraffin.
varies with inoculation route and serotype of virus;
and 3) determine if the serologic response and Virus inoculum
source, duration, and viral titer associated with viral Viruses used were 95-44620 VSNJV and 97-25323
shedding vary with inoculation route and serotype. VSIV obtained from the National Veterinary Services
Laboratories, APHIS, USDA, Ames, Iowa (NVSL). To
Material and Methods prepare inoculums, 10 ml of virus stock was inoculated
Experimental design into 75 cm2 flasks of Vero cells and supernatant
harvested at 24 hours and frozen at 270uC until use.
Twenty-four adult horses of varying age, sex, and For dose estimation, endpoint titration of a frozen
breed were used (approved by the Animal Care and Use aliquot of each viral stock was performed in Vero cells
Committee, University of Georgia, IACUC# A1998- prior to starting the experiment. Frozen virus stocks were
10153). Twelve horses were inoculated with VSNJV and diluted at the time of animal inoculation, with titers
12 with VSIV. For each serotype, 3 were inoculated by confirmed by endpoint titration in Vero cells. All animals
intraepithelial/subepithelial injection of the left dorsolat- inoculated with VSNJV received 107.1 median tissue
eral surface of the tongue (TONGUE), 3 were inoculated culture infective doses (TCID50)/animal); animals in-
by intradermal injection of the haired skin of the chin (ID oculated with VSIV by scarification or needle inoculation
CHIN), 3 were inoculated by applying virus to a scarified received 106.4 TCID50/animal; and animals inoculated per
area on the oral mucosa of the left lower lip (SCAR LIP), os with VSIV received 107.1 TCID50/animal.
and 3 were inoculated per os (ORAL). For injection of
the tongue and chin, 300 ml (VSNJV) or 100 ml (VSIV) of Immunohistochemistry
inoculum was injected in 3 places using a 25-gauge needle. Formalin-fixed tissue from residual lesions, palatine
Scarification of the oral mucosa of the lip was achieved tonsil, retropharyngeal lymph node, and mandibular
by disrupting the epithelium 10 times with a dual-needle lymph node were embedded in paraffin and sectioned at
vaccine applicator (AirTite, Vineland, NJ) and smearing 3-mm thickness. Sections were deparaffinized and
300 ml (VSNJV) or 100 ml (VSIV) of viral inoculum over stained for viral antigen using an alkaline phospha-
the scarified site. For oral inoculation, 1 ml of viral tase-conjugated streptavidin-biotin technique (Bio-
inoculum was deposited over the back of the tongue and genex, San Ramon, CA) as previously described.6 For
the head held up for 1 minute. Animals were tranquilized horses infected with VSIV, anti-VSIV mouse ascites
with 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg xylazine (Rompun, Bayer Animal fluid (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas,
Health, Shawnee Mission, KS) intravenously 6 0.01 to VA) was used as the primary antibody. Deparaffinized
0.02 mg butorphenol (Torbugesic, Fort Dodge Animal sections were also stained using the following primary
Health, Orange City, IA) intravenously for inoculation. antibodies: rabbit anti-CD3 (DAKO;1:50 dilution),
Animals were examined daily for clinical signs and mouse anti-BLA.36 (Biogenex;1:50 dilution), mouse
the development of lesions. Blood was collected daily in anti-CD79a (DAKO;1:30 dilution), and mouse anti-
heparinized tubes for virus isolation and reverse MAC 387 (DAKO;1:100) using Citra solution (Bio-
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and genex) with steam for antigen retrieval and appropriate
in clot tubes for virus isolation, RT-PCR, and serology. secondary biotinylated antibodies (Vector Laboratories,
Swabs of the buccal pouch (for saliva), the palatine and Burlingame, CA). The immunologic reaction was
lingual tonsillar regions, the left nasal cavity, conjunc- visualized with a peroxidase-conjugated avidin-biotin
tival sac, and rectal feces were obtained daily for virus complex system (Vector Laboratories) with 3,39-diami-
isolation. Swabs were placed in 1 ml of viral transport nobenzidine as chromagen (Vector Laboratories).
medium (minimal essential medium, Sigma Chemical
Co., St. Louis, MO) with 1,000 units penicillin G Antibody determinations
(Sigma), 1 mg streptomycin (Sigma), and 0.25 mg Sera were assayed for neutralizing antibodies to
amphotericin B (Sigma)/ml and placed on ice. VSNJV and VSIV as previously described.5 Values are
Animals were euthanized via an overdose of sodium reported as the reciprocal of the highest dilution
pentabarbitol (Beuthanasia-D Special, Schering-Plough neutralizing 1,000 TCID50 of virus, and an antibody
Animal Health, Omaha, NE) on postinoculation (PI) titer of $8 was considered indicative of seroconversion.
days 12 to 15 and a necropsy performed. Tissue from Sera were also tested for IgM, IgA, and IgG
residual lesions, palatine tonsil, and retropharyngeal antibodies to VSNJV and VSIV. A capture enzyme-
and mandibular lymph nodes was collected at necropsy linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 945

