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Theoretical framework

In this study Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Bandura’s (1977) Social Cognitive Theory

were use in the study. First off, Vygotsky (1978) states that parents play a central role in the process he

further explain cognitive development stems from social interactions within the zone of promixal

development as children build knowledge. Vgotsky’s(1978) concept of cognitive development suggests

that social world defines the way children think. He also believed that certain higher functions developed

through direct interaction with the important people in a child’s life. Explain further by Roth & Lee (2007)

that in the perspective of Vygotsky, the environment where the children grew up is a factor on affecting

the children’s way of thinking. According to Rothstein (2004) “the absence of the missing parent to guide,

discipline, model and teach may be one of the causes that a child cannot perform at their potential”. The

theory explain on how parents are important role in their child’s life because parents can be the cause of

the child’s behaviour and attitude.

Similar to Vgotsky’s theory, Bandura (1977) emphasizes that cognitive development has significant links

to the behaviour According to Falana (2012) Social learning theories stress that people obtain such

actions, thoughts and feeling through fit between the child and his/her environment. Bandura’s theory

presents that people cognitively represent the behaviour of others and often adopt this behaviour

themselves. For an instance: a young girl observe her single mother created hatred in men as she grew up

she adopted her mother’s hatred towards men. Moreover in a situation wherein the child see his/her

parents acting irresponsibly, they too may decide to act in such manner and if they do not have good

relationships with their parents, the child might feel isolated or having a hard to socialize to other people

or when they are outside of the home (Scott & Lilja, 2010: Mwamwenda 2004) .Bandura’s social learning

theory is appropriate for the study because it analyses the behaviour of the students emotional wellbeing.

The theory can explain how a parent can affect the emotional wellbeing of a child because of the actions

that they can soon adopt once they had matured enough. Although there are some students are exception

but still there is a higher percentage where they can follow such behaviours when they observe and peer

their parent actions.

A study conducted by Falana, (2012) in Single-parent Family Structure, Psychological, Social and Cognitive

Development of Children in Ekiti State. The study concluded that children from single-parent family are

having their emotional development affected. Couples should try to keep their marriages strong to set as

model to their children, since unstable emotion needs to be overcome in the early years of the children.
Parents should enhance healthy emotional and intellectual development of their children. The study

stated the parents should know their influence towards the child can has effects in the long term.

In addition, Gardner (2014) also concluded that influence of parents to the child’s self-esteem and self-

worth if the relationship between the parent and child remained intact, it means if a parent actions makes

the bond stronger between the child, it will make the child confident. If both parents have an equal

influence to their children, the child will perform and function better.

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