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The primary duties of the class president usually include working with students to resolve problems, and

informing school leaders and the student council of ideas emanating from the class. The president also
has the responsibility of leading class cabinet meetings and organizing student activities and events. The
term of office for a class president is one year in most schools. The student holding the office usually has
the option of running again for the coming year. Also, the class president in some schools is in charge of
building funds for the class to use for activities, such as prom.[2] Students in this position are also often
looked to as token student voice representatives.[3]

Class president - ultimately responsible for all class activities; creates agenda and presides over
meetings; delegates duties and acts as the representative for the class

Vice-president - fulfills the duties of the president when the president is absent; performs duties
assigned by the president

Secretary - takes meeting minutes; maintains correspondence & attendance records; keeps class activity
calendar/webpage; responsible for all sign-up sheets

Treasurer - establishes budget; records all financial transactions; gives status report at class meetings;
authorizes expenditures; inventories fundraising items; and collects/deposits fundraising money earned

Historian - writes a narrative of activities and events; maintains a scrapbook of documents &
memorabilia; coordinates activities with newspaper and yearbook teams; and publicizes activities

Sergeant at arms - maintains order and decorum at meetings.

Fundraising officer (high school) - solicits donations from businesses, organizes activities to earn money
for class needs

Stewardship agent (college) - solicits class members for donations to both the institution and the class's
fund; promotes & implements class projects

Webmaster - keeps the website/webpage current

Homecoming/Reunion chair - responsible for planning and executing associated activities

Peace officer - maintains silence in the class.

The individuals who fill these positions may be selected by the other officers or elected with them.


Institutions of secondary education typically require an adult advisor who is a faculty member. That
person may volunteer for the job or be assigned by the school. Their function is to act as a liaison
between the class and the administration, ensuring that the group's actions and activities conform to
the policies of the institution. The advisor will work with the president when setting class meetings
agendas to include all required items in a timely manner.[8] The advisor should also provide
encouragement, direction, support and ideas when needed.[9]
Class Officer Responsibilities

Class officers are designed to help keep the class in order running smoothly. Student government is to
be treated the same as being eligible for a sport. you must have a 2.0 minimum G.P.A. You must attend
mandatory meetings and activities that must get done in order for you to run a successful high school
career. The position duties are as follows:


Conduct all meetings along with other class officers in your grade and your class advisor(s).

Work with Vice president, secretary, and adviser to add to all class meetings and agenda forms that
Executive Board gives you.

Be a member of all class committees.

Attend all student government meetings and disseminate information about meetings to other
members of your class.

Vice President/ Class Representative:

Conduct all class meetings when president is absent.

Be a member of all class committees.

Work with president, secretary and adviser to add all class meetings and agenda forms that Executive
Board gives you .

Attend all student government meetings and disseminate information about meetings to other
members of your class, attend all student government meetings and disseminate information about
meetings to other member of your class.


Keeps notes of all class meetings

Attend all student government meetings meetings and disseminate information about meetings to
other members of your class.

Work with president, Vice president, and adviser to add to all class meetings and agenda forms that
Executive Board gives you.


Attend all student government meetings and disseminate information about meetings to other
members of your class.

Work with class adviser on all matters concerning money and fundraising for your class.

Class Representatives:
Attend all student government meetings and disseminate information about meetings to other
members of your class.

Gather ideas and information from your classmates regarding school events, dances, themes, etc. and
share them with class adviser and executive board

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