detect IgM antibodies. Sera from all animals of each wells except those used for blanking or ‘‘no antibody’’
inoculation group were assayed on the same plate. control wells, which received PBS instead. After a 30-
Briefly, 96-well ELISA plates were incubated for minute incubation at 37uC, plates were washed and 2,29
48 hours at 4uC with sheep anti-horse IgM-mu chain- Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) liquid
specific antibody (Bethyl Laboratories, Inc.; diluted substrate was added. Plates were read on a microplate
1:200 in 0.015 M carbonate-0.035 M bicarbonate buffer reader using a 405-nm filter and results recorded when an
pH 9.6), then blocked with 5% non-fat dried milk average OD of 1.0 (VSNJV) or 0.6 (VSIV) for the
(NFM) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 15 min- duplicate positive control wells was reached. Results of
utes at room temperature. After washing with 0.05% duplicate wells were averaged and then values normalized
Tween in PBS (PBST), each test sera (diluted 1:10 in S/A by dividing the mean test sample OD by the mean OD of
diluent [1% NFM in PBS]) was added to 4 wells and the day 0 sample. Increases in OD .0.25 and .0.35 for
incubated at 37uC for 30 minutes. Plates were then IgG and IgA, respectively, were considered significant.
washed; for each test sera either positive antigen
(VSNJV or VSIV IgM capture [ELISA] antigen; NVSL) Virus isolation
or negative antigen (VS [NORMAL] IgM capture Virus isolation was done on the day of sample
(ELISA) antigen; NVSL) diluted 1:60 in S/A diluent collection. Virus isolation from swabs, blood, and plasma
was added to duplicate wells and incubated for was attempted using Vero cells as previously described.16
45 minutes at 37uC. After washing, either anti-VSNJV Virus isolation was also attempted from tissues obtained
or VSIV mouse ascites fluid, as appropriate, was added at necropsy (retropharyngeal and mandibular lymph
(diluted 1:750 in ACA diluent [1% NFM and 0.95% nodes, tonsil, and residual lesions) as previously de-
NaCl in PBS]) and incubated for 30 minutes at 37uC, scribed.5 Titration of positive virus isolations was
followed by washing and incubation with horseradish performed via end-point titration, as previously de-
peroxidase (HRP)–conjugated rabbit anti-mouse anti- scribed,14 and all isolates were confirmed as VSNJV or
body (Vector; diluted 1:400 in ACA diluent) for VSIV through immunocytochemistry using VSNJV or
30 minutes at 37uC. Finally, after washing, 2,29 Azino- VSIV hyperimmune mouse ascites fluid.
bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) liquid sub-
strate (Sigma) was added and color development RT-PCR
recorded using a 405-nm filter in an automated Total RNA was extracted from 1 ml of heparinized
microplate reader. Positive and negative controls were whole blood (days 1–4 PI) or 140 ml of serum (from
included on each plate (PI days 0 and 8 serum from the positive whole blood samples only) using a kit (blood-
same VSNJV- or VSIV-infected horse and duplicate QIAmpRNA blood mini kit; serum-QIAmp Viral RNA
wells receiving either positive or negative antigen). mini kit; QIAGEN, Valencia, CA). Total RNA was
Duplicate wells were averaged, and for each test sera extracted from approximately 75 mg of tonsil and
the final optical density (OD) was calculated by retropharyngeal lymph node tissue as previously de-
subtracting the mean absorbance of the negative wells scribed.15 Viral RNA from horses infected with VSNJV
from the mean absorbance of the positive wells. An OD was amplified by a nested RT-PCR using primers
increase .0.2 was considered significant. complementary to the N gene of an Ossabaw Island
For IgG and IgA, an indirect ELISA was used and sera VSNJV isolate and an RNA PCR kit (GeneAmp RNA
from all animals of each inoculation group were assayed PCR kit; Perkin Elmer, Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.,
on the same plate. Briefly, wells of 96-well ELISA plates Branchburg, NJ) to amplify a 138-bp product as
were incubated overnight at 4uC with antigen (VSNJV previously described.15 Viral RNA from horses infected
ELISA antigen #2-NVSL 3195 or VSIV ELISA antigen with VSIV was amplified by a semi-nested RT-PCR
#4- NVSL 3195) diluted 1:2000 in carbonate-bicarbonate using an RNA PCR kit (GeneAmp RNA PCR kit) and
buffer and then blocked with 10% NFM in PBS primers designed (courtesy of L. L. Rodriguez) to
(30 minutes at room temperature). Test sera diluted in amplify an 804-bp product of the N gene of VSIV
1% NFM in PBS (1:50 for VSNJV-infected horses or 1:20 (IN-N612F 59-TGT GGG GAA ATG ACA GTA ATT-
for VSIV-infected horses) were added to duplicate wells. 39 and IN-N1155R 59-CAA TCC TCC GGT ACT ATC
Positive and negative control sera were included on each AT-39). An internal primer (IN-N969F 59-ATT GAC
plate: positive controls were 5 2-fold dilutions of PI day AGC TCT TCT GCT CA-39) was used with IN-
12 serum from 1 horse infected with either VSNJV N1155R in the second nested reaction to amplify a 186-
(neutralizing titer: 8,192) or VSIV (neutralizing titer: bp product. Amplification products were analyzed by
32,768), as appropriate; PI day 0 serum from the same agarose gel electrophoresis.
horses was used as negative control serum. Additional
controls included wells receiving no serum, no antibody, Results
or no serum or antibody. All controls were done in Clinical findings
duplicate. Plates were incubated for 30 minutes at 37uC
and washed with PBST, and then HRP-conjugated sheep Other than excessive salivation in horses with
anti-horse IgG heavy- and light-chain or HRP-conjugat- oral lesions and vague signs of depression, clinical
ed sheep anti-horse IgA-alpha-chain–specific (Bethyl; signs were not readily apparent. Horses never
diluted 1:1,000 in 1% NFM in PBS) was added to all stopped eating, and rectal temperatures were rarely
946 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

Table 1. Virus isolation results for horses challenged with VSNJV and VSIV by four different routes.

