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proper reference to the Author
Oluseun D Oyeleke



I thank God for making this book a reality and for wisdom
and inspiration. I appreciate my lovely wife
and ‚Wikiboy‛ for their love and support.

Special thanks to Mr. Neuroking Kingsley Ochi for his

valuable contributions to this book and all team members
and members of Greatlight Visionaries.

Photo credit: - Pixcity Kaduna state

You never know what you can do until you make your big

Disney Channel






 “

re you motivated or demotivated?

There was a time in my life I listened to so

many motivational messages that I started
becoming ‚demotivated‛.

I heard and learned from so many authors things that

really set me on course for success and impact.

I learned a lot about positive thinking, vision, planning,

laws of influence, leadership, biographies,
entrepreneurship; the list is endless.

However, many times too I heard and read things that

excited me but I couldn’t really relate with.

Even though the principles taught worked for the people
who taught them, applying these principles in the
country I grew appeared challenging to me.

I read about Rich Dad Poor Dad but over here, calling
your dad poor is considered disrespectful.

At one time it felt to me that if I ‘focus my thoughts on

my empty wallet my wallet will begin to mint cash’ due
to the ‚power of positive thinking‛. Of course this may
not be what the author implied in many cases but these
were the images that formed in my young mind.

I grew up in an environment where there wasn’t stable

electricity, where there was poor leadership, ethnic and
religious crises, political instability and corruption in
government. Some of the books I read assumed one was
in an environment that provided opportunities and
therefore only required your skills and readiness to

harness, But here in my country even with skills, there
weren’t many opportunities.

These things demotivated me because I saw heights but I

couldn’t reach them.

Sometimes I read about how people went from grass to

glory and appeared like the whole message was not
being preached or there were hidden truths somewhere.
Then sometimes when I didn’t get the result I desired, I
felt there was something I wasn’t doing correctly or my
faith was halted by God. It brought me sadness and
guilt. The concept of dropping out of college to become
one tech billionaire sure sounds exciting but no one just
drops out of college in Africa for just any reason based
on some dynamic motivation or idea else he may forever
be called an illiterate even if he’s wealthy. People go to
school more to attain status than to acquire knowledge.

Even though somewhere I was motivated, elsewhere I
was demotivated

When I heard things like ‚there is a giant inside of you‛

while being beating by rain and marred by debt…I truly
believed there is a giant inside of me but the
circumstances that stared me in the face said otherwise.
It gets funnier when children of millionaires sometimes
teach on ‚seven secrets they used to become wealthy‛.

Mixed feelings, confusion.

But then I started to give these successful people a

second look and give them a ‚non-motivational, non-
secret of success kind of look‛

I then realized they had a pattern:

1. They ALL started SOMETHING

2. The all started small

I realized that King Solomon, Bill Gates, Mark
Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos didn’t wake up one day saying,
set out solve human problems and for that purpose, they
developed products and followed their passion.

So, I realize that action without our words is always

better than words without action.

It doesn’t just matter how many books I read

How much time I engage in positive confession

How many success seminars I attend

How many dreams I have

How many vision I have

How charged I am spiritually

Until I START practically, everything STOPS


here is Power in Consistent action. Things don't
happen as fast and as quick as we want it but
like the CHINESE BAMBOO Tree...after 5
grows from less than 10ft to 90ft. Les Brown says always
tell yourself, "no matter what happens, no matter the
challenges, I WILL MAKE IT. Just be consistent and
don’t be weary in well doing. Even if your good deeds
implicate or complicate your life, keep doing good
because at the end you WILL SKYROCKET‛.



ver the years I read lots of books about people
who have made an impact in their society and
the world. Great leaders like Nelson Mandela,
Barack Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, and great
entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark
Zuckerberg and Elon Musk who still making their mark.

Even before the rise of some of these giants, I have long

read books about people who did great things in sports,
science, economy and I kept hearing clichés like

 You must be extraordinary else your destiny is

a waste.

 Ordinary people do ordinary things while
extraordinary people do extraordinary things.
 People who take giant steps don’t end like
 To be special, do what no one has ever done

And I wondered, ‚What has someone never done under

the sun before?‛

I pondered and searched but didn’t find such a thing.

Looking for what is new when there is nothing new
under the sun is a hard task.

This is why I almost stopped searching. And many

others have stopped searching too.

A lot of times I get lost in the feeling of inadequacy and

intimidation washes in. I almost feel like I won't end up
successful in life because I keep looking for
‘supernatural’ things to do but I can’t find any.

I started losing interest in the little things around me
because I didn’t perceive them to be extraordinary
enough hence, not worth venturing into.

Over the years, it translated into a slow progression for

me as I couldn’t find anything ‘extraordinary’ to do.
Slowly, I started believing something was wrong with

I tried my best to achieve things but they didn’t look

‘big’ enough so I left them uncompleted and almost
retired to a reclusive life.

But then I started hearing the phrase in my head, “Start small,

achieve ONE thing at a time, add to it and it will become

It’s not about the size of what we do but the power of

touching a life. It was a salient but strong message.

Oh! I then took a second look at those great people I
admired and then saw the pattern. They weren’t looking
for supernatural or extraordinary things to achieve.

‚Great things are done by a series of small things

brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

They gave their BEST to the ordinary and regular things

they were doing and it became the harbinger of their
worldwide acclaim. And the ones who didn’t seem to do
great things did small things in great ways.

The biggest lesson I learnt is summarized in these lines:

 I was told ordinary people do ordinary things

and extraordinary people do extraordinary things.
I kept looking for an extraordinary thing to do and
it wasn't easy to find any. But I later saw that
extraordinary people were ordinary people who

did ordinary things with extraordinary passion.
And they became the billionaires of their days.

Achieve small successes first. Then repeat them and they

become BIG. Start small. Start local but aim global.

ow do things grow? Do things just grow?
Does a woman just get pregnant? Or does an
apple tree just grow from the ground? No.

Growth is a process and the most important thing about

growth is that there must be a beginning. There has to be
a seed and it has to be planted. The prerequisite for
growth is that there must be a cell for a life to be grown
from it.

On Mars, astronauts need to first explore for life on Mars

before anything else.

