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Universidad de Carabobo

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Materia: Lengua Extranjera Ingles

Sintagma Nominal y Sintagma verbal

Sección: 12

Nombre: Gabriel Muñoz

The quality of student´s learning is related directly to
effectiveness of motivation. Young people are motivated by
contacts with simulating personalities or exciting ideas.
Students want to write poetry when they are in contact with a
great poet or a teacher who loves poetry.

La calidad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes se relaciona

directamente con la efectividad de la motivación. Los jóvenes
están motivados por contactos con simulaciones de
personalidades o ideas interesantes. Los estudiantes quieren
escribir poesía cuando están en contacto con un gran poeta o
un maestro que ama la poesía.

(The quality of student’s) [learning is related directly to

effectiveness of motivation].

(The:article quality:noun of:preposition

student’s:noun/nucleo):Sintagma Nominal

[learning:verb/nucleo is:verb related:adjective directly:adverb

to:preposition effectiveness:noun of:preposition
motivation:noun]:Sintagma verbal
(Young people) [are motivated by contacts with simulating
personalities or exciting ideas].

(Young:adjective people:noun/nucleo ):Sintagma Nominal

[are:verb/nucleo motivated:verb by:preposition contacts:noun

With:preposition simulating:verb personalities:adjective

or:conjunction exciting:adjective ideas:noun]:Sintagma verbal

(Students) [want to write poetry when they are in contact with

a great poet or a teacher who loves poetry].

(Students:noun/nucleo):Sintagma Nominal
[Want:verb/nucleo to:preposition poetry:noun when:adverb
They:pronoun are:verb in:preposition contact:noun
with:preposition a:article great:adjective poet:noun
or:conjunction a:article teacher:noun who:pronoun
loves:adjective poetry:noun]:Sintagma Verbal

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