Virus Isolations [Number of Horses Positive

(Number of Isolations{)]
Virus Route N* Lesions{ Saliva Tonsil Nasal Conjunctiva Feces Blood Plasma Seroconversion1
VSNJV Tongue 3 3 3(14) 3(14) 3(3) 1(1) 0 0 0 3 (4,096–8,192)
Scar lip 3 3 3(22) 3(22) 3(10) 2(2) 0 0 0 3 (512–8,192)
ID chin 3 3 1(4) 3(9) 1(1) 1(2) 0 0 0 3 (256–2,048)
Oral 3 1 1(7) 2(9) 1(3) 0 0 0 0 2 (32–512)
VSIV Tongue 3 3 3(19) 3(18) 3(4) 0 0 0 0 3 (256–4,096)
Scar lip 3 2 3(17) 3(17) 2(8) 0 0 0 0 3 (16–4,096)
ID chin 3 3 2(9) 2(8) 1(1) 0 0 0 0 3 (32–32,768)
Oral 3 0 0 3(4) 0 0 0 0 0 2 (8–32)
* Number of horses per inoculation route.
{ Number of horses that developed lesions.
{ Virus isolation results from swabs (saliva, tonsil, nasal, conjunctiva, and feces) are based on 30 virus isolation attempts (10/
horse from PID 1–8, 10, and 12) for each virus/route trial. Virus isolation results from blood and plasma are based on 12
isolation attempts (4/horse from PID 1–4) for each virus/route trial.
1 Number of horses seroconverting (range of maximum neutralizing antibody titers observed).

elevated above 102uF and never above 103.5uF. In lesion remained limited to the site of inoculation
horses infected with VSNJV, only 3 horses had (Fig. 5), and the area was starting to heal by PI day
rectal temperatures higher than 102uF: 2 ID CHIN 5; in the third horse, spreading of the primary lesion
(PI days 2 and 4 in 1 horse; PI day 2 in the other) resulted in large areas of shallow ulceration on the
and TONGUE (days 1–4 PI). Only 2 horses lower lip mucosa. All 3 of these horses developed
infected with VSIV had rectal temperatures higher secondary lesions (vesicles that proceeded to
than 102uF, and both were in the TONGUE group shallow ulceration): on the mucocutaneous junction
(PI days 6, 7, 10, 12 in 1; PI day 2 in the other). of the lower (PI day 4) and upper (PI day 8) lip of 1
In all, 18/24 (75%) of the horses infected with horse, mucocutaneous junction of lower and upper
VSNJV and VSIV developed lesions (Table 1); all lip (PI day 8) of another horse, and tongue (PI day
animals that developed lesions seroconverted. Five 4) of the third horse (Fig. 6). All lesions had
of 6 horses that failed to develop lesions were in the evidence of healing by PI day 12. Crusting of the
ORAL group; 4 of these horses seroconverted. In skin of 2 animals in the ID CHIN group spread to
VSNJV-inoculated horses, only those in the SCAR involve the lip with secondary vesicular lesions
LIP and ID CHIN groups developed secondary developing at the mucocutaneous junction (PI day 5
lesions, whereas in horses inoculated with VSIV, 1 horse; PI day 7 1 horse) (Figs. 7, 8). These lesions
secondary lesions developed in horses in the SCAR were healing by PI day 12. On PI day 8, 1 horse in
LIP, ID CHIN, and TONGUE groups. the ORAL group developed tongue vesiculation
Horses inoculated with VSNJV developed pri- similar to horses in the TONGUE group and was
mary lesions at the site of inoculation as early as PI recorded as a primary lesion in Table 1; no other
day 1 (swelling and blanching of the area due to lesions developed in this animal.
early vesicle formation; Fig. 1) in the TONGUE In VSIV-inoculated animals, lesion development
group and as early as PI day 2 in the SCAR LIP was temporally similar to those infected with
(reddening, superficial necrosis, and erosion) and VSNJV although slightly different in appearance.
ID CHIN groups (serous crusting). By PI day 2, All horses in the TONGUE group had blanched,
horses inoculated in the TONGUE group had large raised areas consistent with early vesiculation in the
ruptured vesicles extending around the region of area of inoculation on PI day 1. In 2 horses, this
inoculation in which the dorsal tongue epithelium advanced to severe swelling and hardening of the
was separated from the underlying submucosa and tongue on PI day 3 and large areas of shallow
eventually sloughed, leaving a reddened superficial ulceration on PI day 4 that did not seem as deep as
ulcer with ragged margins (Fig. 2). These lesions those in the VSNJV-infected horses. In the third
had evidence of healing as early as PI day 4 and by horse, vesiculation led to extensive sloughing of the
PI day 12, although still reddened and eroded, were dorsal mucosa of the tongue with deeper ulceration,
contracting and had smooth margins (Fig. 3). In 2 similar to horses inoculated with VSNJV, on PI day
horses in the SCAR LIP group (Fig. 4), the primary 3 (Fig. 9). Tongue lesions started to heal on PI days
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 947