You need to look for life before you think of setting up

infrastructure, communities, society, economics and

anything else. There must first be a sign of life to allow
the existence and growth of life before life can thrive in
such a place.

Before my son was born, the midwife came with a

heartbeat detection machine because the baby’s
heartbeat must be monitored till the child is birth. From
the process of expansion and contraction, the breaking of
water and everything, she was listening for the

Just as in software development we have event listeners.

The sign of life must be detected before anything can
grow for subsequent development. Hence, ensure that
before you undertake any venture there should
be LIFE in that plan, vision, concept, and idea.

Monitor the heartbeat of your vision and dream. ANY

sign of life can turn into a multi-billion enterprise.

Someone detected a ‘heart-beat’ in social media. While
others probably saw it as a waste of time, someone
noticed there was LIFE in human connectivity and this
has made people rich.

o achieve success and achievement in life it is
vital to give you a personal target.

‚I believe the target of anything in life should be to

do it so well that it becomes an art‛ – Arsene Wenger.

Many times, we believe success is based on external

commendation demonstrated with recognition,
accolades, adulation, and applause. This is why many
want to achieve celebrity status before they believe they
are successful. But I think that’s not all that success

This is the reason why despite what people see

as success, when people don’t achieve their personal

target they still feel unfulfilled and sometimes even
depressed in spite of all the money and fame.

Success is persona too. It’s also about setting personal

targets and hitting them.

It is deception to believe true success MUST mean

popularity and public show; you can be popular for all
the wrong reasons. I believe personal success means
positive influence.

For example, if you are able to breed birds successfully

to meet the consumption need of your local society,
friend, you are VERY SUCCESSFUL. The satisfaction
you are able to provide to yourself and to people is the
greatest index and indicator of success. Understanding
this will make you give your little and never look down
on yourself.

So, we need to really understand the principle of
PERSONAL success.

Imagine you are in a world ALONE; how would you

quantify success when there is no one to cheer? No one
to compete with you and no one to push you or motivate
you? What will matter now will be your
PERSONAL targets.

I have done things at the lowest time of my life when no

one believed in me. What I needed then was to believe in
God and believe in what he has given to me. I pressed
on and then results began to show.

I was given an award once and I remembered the first

day I applied for the award. Truly I had a lot of doubts.
But a man who fears and still steps on water is better
than a man with faith who sits in the boat. One of my
PERSONAL SUCCESS is to always make an attempt. I

consider it a success whenever I make an attempt. No
wonder a boxer said, ‚victory is sure once you step into
the ring‛. So I told myself whether I succeed or fail I will
surely apply and friends, I WAS SELECTED and WON.

This is how REAL success begins. I’m not talking about

isolation or reclusion. I’m talking about ACHIEVING
PERSONAL SUCCESS whether you get accolades or not.
That means giving yourself a personal target and
meeting it and when your target is to influence lives and
solve problems, the accolades will surely come.

‚The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them,

because he knoweth not how to go to the city‛ – Eccl.

Personal failure is REAL FAILURE.

I remember meeting a young man with a National

Diploma and he proceeded to obtain a Higher National

Diploma. After that, he went for a Postgraduate
Diploma and then went for a Master degree. Anytime he
visits us, you can't even tell he has struggled in life. His
optimism and positivity are drawn from the fact that HE
was often intimidated and sidelined due to a perceived
low category of his diploma, he didn’t compromise on
his personal target till he got his doctorate degree.

This is very personal. Whenever we are in a race to

compete unnecessarily, it becomes the beginning of
inspired by a competitive and confrontational spirit are
built on poor objectives and motives and they usually
burn us out.

So, this guy told me that while in school, there were
days he had nothing to eat. And he sometimes just ate
crumbs to survive. After his struggles, he got his
Master’s Degree and got a job. Shortly after that, he got a
doctorate scholarship overseas and that’s how he came
into the limelight and a great circle of influence.

That is a practical example of personal success.

I believe in living life from INSIDE OUT. Someone said,

‚God can't perform THROUGH you what he hasn’t
done IN you.‛ You have to see it inside of you first.

Some of our targets might be to develop ourselves

professionally, to start a small business, learn a new
language, add value to ourselves, write a small book,
learn Java programming etc.

HEY! What matters most is meeting set personal targets

that add value. Stop looking for the flashlights! DO

aim is clear, it is then easier to get help and counsel to
achieve it.

Meeting YOUR TARGET inspires confidence in you that

YOU can do more. But living without personal goals is
the reason MANY don’t end up ACHIEVING
ANYTHING TANGIBLE. Because they don’t set
personal goals.

The goal might be to learn a new language. Don’t

underestimate ANYTHING.

If you had been consistent for the past 5 years, today you
would have been a professional in something.

My set goals are personal goals, of course, linked to my

purpose in life. But I am NOT looking for the ‚camera
flashes and paparazzi.‛ I just want to influence people
and solve problems. And I have realized that it is those

who start small and are CONSISTENT that become
really successful.

rocrastination is defined as ‚the action of
delaying or postponing something that is meant
to be done immediately.‛

I believe that every one of us at one time or another in

our lives have had cause to delay or defer taking an
action. Oftentimes, we get excited at the thought of an
idea or a potentially successful action we want to take
that we deem will bring us some good outcome. But
then comes a sudden lethargy and reluctance that we
can/cannot explain that tends to stop us from
implementing our ideas.

Oftentimes, ideas get us excited when we think about
them. But when you take a closer look at the nature of
the euphoria you feel, it’s the same kind of feeling of
excitement you get when you engage in fantasies and
pleasurable imaginations. Such thinking produces

Dear friends, I can tell you from experience that

adrenalin cannot guarantee you the full supply of
energy needed to initiate a good idea from start to finish
because somewhere along the way, the excitement may
vanish. Sometimes when you think of reality and the
requirements and resources you need to implement that
super idea, it all turns cold and you just want to crawl
into your bed and sleep.

The conception of an idea comes with a lot of emotional

escorts. It is a mixture of euphoria, anxiety, hope,

fantasies, and others. The rush of excitement, the wave,
the initial feeling, and daydreaming of what the full
manifestation of the ideas will look like are all as natural
as the sometimes-inevitable decline in energy that
follows as the idea gets old and the initial fireworks and
spark that we experienced starts to dim and dwindle.

