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lm iasinie corto sate Workshops Advice from the world’s best artists Be inspired by amanga classic ‘Toni Infante tapsimtothe influence of Akira. Improving an old Piece of artwork ‘Thomas Chamberlain-Keen takes old work the next level. 1Stips for better character art Refine your manga figures with Collateral Damage Studios. Paint an ice queen in warm colours Pauline VoR usesVR to create 2 3D base going into Procreate. Core Skills: Photoshop Quickly embellish your artwith ‘extures. Mark White ells How to paint ‘over a 3D base Scott Zenteno takes a 3D sci mech scene into Photoshop. Elicit a sense ‘of wonder ‘See how Cathleen Mcallister paints two witches late for class.

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