6 and 7. One horse developed a secondary lesion on least several centimeters the submucosa had
the mucocutaneous junction of the left upper lip (PI moderate, superficial, and deep perivascular infil-
day 7). Two horses in the SCAR LIP group trations of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Un-
developed lesions in the area of inoculation on PI derlying reepithelializing or ulcerated areas, in-
day 2 (red or blanched raised areas suggestive of filtrating mononuclear cells were a mixture of cells
early vesiculation), which advanced to erosion on PI positive for BLA.36 (Fig. 13d), CD3 (Fig. 13e),
day 4; 1 had a secondary vesicular lesion develop on and MAC 387, while in adjacent submucosa,
the tongue (PI day 5), and the other had secondary infiltrating cells were of approximately equal
vesicular lesions develop on the left side of the numbers of CD3- and BLA.36-positive cells. A
tongue (PI day 5), mucocutaneous junction of the few individual BLA.36-positive cells (Fig. 13f),
lower lip (PI day 7), and mucocutaneous junction of some appearing to be lymphocytes and others
the left upper lip corresponding to the tongue lesion dendritic macrophages, as well as individual and
(PI day 8). The third horse had reddening of the site small clusters of CD3-positive cells (Fig. 13g), were
of inoculation on PI day 1 that did not develop present in the intact epithelium adjacent to
further and had no other lesions develop. There was reepithelializing or ulcerated areas. There were no
crusting of the area of inoculation in the ID CHIN CD79 staining lymphocytes in the lesions despite
horses by PI day 3 (Fig. 10). Secondarily, this lesion the presence of CD79-positive cells in the lymph
expanded to involve the lower lip in 2 horses, node on the same slide.
resulting in severe swelling and hardness (PI days 3 Lesions at the mucocutaneous junction of lip
and 4; Fig. 11), and 1 horse developed a secondary were similar in character and type of infiltrating
swallow, although large, ulcer on the tip of the cells as the tongue lesions, although ulceration was
tongue (PI day 5). No lesions developed in the confined to the mucosa. As in the tongue, CD3-
ORAL group. Lesions in all horses were healing at and BLA.36-positive lymphocytes were seen in
the time of necropsy (Fig. 12). adjacent intact mucosal epithelium and epidermis.
In the chin skin of animals either inoculated in
Necropsy findings the chin or in whom oral lesions spread to involve
Horses infected with VSNJV and VSIV had the lower lip, there was serocellular crusting and
similar findings at necropsy (PI days 12–15). erosion that never breeched the epidermal base-
Lesions in the area of oral mucosa scarification ment membrane. Ruptured inflamed follicles and
were healed, although the area was discolored in moderate perivascular infiltrations of plasma cells
some animals. Lesions on the tongue (primary or and mononuclear cells that were predominantly
secondary) or secondary ones that developed on CD3- and BLA.36-positive were also present.
the mucocutaneous junction of the lip, although In horses that did not become infected or
still eroded and reddened, were healing and develop lesions, tongue, mucocutaneous junction
contracting with reduction in size and smooth of lip, and chin skin had normal epithelium with
margins (Figs. 3, 12). Lesions on the haired skin of minimal perivascular infiltrations of CD3- and
the chin were hairless and depigmented, crusty, or BLA.36-positive lymphocytes and plasma cells and
no longer apparent. Palatine tonsils appeared no CD3- or BLA.36-positive cells were seen in the
enlarged in 3 animals (1 VSNJV tongue inoculated; epithelium. Tonsil and lymph nodes of both horses
2 VSNJV oral scarification animals). that became infected and those that did not were
similar; all animals had large secondary lymphoid
Histopathology and immunohistochemistry
follicles in these tissues. VSV antigen was not
Microscopic lesions were similar in both VSNJV- detected in lesions, tonsil, or retropharyngeal or
and VSIV-infected horses. Tongue lesions were mandibular lymph nodes of any horse.
fully to partially reepithelialized (primary lesions)
(Fig. 13a) or superficially ulcerated (secondary Antibody response
lesions) (Fig. 13b) with a narrow underlying bed Neutralizing antibodies developed in 11 of 12
of neovascularization (compare to normal tongue; horses inoculated with VSNJV and 11 of 12 horses
Fig. 13c). Submucosa underlying these areas had inoculated with VSIV; both horses that failed to
mild (primary lesions) to moderate (secondary seroconvert were in the ORAL group (Tables 1, 2).
lesions), mostly perivascular infiltrations of mono- In general, maximum neutralizing antibody titers
nuclear cells that were predominantly plasma cells were highest in the SCAR LIP and TONGUE
and lymphocytes, admixed with lesser numbers of horses. However, 1 ID CHIN horse (VSIV) de-
neutrophils. Immediately adjacent to these areas, veloped the highest neutralizing titer (32,768) of all
epithelium had evidence of regeneration and for at horses, probably because of extensive secondary
948 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

Fig. 1. Tongue. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via tongue inoculation, PI day 1. Vesicle forming
on the dorsal surface of the tongue at the site of inoculation.
Fig. 2. Tongue. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via tongue inoculation, PI day 2. Large ruptured
vesicle resulting in extensive slough of the dorsal epithelium of the tongue.
Fig. 3. Tongue. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via tongue inoculation, PI day 12. Note the pallor
of the epithelium distal to the arrows. This area had sloughed due to extensive vesiculation and now is almost
completely reepithelialized. A remnant ulcer with contracting, healing edges remains.
Fig. 4. Lip. Horse. For 1 route of inoculation, a dual-needle vaccine applicator was used to scarify the mucosal
surface of the lip, and virus was applied to the area.
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 949