In engineering, there is a concept called damping.

Damping is the decrease in the amplitude of an
oscillation or wave motion with time.

Applying this definition to the parable of the sower, time

here is defined as the cares of this world, distractions,
emotional liabilities and everything the world throws at
us. These and many others cause debility in our initial

Damping can be visualized in this manner. High energy

but gradually dying out

You can see from the image above that the oscillator
began with a lot of energy but with time the energy
began to drop and IF nothing is done, it eventually dies.

This is what many of our dreams and visions, ideas and

plans have experienced with time. This almost natural
phenomenon has faded many potential billionaire ideas
into oblivion because of the decreasing momentum.

The concept of energy and the conservation of energy

applies to life in many ways. Someone will ask, ‚When I

thought of this idea I had a lot of excitement at first.
Where did all the energy and zest go?‛

The truth is, ‚Energy cannot be destroyed. Rather it is

converted into another form.‛

I know folks who used up all their energy to engage in

disputes and other distractions. They put energy into
sports, outings, fun, religious arguments, pessimistic
discussions and so many alternative activities (which
may not be bad). But those are the ‚heat sinks‛ that
created an alternative path where the requisite energy
required for the pursuit of their dreams were dissipated
and leaked away.

I know some potential breakthrough authors who lost

the energy they would have used to write the likes of
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Things Fall Apart. Epic
novels of this age were lost to some emotional struggles

and heartbreak that broke them and broke their
beautiful minds.

Sometimes this energy goes off more silently and

unannounced. We just find ourselves no longer having
the flare we had when we first conceived an idea. I
remember in school, we were taught that Carbon
Dioxide is used in extinguishers. The extinguisher
Canisters contain Carbon Dioxide in liquid form and
when the extinguisher is let off, the liquid is released
into the air neutralizing the oxygen that the fire is
feeding on thereby disabling the fire’s ability to spread.

So also, the passion and energy for our dreams don’t just
vanish. They are either traded, submerged, consumed by
a greater force that we give attention to. In simple terms
‚distractions‛. Both active and passive distractions take

away energy. Either what we give attention to or what
takes away our attention.

These and many reasons are why so many ideas haven’t

lived to see the light of day.

I remember Motivational speaker, the late Dr. Myles

Munroe saying, ‚Die Empty.‛ i.e. ensure you do
everything that you can do and give your all to
humanity before you die. But if it were so easy, everyone
will be ‘dying empty’; it isn’t as easy. Remember the
Newton's law of motion? It states that ‚to every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction‛.

Once a dream is born, automatically, opposing forces

begin to emerge in order to resist that dream. In this
strange twist of events, these ‘opposing forces’ see
themselves as antibodies trying to kill the dream which

is perceived by them as a virus. Immediately Jesus was
born, Herod launched an assault to eliminate him.

Aside from personal, domestic, financial, social, and

spiritual motivation killers-I don’t mean to make
excuses, but I can also say that environment has played a
huge influence on our dreams and visions. It can kill or
boost motivation. When the environment is not aiding
but instead presenting too much opposition than we can
handle, this becomes a source of setback. This has been a
major reason why people migrate to better environments
to execute their dreams.

A great friend of mine once told me that convincing

people to use the right side of their brain is very tasking.
We mostly use or apply our Left-brain hemisphere and
not are rarely able to integrate design thinking that

demand creativity and empathy. Why not just cross-
train your brain to use both LEFT and RIGHT sides?

Yes! The parable of the sower talks of the impact of life

and cares of this world and other factors that we easily
trade away our energy for. I once heard a man say at 27
he had dreams. But today, he’s 70 and he realized he
gave so much energy away attending to kinsmen issues
and now his time is up and all his dreams are but a
figment of memory without achievement.

I have many dreams. Even as motivated as I am, this

gravitational pull in my mind was a major contender. I
have been struggling to keep my head above water. If
not for the additional source of energy, there is no way
the ideas I had will fly nor will the visions have seen the
light of day. Like I said, there is a contending pull/drag

force that wants to stop you from taking off. And that
almost equals or counter-balances your positive drive.

Like the principle of negative feedback, if the counter

energy is more than or equal to the pushing positive
energy then you experience zero or a ‘halt.’

This is why 10 + (-10) = 0

Friends, this is how procrastination is invented. And it

latches onto our dreams and visions. And IF we do not
overcome it early, it can stop us from seeing our ideas go
from conception to implementation.

Four (4) Ways to Overcome Procrastination


There is literally time for everything. We need to

understand the implication of this. There is time for
everything means there is a ‘time and a season allocated

for everything’ under the sun. Hence, you don’t have the
luxury of choosing to do things at your own
convenience. In fact, the best world-changing decisions
were made at people’s inconvenience. I read about the
epic bout between Mike Tyson and Buster Douglas.
Douglas lost his mum not too long from when the fight
was scheduled to take place. It was a highly anticipated
encounter and Douglas had every reason to delay the
fight. But he decided that there was no need postponing
the inevitable. He went on to record one of the greatest
upsets in boxing history.

Someone said, ‚There is nothing as powerful as an idea

whose time has come‛. And I go to also say ‚There is
nothing as hopeless as an idea whose time has passed.‛

Do you know that 5 years from now you may regret not
doing something that you had the opportunity of doing
today? Yes! IF you don’t do it today.

My advice; forget how you feel and START NOW!



The earth has a naturally rough surface. The terrain is

not smooth. It took thinking men and technology to find
a way through rocks and develop materials that allow us
to construct roads that we can navigate through easily.
This should make us understand that the operating
system of the world is ‚Nothing worthwhile comes

I remember writing once that, ‚Excuses are the easiest of
all natural resources for failure.‛ They are available for
free and can be mined in billions through the mechanism
of thoughts + pessimism. You can produce excuses at
‚the speed of thought‛. Excuses are the ‚problems to

There will never be a convenient time to begin but



What I mean by this is simple; trick yourself into

believing you can achieve big things by achieving very
small things first; easy things.

