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Have you ever...

Instructions: 1) Make questions by putting the verb in brackets into the correct
2) Ask each question to a different friend. When you run out of
friends, start again with your first friend and repeat!
3) Ask a partner (I will tell you who your partner is!) all the questions
and use his/her answers to make a short report.

Have you ever...

(go) Jakarta

(lose) your schoolbook

(read) a Harry Potter book

(sleep) in a tent

(ride) a camel.

(have) food poisoning

(miss) a flight

(visit) the Statue of Liberty

(swim) in a lake

(fight) with a friend

(go) Bali

(go) Malaysia

(go) Bandung

(go) Yogya

(eat) snails

(eat) lasagne
(eat) chicken noodles

(eat) cockroaches

(meet) a celebrity

(meet) the President of your country

(watch) a film at the cinema

(see) a wolf

(see) an elephant

(see) an orang-utan

(your idea)

(your idea)

(your idea)

(your idea)

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