lesions that developed in the mouth. Horses in the detectable IgM; all developed detectable IgG. The
ORAL groups also had much lower maximum horse that failed to develop detectable IgM was in
neutralizing titers than those in horses inoculated the VSNJV ORAL group and had developed only
by other routes. This was most likely related to a very low neutralizing titer (32) by PI day 15.
a lack of lesion development in this group because Mean serum ODs of virus-specific IgA in horses
the only ORAL horse (VSNJV) that developed that developed neutralizing antibody are given in
lesions had the highest neutralizing titer (512) of Fig. 14 by inoculation group and serotype. For
the group. Serum-neutralizing antibodies were first both viruses, detectable virus-specific circulating
detected on PI day 6, 7, 8, or 12, depending on the IgA developed in all inoculation groups, but only
virus and inoculation group, and increased over horses that developed neutralizing antibody had
time (Fig. 14). For both VSNJV and VSIV, detectable virus-specific IgA. Of the 11 seropositive
animals inoculated by needle or scarification de- VSNJV-infected animals, only 7 (TONGUE 1/3;
veloped antibodies sooner than did those inoculat- SCAR LIP 2/3; ID CHIN 2/3; ORAL 2/2) de-
ed per os. In general, for all routes of inoculation, veloped detectable IgA, with significant increases
animals inoculated with VSNJV developed anti- first seen on PI day 6 (TONGUE), PI day 10
bodies prior to animals inoculated with VSIV. By (SCAR LIP), PI days 7 and 10 (ID CHIN), and PI
PI day 15, ORAL animals still had titers that were day 12 (ORAL). Eight of 11 seropositive VSIV-
minimal compared with those on PI day 12 in infected animals (TONGUE 1/3; SCAR LIP 3/3;
animals inoculated by other routes. ID CHIN 2/3; ORAL 2/2) developed detectable
Mean serum ODs of virus-specific IgM and IgG IgA, with significant increases first seen on day 10
in horses that developed neutralizing antibody, by (TONGUE), PI days 8 and 10 (SCAR LIP), PI
inoculation group and serotype, are given in Fig. 14. days 10 and 12 (ID CHIN), and PI days 12 and 15
In horses inoculated with both VSNJV and VSIV, (ORAL). The SCAR LIP and ID CHIN animals
significant increases in the mean IgM and IgG ODs that failed to develop circulating IgA had mild or
occurred in all inoculation groups and roughly no oral lesions and low neutralizing titers.
coincided with the development of neutralizing
antibody. Mean OD increases for IgM and IgG Virus isolation
were temporally similar, but the rapidity and Virus shedding occurred in all inoculation
magnitude of increase were faster and greater, groups (Tables 1, 2). In both VSNJV- and VSIV-
respectively, for IgM. For both viruses, initial infected horses, and for all routes of inoculation,
increases in mean ODs varied slightly between virus was most frequently isolated and in highest
inoculation groups, with significant increases occur- titer from swabs of saliva from the oral cavity or
ring later for the ORAL groups. Only horses that from swabs taken from the tonsillar region
had neutralizing antibody developed virus-specific (Tables 1, 2). Virus was less frequently isolated
IgM and IgG. Of these, only 1 failed to develop from nasal cavity and only from horses with oral

Fig. 5. Lip. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via lip scarification, PI day 4. Typical eroded lesion
observed at the site of scarification.
Fig. 6. Tongue. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via lip scarification, PI day 4. Ruptured secondary
vesicle with the loss of epithelium on the tip of the tongue.
Fig. 7. Lip. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via intradermal inoculation in the haired skin of the
chin, PI day 6. Crusty lesion at the site of inoculation has spread to the lip.
Fig. 8. Lip. Horse experimentally infected with VSNJV via intradermal inoculation in the haired skin of the chin,
PI day 8. Severe swelling of the lower lip with multiple ruptured mucosal vesicles along the mucocutaneous junction.
Fig. 9. Tongue. Horse experimentally infected with VSIV via tongue inoculation, PI day 3. Ruptured vesicle
with sloughing of epithelium leaving eroded base at the site of inoculation on the dorsal surface of the tongue.
Fig. 10. Chin. Horse experimentally infected with VSIV via intradermal inoculation in the haired skin of the
chin, PI day 3. Crusty lesion at the site of inoculation on the haired skin of the chin.
Fig. 11. Lip. Horse experimentally infected with VSIV via intradermal inoculation in the haired skin of the
chin, PI day 6. Spread of the lesion to the lower lip, which is swollen and crusty (although not shown, the mucosal
surface of the lip had multiple eroded areas to secondary vesiculation).
Fig. 12. Tongue and lip. Horse experimentally infected with VSIV via scarification of lip, PI day 13. Healing
secondary lesions on the mucosal surface at the mucocutaneous junction of the lower lip and along the tip of the tongue.
950 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

Fig. 13. (a) Tongue. Horse infected with VSIV via tongue inoculation, PI day 12. Fully reepithelialized primary
vesicular lesion on the tongue. Note irregular hyperplasia of the epithelium and mild, primarily perivascular
infiltrations in the submucosa. HE. Bar 5 125 mm. (b) Tongue. Horse infected with VSIV via tongue inoculation, PI
day 12. Ulcerated secondary vesicular lesion on the tongue. Note multifocal, perivascular lymphoplasmacytic
infiltrations in the underlying submucosa (arrows). HE. Bar 5 125 mm. (c) Tongue. Horse inoculated with VSNJV,
PI day 12. Normal tongue from an animal that did not become infected. HE. Bar 5 125 mm. (d) Tongue. Horse
(same as b) infected with VSIV via tongue inocuation, PI day 12. Submucosa underlying the tongue ulcer stained for
BLA.36 by immunohistochemistry. Note that perivascular infiltrations are composed of plasma cells and
lymphocytes, some of which are BLA.36 positive. DAB with hematoxylin counterstain. Bar 5 50 mm. (e) Tongue.
Horse (same as b) infected with VSIV via tongue inoculation, PI day 12. Submucosa underlying tongue ulcer stained
for CD3 by immunohistochemistry (same area as d). Note perivascular infiltrations composed of plasma cells and
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 951

Table 2. Duration of viral shedding and viral titers observed from swab samples collected from horses infected
with VSNJV and VSIV.

