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Advancements in technology show evident help in our daily lives.

These are indeed a

great method in making our lives easier. Work, education, and communication are way easier
through the help of technology. Mobile phones, with the help of the Internet enable us to know
and discover more and entertain our ownselves with a lot of things to do such as watching series,
playing mobile games, creating a blog/vlog, etc., requiring only minimal time and effort from
us. Nowadays, you can relay or receive a message or information in a snap. Social media, an
advancement in technology, allows us to communicate with someone even miles away from us
in real time. It also allows us to express ourselves freely.

At home, our chores are done easier and more convenient also with the help of modern
technology. In doing the laundry, we use the washing machine. In cooking, we use the oven and
the stove. We also use the refrigerator as a safe place for our food. We entertain ourselves by
watching the television. We use airconditioners to make us feel comfortable. In the bathroom and
comfort room, we use the shower, toilet flush, and bidet. Lastly, we put CCTV in our homes to
keep us secured. These are only some of the advancements in technology that we can see at

Elevators and escalators provided us with too much convenience because through them,
we do not have to take the stairs anymore. Trains and other vehicles have also made
transportation a lot easier. Through these, transactions can be made in an instant. Thus, we can
conserve a lot or energy, time, and effort.

Technology plays a vital role in our lives, our community, and the world. It is evidently a
great help to us, humans. As a counterpart, we must learn how to use it properly. The youth
must not only be benefiting from all of these. We must aim of becomming innovators of
technology in the future as a tribute to the next generations.

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