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Single Parenthood this term is defined as a phenomenon whereby the consideration and preparing a child

is attempted by just a single dad or mother because of death of spouse, separation, partition, and never

married (Klaush and Own, 2009)

Psychological well-being this term is defined as a general feeling of emotional health by high confidence

and positive associations with others, and an absence of anxiety, depression, and poor conduct.

Socioeconomic Status this term is defined as the social and financial remaining of a family estimated in

terms of income, occupational prestige and education. Academic Performance this term is defined as a

child’s performance in school, measured not only by grade reports. But also by the teacher’s observation

and the student’s own self-perception.

Cognitive connected with thinking or conscious mental processes like reasoning, imaginig,remembering

and problem solving.

Child Parent relationship- A perception of children above age of 10 about nature of their relation with

both parents.

Peer to look and observing with difficulty or carefully.

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