Maximum Viral Titers Observed/Horse

(Number of Horses From Which Virus was Detected){
Duration of
Virus Route Shedding Days* Saliva Tonsil Nasal Conjuctiva
VSNJV Tongue 3–6(3) 4.5–5.1(3) 3.9–6.3(3) 2.3–3.6(3) ,2.3(1)
Scar lip 7–8(3) 5.3–6.3(3) 4.3–6.3(3) ,2.3–3.6(3) ,2.3–2.6(2)
ID chin 1–6(3) ,2.3(1) ,2.3–3.9(3) 2.3(1) ,2.3(2)
Oral 1–8(2) 6.6(1) ,2.3–7.1(2) 2.3(1) –
VSIV Tongue 5–8(3) 5.1–6.3(3) 4.1–5.3(3) 2.6–3.3(3) –
Scar lip 1–8(3) ,2.3–5.3(3) ,2.3–5.1(3) ,2.3–4.1(2) –
ID chin 2–7(2) 2.3–5.1(2) ,2.3–4.6(2) 2.3(1) –
Oral 1(3) – ,2.3(3) – –
* Duration of viral shedding based on consecutive days of virus isolation for each horse (number of horses from which virus
was detected).
{ Viral titers expressed as log10 TCID50 /swab.

lesions. Isolation from the conjunctival sac was rare attempts preseroconversion and 0 of 115 virus
and only from horses inoculated with VSNJV. isolation attempts postseroconversion. Virus was
Virus was never isolated from feces, blood, or not isolated from retropharyngeal lymph node,
plasma. In both VSNJV- and VSIV-infected mandibular lymph node, tonsil, or residual lesion
horses, virus shedding was most frequent, more tissue obtained at necropsy on PI days 12 to 15.
protracted, and typically of higher titer in TON-
GUE and SCAR LIP groups (Tables 1, 2). Virus
was detected, albeit in low titer (,2.9), in swabs of Viral RNA was not detected in the whole blood of
the tonsillar area in 5 horses that did not develop any animal infected with VSNJV. Viral RNA was
lesions (1 ORAL, VSNJV; 3 ORAL, VSIV; 1 ID detected in the blood of 4 horses inoculated with
CHIN, VSIV) and from 2 horses without oral VSIV, 3 TONGUE (PI days 2, 3; PI days 2–4; PI day
lesions (both ID CHIN, 1 VSNJV and 1 VSIV). 4) and 1 SCAR LIP (PI day 3), and was detected in 3
Viral shedding occurred as early as PI day 1 or 2 of 7 corresponding serum samples. Most VSNJV-
in both VSNJV- and VSIV-infected animals and VSIV-infected horses had detectable viral RNA
(Fig. 15). For all inoculation groups, most viral in tonsil and/or retropharyngeal lymph node col-
shedding occurred during the first 6 days PI and lected at necropsy (Table 3); no animal that failed to
had ceased by PI day 10 in all animals (Fig. 15). seroconvert or shed virus had positive RT-PCR
Development of serum-neutralizing antibodies co- results. Not all animals with RT-PCR–positive
incided with the cessation of virus shedding tonsils had positive lymph nodes and vice versa.
(Fig. 16). In VSNJV-inoculated horses, virus was
isolated from 110 of 400 virus isolation attempts Discussion
(from saliva, tonsil, nasal, conjunctival, and fecal We were able to infect horses with VSNJV and
swabs) preseroconversion but only 13 of 200 virus VSIV by routes simulating contact (TONGUE,
isolation attempts postseroconversion. Of these 13, SCAR LIP, ORAL) or vector transmission (ID
11 isolations were made on the same day as CHIN); findings for each route were similar between
seroconversion and in the remaining 2 on the day the 2 viruses. Primary lesions at the site of
after detection of seroconversion. For VSIV, virus inoculation, or secondary oral lesions, and increased
was isolated from 105 of 485 virus isolation salivation, which has often been associated with VS

lymphocytes, some of which are CD3 positive. DAB with hematoxylin counterstain. Bar 5 50 mm. (f) Tongue.
Horse infected with VSIV via lip scarification, PI day 13. Epithelium adjacent to ulcer stained for BLA.36 by
immunohistochemistry. Note BLA.36-positive cells in the epithelium. DAB with hematoxylin counterstain. Bar 5
50 mm. (g) Tongue. Horse (same as f) infected with VSIV via lip scarification. Epithelium adjacent to ulcer (same
area as f) stained for CD3 by immunohistochemistry. Note CD3-positive cells in the epithelium. DAB with
hematoxylin counterstain. Bar 5 50 mm.
952 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

Fig. 14. Mean serum-neutralizing antibody titers and mean serum IgM, IgG, and IgA optical densities by
serotype and route of inoculation. Horses inoculated with VSNJV (a,c,e,g) and horses inoculated with VSIV
(b,d,f,h). The actual mean neutralizing antibody titer for the VSNJV TONGUE group was 4,437 on PI day 12, and
the actual mean neutralizing antibody titer for the VSIV ID CHIN was 11,616, and mean titers for days 12 and 15 of
the ORAL group were 132 and 272 (VSNJV) and 8 and 20 (VSIV), respectively.
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 953

Fig. 15. Average maximum viral titers observed by postinoculation day and route of infection for horses
inoculated with VSNJV (a) and VSIV (b). Numbers over bars indicate the number of horses shedding.

