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Insight in the Evolution of Auditing: From the Traditional Approach to

the Future Audit

The history of auditing emphasizes the short outcomes that consisted of

reactionary measures that occurred in response to significant negative business event
and audit task before occurred fraudulent activities were uncovered and undetected
because of the manual auditing processes. But, as the time goes by, auditing has been
improved electronic accounting systems began to seriously consider auditing in the
computerized context. Conversely, auditing through the computer involves actual use of
computer systems in testing both controls and transactions and finally, auditing with the
computer entails direct evaluation of computer software, hardware, and processes.
Consequently, auditing through the computer or with the computer is able to provide a
much higher level of assurance when contrasted with auditing around the computer.
Many of the noteworthy events involving auditing of information systems pertained to
the development and refinement of automated vendor offerings designed to increase
effectiveness and efficiency in auditing like vendor-based solution began to appear,
auditing upholds a very thought-provoking past and enhancements have occurred
progressively along the way that ultimately established capabilities for an improved
audit experience. Auditing is now entirely shifted to computerized auditing procedures.

In these millennial years, where technologies facilitated every movement of

transactions, where business and investments were successively making competent
measures to cope up with changes and innovations just to run and put up a firm that
can operate in long run. As a accountancy student, as a future Certified Public
Accountant, I believe that auditing procedures in line with the history has been a great
impact of what business setting we have nowadays, from the approaches and
techniques that is now outdated, from the manual auditing, etc. and now as the
automated auditing, by these fast shifting auditing procedures, as a future
auditors/accountants must possess substantial technical and analytical skills that can
deal with these innovations and we must be equipped and be attentive with the
disadvantages that cannot be evaded brought by these changes.


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