Before writing my books, I experienced a lot of ‚lag‛ and

mental drag. I played this trick and started breaking
down my writing into bits and pieces. Gradually I began
to see a big picture from the possibilities of the small

ones. Sometimes we hurt our throat trying to ingest too
many things at once. In the same way, we hurt our
minds conceiving ideas that abuse the principle of small

I read about Nnamdi Ezeigbo the founder of SLOT

Nigeria. He had many excuses not to succeed. An
Electrical engineer, Ezeigbo tried to secure a job but ‘to
no avail.’ Then he decided to work in a computer repair
shop and from there he found his miracle.

When we start anyhow and anywhere, it makes us

believe achieving smaller things can help us achieve big

One of my coaches once said, ‚Everyone can eat an

elephant if he cuts it into little pieces.‛

Remember, ‚He that observes the cloud shall not sow.‛

Overcome the first obstacle like a car on a speed breaker.
Once the first set of tyres climb, the other two follow.

You don’t have to start making that big investment

immediately. Start with the small ones. Celebrate your
little success and it will give you a lot of optimism to
face the big ones.


Don’t ever expect a time to come where you will always

feel like doing things.

Emotions are fickle and ephemeral; changing drastically

with things changing around you routinely. Hinging
your dreams on your current emotional condition will
not guarantee you the needed drive you constantly need.

Whenever you have a project, don’t consult your
emotions primarily to start. Rather, work out a plan and
your checklist of things to accomplish. It’s what needs to
be done that needs to be done and not what we feel
should done.

Whenever I want to do something, I always expect not to

feel like it. I’m used to ‚not feeling like it.‛ So, whatever
I’m doing, I do regardless of how I’m feeling. At the end
of the day, irrespective of how I feel I still achieve and
get the job done. Gradually, the weak feeling and the
procrastination drops off and I start to get things done
successfully. Just go ahead and do it now.

e need our young thinkers and engineers
to start developing prototypes of their
ideas and inventions. When you have a
prototype, you can know what areas need improvement
and it's easier to get funding to expand your idea.

Dy/dx and complex engineering formulas are meant to

be converted into real products and solve real-life
problems or else knowing the math alone will only
create a society of certificate owners with no impact.

‚What you studied can get you a job but what you know
is what brings you success.

Your success is not based on what you studied but what
you know.‛

I have been approached by a lot of young people with

great ideas that they were developing and the prospects
and potentials of such ideas were vivid. Often times I
ask, ‚Do you have a prototype?‛ Even though this
question usually weighs heavy as prototyping is the
forerunner of the practical implementation of your idea,
it is the way to actually ensure the idea lives and sees the
light of day.

Before prototyping, you engage in a design. In

engineering, it is called design and simulation. It is
similar to having a business plan and business plan
canvas. I notice when people talk to you about super
ideas they have, they want you to BELIEVE them. They
feel you owe it to them to immediately BELIEVE the

idea is a success. When you demand for a business plan,
feasibility studies etc. they start telling you that ‚Great
men don’t follow process‛ or‛Protocols can be broken.‛
The error in this line of thinking is that every successful
man follows process and protocols and rituals; it’s JUST
CONVENTIONAL OR KNOWN to you. Some processes
are unique but they are all still processes. But NEVER be
deceived to believe that people ran into or bumped into
success. ‚Supernatural success doesn’t have natural
parameters.‛ This is all untrue.

Successful manufacturing of products follows a process.

Alter the process, alter the brand.

So, prototyping is a good process to follow in

successfully implementing an idea. Have a copy of what
the idea looks like.


wo reasons people don't make progress: either
they are in a box or a loop.

Those who are in a box are those whose minds

have been trapped and they are unable to think and
explore due to one wrong belief system or the other.

Those who are in a loop are those engaging in various

activities that keep them seemingly busy but are caught
in a vicious cycle of what we call ‘motion without
movement.’ They hear the same thing in different ways,
stay with the knowledge that sounds interesting but
inapplicable. Most of them have the knowledge but are

not doing what is necessarily different to move forward.

I have taken time to study a lot of people and looked at

my environment generally and even in my own life. If I
realize am not hitting the target I set for myself, I take
time to ask myself certain questions and do some soul-

What defines progress is not just motion but there is a

vector that ensures you are moving at the right speed
and in the right direction.

I see a lot of people moving like molecules in a

microwave, moving in a matter and colliding with each
other. Humans also experience motion and sometimes
motion comes from different sources – social, mental,
spiritual. When this energy moves us, we find ourselves
engaging in different kinds of activities. But I think it’s

wise to ask yourself if you are just being propelled or
you are actually making PROGRESS in the right
direction. Being busy does not mean progress. Progress
is defined by a clear vision. You can’t travel far or
smoothly when it is dark. Even if you are moving you
might move in the wrong direction.

No matter how engaged you are spiritually, YOU NEED

TO KNOW why you are spiritually active. God doesn’t
do anyything for fun. There is always SOMETHING to

Let’s use a microwave oven and a plate of cold rice as an


The rice is originally frozen at say zero degrees. The plan

is to raise the rice’s temperature to say 90 degrees. So,
we have a scale of 0 to 90 as the target.

When the temperature of the rice gets to 20, 30, 40
degrees, it’s still progress but that’s not the target. When
it gets to 50, 60, 70 degrees in the process, it’s still
progress but not the target even though it is close to the
target. At about 80, 90, we are convinced we have made
progress. But when it gets to 100, 120 degrees we have to
stop the process. Note that in this case, THE PROCESS IS
THE SAME PROCESS but it’s no longer progress. It
becomes destructive progress. And this is how life is.

If you are engaging in activities that no longer meet your

target then you are either in a loop or a box. And that
means not hitting the target even though you may seem
to be making progress but.

When I registered for a particular academic program I

told myself that IF THE PROCESS won’t guarantee my
PROGRESS as defined by me, I will drop out. So often,

we use the process to define progress but it’s a wrong
yardstick to use. A process does not always mean
progress. At one time, it might be but at a different time
along the curve, it might not be.

Dropping children in school when they are 5 years old is

a process. Dropping them when they are 24 years old
now looks like there is a problem.

Therefore, you need to be able to examine your life and

ask if you are either in a box or in a loop. It gets very
dicey when we get into the loop. We realize life is
revolving around the same things and activities and we
can’t really define what progress means anymore. We
realize we are engaged in many activities but deep
within us, we know we aren’t progressing as we
should to hit the target.