in horses,7 were the principal clinical findings. most effective in producing lesions and was
Primary lesions developed rapidly at the site of associated with more frequent and higher titered
inoculation, but true vesicular lesions only developed viral shedding, most likely due to the development
in the oral cavity. Secondary lesions also developed of vesicular lesions, similar to what is seen in
rapidly (within 8 days PI) and were often more experimental studies in swine.8,15 Only 1 horse
obvious than the primary lesion but were confined to inoculated per os developed lesions (vesicular
the lips and oral cavity. Because significant lesions lesions of the tongue). This particular horse was
were confined to the mouth, VS may go undetected aged and had severe dental attrition and enamel
in horses infected under natural conditions who may points that could have caused lacerations of the
then serve as an undetected source of virus for tongue, potentiating the development of oral
contact transmission. This could also help explain lesions. Thus, during outbreaks, trauma to the oral
reports of the apparently subclinical cases.10,12 mucosa caused by poor roughage and tooth care
However, it is important to note that true subclinical could increase the possibility of infection.
cases did occur in this study, because only 82% of As seen in experimentally infected swine, vesic-
horses that became infected developed lesions. Sub- ular lesions did not develop at the site of
clinical cases also occurred in experimentally infected inoculation in haired skin.8,15 However, in these
pigs, especially when virus was inoculated away from horses, when the infection spread from the haired
the oral cavity or coronary band.8,15 Thus, in skin of the chin to the nonhaired areas of the lip,
a natural situation in which viral inoculation may vesiculation and quite extensive lesions developed
occur at sites other than in or around the oral cavity, in the mucosa of the lip. Thus, there appear to be
the number of subclinical cases could potentially be unique features of nonhaired skin that allow the
higher than in this study. development of vesicles.
Applying virus to superficial breaks or direct Both primary and secondary lesions healed
viral inoculation of oral mucous membranes was rapidly and within 2 weeks of infection were

Fig. 16. Temporal development of viral shedding and seroconversion for horses infected with VSNJV (a) and
VSIV (b). Note that cessation of viral shedding coincides with the development of antibodies.
954 Howerth, Mead, Mueller, Duncan, Murphy, and Stallknecht Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006

Table 3. RT-PCR results for horses challenged with equine digestive tract. Thus, virus contamination
VSNJV and VSIV by 4 different routes. of the environment via feces is unlikely to occur.
Although viral RNA was detected in the blood
Tonsil – Retro LN – of horses infected with VSIV, virus was never
Virus Route N* PI day RT-PCR RT-PCR
detected in blood by virus isolation. Failure to
VSNJV Tongue 3 12 2 2 detect virus in blood via isolation is consistent with
Scar lip 3 13 2 2 experimental studies in swine5,8,13,15, and, to date,
ID chin 3 14 2 1 viremia sufficient to infect biological insect vectors
Oral 3 15 2 1 has not been documented in any domestic animal
VSIV Tongue 3 12 3 3 infected with VSNJV or VSIV.
Scar lip 3 13 2 2
Failure to detect viral RNA in the blood of
ID chin 3 14 0 2
Oral 3 15 2 1 VSNJV-infected horses may be due to differences
in sensitivity of the RT-PCR assays for the 2
* Number of horses per inoculation route. viruses rather than differences in viremia. Although
the presence of detectable viral RNA in the blood
reduced to healing erosions and ulcers that did not of VSIV-infected horses in this study does not
contain virus or viral antigen. Thus, virus isolation necessarily indicate the presence of infectious virus,
and immunohistochemistry would not be reward- it could indicate that viremia below levels detect-
ing in confirming a diagnosis at this phase of the able by virus isolation occurs in VS. Although low-
disease. However, tonsil and lymph nodes from the level viremia probably is not directly involved in
head contained viral RNA at this time, and RT- the transmission of disease, this finding coupled
PCR might be useful in making a diagnosis. with RT-PCR detection of viral nuclei acid in tonsil
Virus shedding was common from the oral cavity and oral shedding of virus in ID CHIN horses that
and reached titers that have been shown to orally failed to develop oral lesions suggests that virus can
infect swine5 and were very close to the titers shown spread from primary sites of inoculation in the skin
by this study to infect horses per os. This coupled to tonsil via low-level viremia with subsequent
with excessive salivation suggests that during an tonsillar replication, resulting in oral shedding
outbreak contact transmission via contaminated without the development of oral lesions. Such
food and water is likely partially responsible for the a pathogenesis would also explain why swine
spread of disease. Although in many horses this oral experimentally inoculated in haired skin of the
shedding can be attributed to oral lesions, shedding ear shed virus from the oral cavity without the
also occurred in animals without detectable oral development of oral lesions.8,15
lesions, and, because viral RNA was found in Neutralizing antibodies developed rapidly after
palatine tonsil without oral lesions, we speculate inoculation via routes simulating both contact and
that replication in tonsils is the source of some viral vector transmission and coincided with the rapid
shedding, similar to what has been shown in pigs.15 cessation of virus shedding. Similar results are
Horses have abundant tonsillar tissue surrounding reported for experimental studies in swine13,15 and
the oral cavity, including the palatine tonsil (lateral suggest that transmission risks associated with
to the tongue and behind the palatoglossal arch), seropositive animals are minimal. The risk of
lingual tonsil (at the base of the tongue), tubular contact transmission in swine was dependent on
tonsil (around the auditory tube), and pharyngeal the presence of vesicular lesions.15,16 Results from
tonsil (on the dorsal wall of the pharynx), all of horses are consistent with this possibility; highest
which might contribute to oral shedding of the virus. viral titers were associated with horses with
Shedding from the nasal cavity could also vesicular lesions. These potential relationships have
contribute to environmental contamination. Shed- important implications to control strategies and
ding could indicate replication in the nasal mucosa; should be further investigated.
however, because titers were relatively low, we VSV-specific IgM, IgG, and IgA antibodies
believe this virus originated from either the oral developed in both VSNJV- and VSIV-infected
cavity or replication in the tonsils. animals. There was a rapid specific IgM and IgG
Fecal shedding has been occasionally documen- response in all animals that developed neutralizing
ted in swine experimentally infected with VSV15 but antibody, in animals with and without lesions.
was not seen in these horses. These viruses Temporal development was similar to other reports
apparently do not replicate in the intestinal mucosa in experimentally infected animals.9,17,18 Specific
of horses, or swallowed virus from the oral cavity is IgA antibodies also rapidly developed but not in all
inactivated or diluted beyond detection in the animals. In some animals, failure to develop IgA
Vet Pathol 43:6, 2006 Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses 955

