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Brianna Mclaurin

Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1104

19 July 2019

The Know It Alls

The side of my family in which I will be researching is mainly from the United States of

America. My immediate family has little knowledge of the life that my great-great grandparents

lived but it is obvious that the majority of my family grew up in the southern part of the states.

During the times that my mother grew up, there was still segregation and racism taking place.

This was one of the main issues and focuses in the United States and is what “brought our

country to the understanding” it has reached now in the twenty-first century (Maranzani)

The American flag is the United States flag and has been since June 14, 1777. On this

date the Continental Congress passed an act, which established this flag as the official flag of our

new nation (Blumberg). After all of the changes and enhancements, the flag now has thirteen

horizontal stripes that represent the thirteen colonies. The flag also has fifty stars that represent

the fifty states in the United States. Thousands of lives were lost during the process of the flag

changes and the logic behind the details on the flag. There were several big changes made after

the original flag was displayed. Our National Anthem was adapted long after the flag, which was

in 1931 (

The United States is considered a melting pot. Therefore, you are able to obtain

citizenship by completing different steps offered to you by the government. The process of

becoming a citizenship is exhausting and complex but most feel like the amount of time it takes

to become a legal citizen is worth the freedom you receive in the end.
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Works Cited

1. Blumberg, Naomi. “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

2. “History of the American Flag.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,


3. Maranzani, Barbara. “Fast Flag Facts.”, A&E Television Networks, 13 June


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