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function(context, args) { //t:"username", n:"start from index 1000 * n"

let t = args.t
let from_i = args.n * 1000
let al_to = from_i + 1000
let trans_to = from_i + 1000

if (!t || (!from_i && from_i !== 0) || !al_to)

return {ok: false, msg: "Check the paramters and try again."}

let access_log = #s.sys.expose_access_log({target: t})

let transactions = #s.sys.expose_transactions({target: t})

if (access_log.length < al_to)

al_to = access_log.length

if (transactions.length < trans_to)

trans_to = transactions.length

access_log = access_log.slice(from_i, al_to)

transactions = transactions.slice(from_i, trans_to)

target: t,
type: "breach_logs",
transactions: transactions,
access_log: access_log

return `Grabbed ${access_log.length} entries from access_log and $

{transactions.length} entries from transaction history.`

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