There is an inner JOY that one experiences when real
progress is made. When you have achieved a goal that
pushes you and gives you a real shove, learn to
recognize it.

o be an expert, know everything about
something rather than know something
about everything‛

Little things cumulate into big things. There is a saying

that a little fire makes a big fire. On our path to success,
we need to get to that point where we are able
to converge our energy. In communication engineering,
we have what we call beamforming. It’s a process where
the energy of an antenna is focused on a receiver unit so
that the unit gets most of the energy the antenna is

What I like about little is when little gathers and gathers
and keeps gathering it becomes big. The little drops of
water becomes the mighty ocean.

Rather than be a jack of all trade try to be a master in

ONE and its associate. By so doing, a little here and
there daily will end up making you an expert. As an
expert, you are more marketable and your market share
is guaranteed and competition is reduced.

How do you think a degree is earned? It is the little

course units and credit loads divided into semesters for
a course that add up to make you a graduate in your
chosen field. And how long does a regular degree take?
4 years. Imagine using the 10,000-hour rule of mastery in
any chosen field. That means dedicating about 10,000
hours to studying a particular thing. You become a
genius. That was how the Beatles band became a famous

band. They put in time. Do same to become a

hose who practice what they hear do
better than those who make a practice of

Practice what you hear. If you love someone or

something how can you prove it if you don’t show it?
You show that you believe in something by doing it.
Else, how can you prove it works or not?

What do you do? How do you do it? Do people see the

passion in you? Is it contagious? Can people feel what
you do? How relevant is it? It doesn’t matter as much
what you do as how you do what you do. That is what
separates you from the rest. You can be a shoe cobbler or

shoemaker, a driver or chauffeur. But it is your degree of
doing which brings with it an experience that people
trust to come to you or recommend you for the next step.

he difference between Faith and wishful
thinking is WORK. That is the distance between
you and what you want. So, whatever your
hands find to do, do it with all your mental and physical
might. This is the secret of getting the next big thing.
This is the secret of being recommended.

Work has never killed anyone. It is laziness that has

killed people much more than hard work.

To illustrate the principle that laziness kills fast. Have

you ever wondered why an unused or abandoned
building is liable to collapse before a building in
constant use? Why? Is it not the building in constant use
that is supposed to wear out and give way before an
unused building? No! It is because there is no heat to
ward off things like mold, Spirogyra, and other
degrading elements growing in and around the

Have you ever wondered why some retirees die almost

immediately after they stopped working? Because they
literally stopped working (of course they are not lazy but
retirement drove some into idleness). When idleness or
laziness creeps in, they affect the body to the marrow.
Idleness kills; kill it before it kills you.

“Success is not having SO MUCH to do but doing SO
MUCH with what you have.”

t has been said that it is not what we don’t have that
limits us; but what we have but don’t know how to
use. Do you understand that? When Moses asked
God what he will do when the people of Israel
murmured God asked him, ‚What do you have in your

What do you have in your hand? What can you offer?

What skills do your best friends (ten fingers) possess?
Yes! What skills do you possess that you are not using?
Some people underrate themselves so much that they

begin to ask God why He didn’t bless them with a talent
like the next person.

They keep wishing, ‚Only if I was able to sing like R.

Kelly or Celine Dion; if only I could paint like Picasso.
‚If only…‛ But they forget that people who are great
today didn’t look at others but looked inward and
discovered why they are and what they had. And they
decided to start small. They started singing in the
bathroom, in the dining. They went out for singing
competitions and even got rejected at some point before
they finally took the world stage.

What do you have to offer? Start with what you have

wherever you find yourself. Start small.

‚You might not be born a genius BUT if you are hard-
working you will still get results of a genius.‛

he truth is that geniuses are not always born;
they are made! And you can be a genius if you
are willing to put in the work. It is 1%
inspiration and 99% perspiration. You must be willing to
sweat it out to get the result. Why would Thomas Edison
try to invent the light bulb a thousand times before
getting it? Perseverance is the game. You can’t be a
genius if you don’t persevere in sweating to get your
desired result.

‚Genius is in the ability to choose a problem or challenge
and battle it until the solution comes out.‛

And the good news is efforts and passion can deliver

results. Don’t retract from pursuing a venture or dream
because you feel you didn't have the intellectual wand.

Don’t stand afar off admiring Mark Zuckerberg or Steve

Jobs for their wit or acumen. No!

Rathe,r put in an effort.

There was a time there was no light bulb. There was

once no fluorescent bulb. There was a time when electric
cars didn’t exist. There was a time when man hadn’t
been to the moon. There was a time when polio had no
vaccine. There is no cure for Ebola. Who do you think
the genius is going to be? The one who works out the

solution to the problem. The responsibility of being a
genius is work.

He may not even know but assemble a team of people

who know.

“Those who start LATE are better than those who say they
will start LATER.”

xcuses and talk are cheap. The more you
postpone doing something, the more excuses
you are likely to bring up as to why you haven’t
been able to do something.

It is up to you to keep saying ONE DAY or DAY ONE.

One major reason for excuses and failure is blaming

others for things that happened. Stop blaming even the
devil. The devil couldn’t stop the coming of Windows,
IOS, Java, Optic fibers and electromagnetic waves

The devil only influences you the moment you transfer
the blame on him every time, and that’s when you have
opened the door.

Playing the blame game is no solution to problems.

“It is LITTLE acts of LOVE to humanity that God uses to
make GIANTS”

efore Jesus wrought miracles, he was always
moved with love and compassion to do so.

I realize when people have compassion they

have access to inspiration. People with a passion for
other people usually end up being more intelligent and

You don’t need an IQ of 10 to be compassionate but

being compassionate makes you influential. Bigger than
what IQ can give to you.

Compassion is a compass. With compassion, you never
get lost and even when you LOSE you are never a loser.
Even when you miss the road you never miss your way.

“Don't just follow BIG ideas but follow even small ideas with

o matter how big and sweet they sound, if
ideas are not backed by swift action, they
will slowly fade away until one loses zest to
carry them out.

Ideas are like crying babies in a church; carry them out

fast rather than hoping that with a stroke of luck, the
babies will stop crying.

