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The red noodles are very rich and most Peruvians like it. This is how we give you the recipe
below so you can prepare them at home and enjoy their pleasant taste.


 1 Kilogram of noodles
 6 pieces of chicken without skin
 1 medium carrot
 Ketchup
 2 onions
 1 Small glass of Semi-sweet red wine
 1 cup of vegetable oil
 1 package of Parmesan cheese
 2 mushrooms and laurel
 Oregano
 4 cloves of garlic
 Salt
 Pepper
 Cumin
 Ajinomoto
 Mushrooms and laurel
 2.5 Liter of water
 1 cup of cold wáter


To start, you must boil 2 liters and a half of water, add the two bay leaves, a pinch of salt
and the ajinomoto.

When it boils, add the noodles and cook until they are al dente. The cooking time is very
important so that the noodles are not too hard or soft.

Once the noodles are cooked, pour them into a colander and drain them. At the time of
draining, drop cold water to wash them a little and prevent them from sticking.

Now, you can place the colander over the pot so that the pasta dries out well. Meanwhile,
prepare the dressing. To do this, take another separate pot and add the oil onion cut into
small squares, garlic, pepper and cumin to taste. Cook over low heat until the ingredients
are brown.

When they are lightly browned, add the chicken pieces without skin and the mushrooms
and bay leaf previously soaked to remove any dirt.

Then, when the chicken is practically cooked, add the peeled and liquefied carrot with
enough water to make a thick sauce.

Remove the dressing from time to time to avoid sticking and burning. Pour the two
tablespoons of tomato sauce. Then, add a little bit of semi-sweet red wine to add a touch
of flavor to the sauce.

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