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BARANGAY 17 is situated on the BENCH of OBRERO at the BASE OF DAVAO CITY. It is the EASTERN MOST
COMMUNITY within Davao City and is known for its active and cooperative residents and good
neighborhood. It's comprised of OLD, DISTINCTIVE HOMES in WESTERN AREA of the community and
MODERN HOMES with contemporary designs.

The area is also home of regionally significant institutional facilities and popular employment centers,
such as UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES, VICTORIA PLAZA....... which brings visitors to the


With regards to its population, BARANGAY 17 is considered a very stable and peaceful community which
is very convenient to stay in. The total population is composed of _____ senior citizens, ______young
professionals, _______ teenagers and _______ children.


BARANGAY 17 is approximately 123456 SQUARE METER OF LAND. The predominant land uses are
residentials, parks, educational institutions, private businesses and open space, 78PERCENT of the land is
particularly devoted to these uses.


Few health problems were determined during the conduct of the project survey such as
_______________, but the most common is Cardiovascular Disease. Out of the 20 participants
(representative for each residents) the survey showed that ______ PERCENT have CARDIOVASCULAR
DISEASE. As per the community data there are about ____ people who have Cardiovascular Disease and
have ____ times consulted the community doctor for their health problem.

According to Rothkopf, Nusbhum, Haverstick RDN CNSC (2014), Cardiovascular Disease is a leading
component of non communicable diseases that is considered as a global crisis with an ubiquitous
occurrence. Based from the survey conducted by the RESEARCHERS the possible causes of having CVD is
attributed to unhealthy lifestyle such as imbalance diet plan, vices (e.g. smoking) and inactive lifestyle.
The claim of the RESEARCHERS is supported by Adar, Sinai, Yosefy and Henkin (2013) which stated that
lifestyle factors, including nutrition plays a very important role with etiology of Cardiovascular Disease.

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