Conceiving ideas alone don’t turn them into products

nor do they make them marketable of valuable.

But practical ideas make them have market value.

“Everything GOD gave man physically is meant to be put to
right maximum usage”

y design, everything that has been created by
nature has use, even if it appears useless and
without meaning.

The common house fly has its use and economic

importance. The hand has its use.

The tongue has its use.

So is the brain we have been equipped with.

A theory of use says ‚You lose what you don’t use.‛

Instead of procrastinating and asking a billion questions

about why you can’t achieve something, just make use of
what you have.

“What's most important is not what you want FULL-TIME
but that you use your TIME FULLY.”

here was a time in my life I felt full time means
I should stop doing anything else.

The issue is that there is no one formula for

success. What matters most is that you use your time on
earth fully.

Let nobody tell you part-time doesn’t guarantee success.

No! Success means WHATEVER you are doing, DO IT

‚Don't just count your years, make your years count.‛
George Meredith

“To be a millionaire, you don't need a million ideas but ONE
idea for a million people”

t is a numbers game. What one thing can you
produce and sell to a certain number that will make
you the money you are looking for? Who are your
customers? Where can you find them? What product or
service is it and how will it help them?

You see the power of that ONE SUPER IDEA that can
meet the needs of a million people.

Never look down on that one idea. It maybe ALL you

need to get that break you desire.

remember Bishop David O. Abioye used to say
that, "If you strike a tree 99 times and you hit it with
ONE FINAL BLOW and the tree falls down, that it
is ALL the 99+1 blows that fell the tree and not just the
final one."

So, there is a guy called PSY who is a Korean pop

musician. He had released 5 albums previously that
nobody really knew about much until his 6th; "Gangnam
style" album that eventually became a phenomenon.
This one song he released at 35 years of age had
3.1billion views on YouTube, broke Guinness World
Records and brought PSY before great men like
President Obama, Ban Ki-moon, Presidents and many

world leaders; he got an America music award and an
MTV Europe award. He was once humorously referred
to as one of the best things that happened to Korea after

"Gangnam Style" – Most viewed video online

"Gangnam Style" – Most "liked" video online

"Gangnam Style" – First video to be viewed more than 1

billion times on YouTube

"Gangnam Style" – Most viewed video online in 24 hours

"Gangnam Style" – First video to be viewed more than 2

billion times on YouTube

He was a success such that many psychologists and

professors study the "Gangnam phenomenon".
According to Forbes, he has an estimated net worth of
$10million; from ZERO because of a "silly horse dance."

U.S. President Barack Obama cited PSY's "Gangnam
Style" as an example of how people around the world
are being "swept up by Korean culture.‛

This is why we don't give up. KEEP pushing. Don’t be

weighed down by age or the environment. Be consistent,
that's a sure path to success. It is what announces and
pays in the end. Faith does not work without works.

‚If you PAY for KNOWLEDGE you will be PAID for

ithout knowledge, how can you
apply understanding by wisdom? How do
you prove that you have studied to be
approved? Beware of free things. Real and quality
knowledge will always cost you something.

I have met many people with certificates but no



can pay school fees and not know "anything." The

payment for knowledge MAY ACTUALLY start after

Pay to attend trainings where your skills are honed.

Pay to enroll in online educational resources

like udacity, udemy, data camp, common lounge, Edx
and whole lots of others.

In achieving your dreams in life, YOU NEED TO PAY


The emphasis on PAY doesn’t mean you can’t get

knowledge free, but based on observation and discovery
those who pay for knowledge it them better.

ou are being told to be extraordinary. Many
times, we make these words sound hard and
mystical. But people who did extraordinary
things seemingly were just being themselves and giving
their best in what they did. What is most extraordinary
is their attitude.‛

Don’t be perturbed when you hear that people ‘did the

extraordinary’. Let me tell you; anything worth doing
and doing well will eventually become extraordinary.

Have you ever noticed vehicle owners going to join long

queues in filling stations where the price difference may
just be 50 kobo or one Naira! And they are willing to

wait there until it is their turn. Why? The extra money is
what they don’t want to pay. Now, imagine yourself
using the power of that extra in everything you do.
Imagine you start going early to the office, start being
the last to leave, start jogging extra. That is the power of
extra. You may not personally notice it but people will.

That extra is what you need to be extraordinary

That super is what you need to be supernatural.

Never assume you need some spiritual experiences or

superpower to become extraordinary. Just learn to add
the extra. The extra changes everything.

When you don’t feel like going on and the extra pushed
you forward. That extra push can be what gives you the
victory in the race. Like a football match of eleven
players. When one player is sent off the remaining 10
double their effort and become stronger that even the

eleven. Many times they claim victory at the end of a
game with one many short but determination doubles.

henever you have any idea, it is natural to
get excited about it. It makes you feel

Suddenly, in a short monetary fantasy, you even see that

idea making you a celebrity. You see camera lights
flashing and see chauffeurs opening the doors of
limousines for you. Then everything goes dark and you
see yourself staring into your laptop and thinking about
your idea and the short journey you just took into
the fantasy world.

Often times a large percentage of the idea just dies. The

emotion that follows it at first fizzles out. The energy

fades and the euphoria dampens. This is usually the life
cycle of great ideas BUT there are some among us who
decided to give life to their ideas. Start drawing out a
blueprint of your idea.

Three things you can do to help make your idea a

reality. First, you have to write it down then,

1. Think of the problem it solves

2. Think of the reward and gains

3. Think of the people it helps

A good idea solves a problem and there are many

problems in the world. In fact, looking for the problem
can also be a problem. It is called troubleshooting.

Problems require solutions and solutions can be turned

into products that can be exchanged for money. So, one

way to maintain motivation, to build our ideas is to
focus on the problem it solves and own it. Look at it as
your domain and act like the way out depends on you
and you alone.

Yes, we believe every good idea is a potential money-

maker and problem-solver. But thinking about the
money is just one way of drawing passion that helps you
sustain, finish, and see your ideas to fruition. First, focus
on the problem it solves then find a way to the solution.


here is something you and only you are good
at. What is it? What makes you unique? What
do you have that people want to buy from you?

Locate what you are good at and be the best at it.

