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1: Thimble
Snake/London/Lake - Serpentine
London's First children's Hospital - Ormond
Attribute Thread - Kensington Gardens (Serpentine) + Peter Pan (Ormond)

2: Pocket Watch
Narrator of the First Collection - Watson
Bronze/Twelve/? - BlueBird
Tears and Heartbreak - Ellis
Attribute Thread - 1892 (Watson) + First Edition (BlueBird) + Immigration Station

3: Cactus
Long Lost Line - ATSF
Beak and Eyes - RedCrown
Dead End Bridge - Suicide
Attribute Thread - 222 South Raymond Avenue (ATSF) + California (RedCrown) +
Colorado Street Bridge (Suicide)

4: Photograph
Everything Has Gone - Goodness
Symbol A Device - Transformer
Both He and His Brother - Hypnos
First to Coin - Mitchell
Attribute Thread - Rest Cure (Goodness) + Retards Muscle Atrophy (Transformer) +
Physical Inactivity (Hypnos) + Neurasthenia (Mitchell)

5: Spilt Cup
Brule Kay! - Dessalines
Creature of Pure Devotion - Zombie
Sacrifice - Boukman
Attribute Thread - Battle of Vertieres (Dessalines) + Jean Zombi(Zombie) + August
14, 1791 (Boukman)

6: Knife
Central Place - Jackson
Pyramid - Varney
Icy Stare - Charlotte
Attribute Thread - Andrew Jackson Statue (Central Place) + Cemetery No 3 (Pyramid)
+ Jumeau (Icy Stare)

7: Scissors
Odious Downfall - AedesAegypti
King's Gift - 1728
Cabildo Law - Tignon
Attribute Thread - Lafyev Jon (Odious Downfall) + French Descent (King's Gift) +
Creole Woman (Cabildo Law)

8: Broken Doll
Yoruban Children - OdoOya
Short Night - June 23
Invisibles' Flame - Kongo
Attribute Thread - Maman Brigitte (Yoruban Children) + Bayou St John (Short Night)
+ Activation of Loa (Invisibles' Flame)

Demonic Devourer - Lamia

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