appeared to be related to lack of oral lesion shannoni) isolate of vesicular stomatitis virus, New
development. On the other hand, very few of the Jersey serotype. J Vet Diagn Invest 8:105–108, 1996
TONGUE group animals developed IgA, although 6 Cornish TE, Stallknecht DE, Brown CC, Seal BS,
they developed extensive vesicles on the tongue and Howerth EW: Pathogenesis of experimental vesicu-
lar stomatitis virus (New Jersey serotype) infection
shed virus from the oral cavity. Thus, it appears
in the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Vet
that route and/or location of inoculation deter- Pathol 38:396–406, 2001
mines the development of IgA. The role of both 7 Heiny E: Vesicular stomatitis in cattle and horses in
circulating and secretory IgA in the pathogenesis of Colorado. North Am Vet 26:726–730, 1945
this disease warrants further study. 8 Howerth EW, Stallknecht DE, Dorminy M, Pisell T,
Little is known about the pathogenesis of VS in Clarke GR: Experimental vesicular stomatitis in
horses. Although animals were not sequentially swine: effects of route of inoculation and steroid
killed and examined during the first week of this treatment. J Vet Diagn Invest 9:136–142, 1997
study, we can offer a partial pathogenesis based on 9 Katz JB, Eernisse KA, Landgraf JG, Schmitt BJ:
our findings. We hypothesize that primary replica- Comparative performance of four serodiagnostic
tion occurs in tonsils after oral inoculation or procedures for detecting bovine and equine vesicular
within the epithelium at the site of inoculation with stomatitis virus antibodies. J Vet Diagn Invest
9:329–331, 1997
subsequent spread, via low-titer viremia or via 10 McCluskey BJ, Mumford EL, Salman MD, Traub-
saliva if oral lesions develop, to tonsils. Primary or Dargatz JL: Use of sentinel herds to study the
secondary replication in tonsils results in viral epidemiology of vesicular stomatitis in the state of
shedding into the oral cavity, where secondary Colorado. Ann NY Acad Sci 969:205–209, 2002
lesions may develop if there are breaks in the oral 11 McCluskey BJ, Salman MD, Hurd HS, Dick J:
mucosa. There is subsequent drainage to or Review of the 1995 vesicular stomatitis outbreak in
infection of lymph nodes of the head from oral the western United States. JAVMA 211:556–560,
lesions, and rapid resolution of the lesions probably 1997
occurs due to both the rapid development of 12 Mumford EL, McCluskey BJ, Traub-Dargatz JL,
neutralizing antibodies and local immunity, as Schmitt BJ, Salman MD: Serologic evaluation of
evidenced by the appearance of lymphocytes (both vesicular stomatitis virus exposure in horses and
cattle in 1996. JAVMA 213:1265–1269, 1998
T and B cells) and plasma cells in the epithelium 13 Redelman D, Van Der Maaten M, Whetstone C:
and submucosa/dermis surrounding lesions. Experimental vesicular stomatitis virus infection of
In conclusion, the routes of inoculation used in swine: extent of infection and immunological response.
this study can be used to further study contact Vet Immunol Immunopathol 20:345–361, 1989
and vector transmission and vaccine development 14 Stallknecht DE, Greer JB, Murphy MD, Mead DG,
and to clarify the pathogenesis of the disease in Howerth EW: Effect of strain and serotype of
horses. vesicular stomatitis virus on viral shedding, vesicular
lesion development, and contact transmission in
Acknowledgement pigs. Am J Vet Res 65:1233–1239, 2004
Supported in part by funds from the Grayson-Jockey 15 Stallknecht DE, Howerth EW, Reeves CL, Seal BS:
Club Research Foundation. Potential for contact and mechanical vector trans-
mission of vesicular stomatitis virus New Jersey in
pigs. Am J Vet Res 60:43–48, 1999
16 Stallknecht DE, Kavanaugh DM, Corn JL, Eernisse
1 Anonymous: Vesicular stomatitis strikes more hors- KA, Comer JA, Nettles VF: Feral swine as
es. JAVMA 211:401, 1997 a potential amplifying host for vesicular stomatitis
2 Anonymous: Vesicular stomatitis quarantines lifted virus New Jersey serotype on Ossabaw Island,
in Texas; remain in Colorado, New Mexico. Georgia. J Wildlf Dis 29:377–383, 1993
JAVMA 225:1657, 2004 17 Vernon SD, Webb PA: Recent vesicular stomatitis
3 Anonymous: Vesicular stomatitis cases identified. virus infection detected by immunoglobulin M
JAVMA 226:1961–1962, 2005 antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent
4 Bridges VE, McCluskey BJ, Salman MD, Hurd HS, assay. J Clin Microbiol 22:582–586, 1985
Dick J: Review of the 1995 vesicular stomatitis 18 Zhou E, Riva J, Clavijo A: Development of an
outbreak in the western United States. JAVMA immunoglobulin M (IgM) capture enzyme-linked
211:556–560, 1997 immunosorbent assay for detection of equine and
5 Clarke GR, Stallknecht DE, Howerth EW: Exper- swine IgM antibodies to vesicular stomatitis virus.
imental infection of swine with a sandfly (Lutzomyia Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 8:475–481, 2001

Request reprints from Dr. E. W. Howerth, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (USA). E-mail:

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