When I look at the footballer Mohammed Salah, I can

say he located what he’s good at and that’s where his
success lies. There is something you are good at and
that’s what you can be better at doing. And that’s what
brings the BEST out of you. What you are not good at
may not bring the best out of you so in order to

maximize your potentials in life and work optimally at
full throttle, take time to locate what you are good at.

I am not an advocate of any form of redundancy and I

always encourage people to do what they have an
opportunity to do. If you want to be a footballer and
opportunity hasn’t come, it does not mean you should
spend your life waiting for an opportunity. Rather, keep
doing something and looking for opportunities until you
get what you want.

atch out for the BIG TALKS from big
talkers. Big talk doesn’t guarantee big
people or doing big things. Big talks bring
a lot of excitement but what matters most is not the big
talking but the little practical actions. Talk is cheap.
Action costs energy and effort.

You often time hear words like. ‚You are born to

dominate,‛ ‚You are a giant,‛ ‚You are a high flyer.‛

Yes, it works to be positive, optimistic and has real

inward motivation. But words alone cannot move a
mountain. You have to try pushing the mountain. That’s
why faith without works is dead.

Just like having a big field without planting any seed.
The size of the field might tickle your emotions but that
farmer with a smaller field that is planting his seeds will
surely boast of more harvest. There are times positive
and big affirmations are good. But beyond all the
talking, you have to talk and do.

Don’t talk big as much as you do big.

ou are responsible for not having
responsibilities. Responsibility comes from
positively responding to your abilities.
Answering and making the calls of life you are supposed
to take. Doing things that others are afraid to do.

There are times people run from just sitting in the front
row in the church, especially for a more informal
gathering. They don’t want to be seen and given a

You cannot become an effective leader if you are not

responsible. If you do not respond to a calling how then

can you efficiently fill and undertake the duties of that

Respond to your abilities and great opportunities will

come your way.

ome people look for jobs. Some people look for
opportunities. Some people look for job
opportunities but it's good that when you are
looking for opportunities you should also look for
opportunities in jobs. How efficient can you be in the job
you want to get? What value will you add there and
how will it add value to you apart from paying the bills?

Start with whatever you can find. But looking for better
opportunities should be your major objectives. That's
what it implies to have a goal and a vision. What you are
looking for is an opportunity – opportunity to show
what you have got.

If you can’t find a job, create one for yourself and others.
If you don’t find opportunities, create some.

ear is the biggest form of distraction. Some call it
False Evidence Appearing Real. When you live
in fear you see things the way they aren't and it
halts your journey to success. Little setbacks can become
magnified into failures that are just shadows.

Fear tells you what you cannot do and in essence, that's

what you can do and should do. To succeed, you must
disobey and face your fears.

That vision, that idea, that dream, that plan that you fear
to start is what you must do.

Don't let fear tell you what you cannot do because fear
cannot do it; hence, it tells you that you shouldn't. The

cave you fear to enter, they say, holds the treasure you
are looking for. Have faith and you will move that
mountain of fear.

Let faith and optimism douse your fear and let today be
the last day you procrastinate. Become fearless.

wo friends were speaking about a particular
footballer who has had success playing
professional football overseas (Europe and
Asia) and became a household name. The two friends
said within themselves that what surprised them most
about the success of this guy is that ‚he's not such a
good footballer.‛ And obviously, there are many better
than him and are more skillful in the spherical leather

I agree to the fact that being at the right place and the
right time and knowing the right people and having the
right exposure can actually be behind the success of
some people. While others with better skills are just

hanging somewhere living from hand to mouth but one
thing is clear:

The not too good guy made a move, a practical and

physical move to make his mark. Nothing happens until
you make a move. Be it luck, destiny, time and chance
irrespective of how and what you call it. Opportunities
always come to people who rise up to actualize their
dreams. That involves being prepared for it.

I know many "not too good" musicians who are more

successful and popular that the armchair experts that are

They said Donald Trump was NTG but he made it


The bench warmers, the analyzers, and the big talk guys.

In my life I have had to make a practical decision to
disengage from some big talkers and virtual architects
who do nothing but engage in analysis, fault finding,
procrastination and other similar actions.

WHY do the "not too good" guys get things done than
the perceived experts?

1. The NTG guys are pragmatic and practical.

They know how to push their products and drive
it into people’s minds. They organize concerts on
songs that the experts may call NTG and
eventually succeed.

2. The NTG guys have passion and believe in their

products. I have seen software developers with
the worst UI and code coherence get the best
business and big contracts done. Even while the

experts analyze the weakness in their codes and
punch holes and claim this and that is not well
done. Eventually, the NTG guys who believe in
their products and have passion make the big

Have you ever wondered why it's the NTG guys who
sometimes end up becoming leaders, politicians and get
all the attention? Simple. They ACT while others

We believe in a society that is filled with quality and

experts but if we wait for things to be perfect we will
wait forever.

People eventually get better in the process of doing what

they have started. Start now and become perfect later.

he tiny GIANT called FAITH is a mystery.

Jesus said, ‚If you have faith as tiny as a

mustard seed.‛ Mustard seeds are the small
round seeds of various mustard plants. The
seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimeters (0.039 to 0.079
inch) in diameter and may be colored from yellowish
white to black.

The power of Faith is not in size but in the LIFE inside a

seed. Some people have faith the size of a mango seed

but do not know how to use it. Everyone has ‚the‛

measure of faith but it is how you use it that is most


Your faith is what pushes doubt to the side. Your faith is

what moves mountains. Your faith is what produces
results. Have faith.

1. Don’t walk on water without a mentor.

2. Know someone has done it before

3. Faith

4. Don’t fear

We are sweating and teaching computer programming,

Java, PHP in the class room. Yet when Mark Zuckerberg
and Bill Gates came to Nigeria, some did not even know.
Education is good but relationships can create
opportunities faster.

Femi Otedola, the Nigerian billionaire, entered a bus
used as a public transport in Lagos and people didn't
recognize him. Yet some will be crying daily, "God show
me my destiny helper." Look around you friend; your
helper is nearby and even inside the bus.

True education gives us exposure to build hyper

productive relationships which opens us up to great
opportunities to build networks. Invest wisely. Invest in
relationships. Use the power of relationships to help you
start small and rise.

VISION attracts


The PRO means

1. People

2. Resources

3. Opportunities-Dr Bukola Williams

Opportunities are everywhere around us. But they don't

always appear as opportunities until we engage in
critical thinking.

Someone realized that people like to wear flowers on

their head in pictures or, look like a hybrid of a human
and a cat. (Lol. It's fun for some really). He provided the
features in Snapchat and gave us flowers for our heads
and dog ears and we gave him $6bn.

To the pure all things are pure

To a successful, everyone can be a success

To the failure, everyone is a failure

To the sinner, everyone is a sinner

To the insecure everyone is a hater

To the optimistic, every problem is an opportunity

To the pessimist, every opportunity is a problem

That's why only the fruit of a tree carries the nature of

the tree. The shape, color, height, and position of a tree
cannot determine its nature but its fruit.

Friends, true change begins inward and true success is

conceived from the innermost and radiates outwardly.

Use opportunities to learn skills because

skills bring opportunities

I participated in a raffle draw, and I picked the number

86 while others also picked various numbers. Then we
all waited eagerly as the winning number was called as
98. But no one had the number 98. While everyone was
musing over their numbers I flipped my 86 and I saw
that 86 became 98. Anyway, they argued that 86 wasn't

98. But I learned that in life once you can learn to change
your perspective on an issue, you will see that that thing
that looks like failure can also look like success and there
is opportunity in disappointments. It's all a matter of
perspective. What discourages others can encourage
you. Be positive.

Anytime you have an opportunity to help someone, it is

an opportunity to rise because that is how you also get
your needs met; by meeting the needs of others. That’s

“Today I was pondering and deep in thought. I recalled

something that happened to me some weeks ago. I needed some
money so I went to the ATM booth to make withdrawals.
When I got inside, I saw a lady; a staff of the bank sitting and
she greeted me with courtesy and she said in Queen’s English
, "welcome Sir. Kindly use ATM 6 please." I went to ATM 6

and there was no money. I called her attention and she said
"oh sorry; use ATM 5 please,” I went to ATM 5 and the ATM
was convulsing and almost swallowed my card. I called her
attention again and while she was trying to deliver her
"customer service eloquence and customer satisfaction
professionalism to me," two guys walked into the booth one
went to ATM 1 and the other went to ATM 2 and they both
got paid while I was standing there being used as a "teaching
practice" Hahaha. So I just left her and went and did
LIKEWISE on ATM 1 and got paid too.
All that came to my mind is these days there are many
armchair experts who are gifted in the eloquence of principles
that don't work while there are another set of people who DO
MORE are more practical AND LESS voluble.
There is a place for listening to principles; nothing wrong with

who have evidence of their many principles. It will save you
time and save you resources in life spent doing trial by error.”

“Experience is better that Excitement”…Dr Bukola Williams

n telecommunications engineering, there is
something we call a ‘pilot signal.’

Assuming you want to send data from a transmitter

to a receiver but you need to be sure the message will
arrive successfully without interference

So you first send a pilot signal.

If the signal goes successfully, then you go ahead and

transmit else you need to resend another pilot to look for
a better propagation path for your transmitted signal.

In the same way, People should learn to use pilot signals

A pilot Signal is like a pilot program.

One way to ensure you start a project is to launch a pilot


Something small

You want to talk to thousands of people.

First, have a pet project that starts with 5 people.

A pilot helps you overcome procrastination, overcome

fear and build confidence as well as see potential

There are some things I did. Whenever am about to

embark on a big project, I first launch a small scale

You want to build a super app? First build a small one.

You want to grow corn? First do it on a small scale.

I have friends who went into large-scale farming

ignorantly. They didn't know what it required. Hence,
when they went ahead, they ran into big losses.

It's always good to have a pet project as a pilot then use

it to evaluate your potentials, capabilities, and
calibration. Use the pilot as a form of simulation to give
yourself confidence that you are ready to take on the big


Mark Zuckerberg has a product called "Facebook"

Evans Spiegel has a product called "Snapchat"
Jeff Bezos has a product called "Amazon"
Bill Gates has a product called "Windows"
Jack Ma has a product called "Alibaba"
Kevin Systrom and co have a product called "Instagram"
Opeyemi Awoyemi and co have a product called
Chinua Achebe had a product called "Things fall apart"
J k Rowling's has a product called "Harry Potter"
Cyprian Ekwensi had a product called "The drummer
Steve Jobs has a product called "Apple"

J R R Tolkien has a product called "The Lord of the
Larry Page and Co have a product called "Google"

Stephen Akintayo has a product called ‚Gtex‛

Travis Kalanick and Co have a product called "Uber"
Chad Hurley and Co have a product called "Youtube"
Brian Acton and Co has a product called "WhatsApp"
Niklas Zennström and Co founded Skype
...the list goes on

Dear Young people all over Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

"You need to think of your product and prepare for a
future of success; this is one way you can secure your
Prosperity does not come by prayer and fasting. Sowing
seed without having a product or investment is like
asking God to perform magic. God is not a Magician but
a rewarder of diligence, hard work and humility.

Divine favour is not a lottery but having heavenly
inspired ideas to make impact. God has given us a
sound mind and His Word makes our soul prospers.

Oluseun D Oyeleke is a Bachelor and Master’s degree
holder in Electrical /Electronics and Communications
Engineering who is currently also a PhD
research student with interest in 5G systems and
machine learning applications.
He is a Lecturer, Author, motivational speaker,
entrepreneur and also a student.
He is the founder of The Greatlight word,
The Greatlight visionaries, Edutronic Hub and Gate
light Integrated Services Limited and has been teaching
and mentoring young people for the past 20 years.
He has a passion for Education and he is the Program
Director of the READ project. He wants to inspire young
leaders all over Africa.

Oluseun is married to his namesake Oluwaseun
Tinuade, an entrepreneur and they have a son. Together
they are working to pursue their vision and
passion of inspiring success and building leaders.
Contact Information
234-80-36546874, 081-28729948

Other books authored

 Change Your Attitude and Developing our

 Life and Cards
 How to Stop Making Bad Decisions

Oluseun D Oyeleke

Instagram:- seun_wikiman

Download the ucandoit app

+234-803-6546874, +234-812-8729948


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