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We all know that challenges are a situation of being faced with. Something that needs
great mental or physical effort to be done successfully and therefore test a person’s ability.
Me, I know in myself that I’ve encountered a lot of challenges and you too, right? But me, I
consider challenges as a bite of an ant. You know why? When a person has bitten by an ant,
it hurts! Even though ant is just a little one (just like how I treat challenges: A little one but
gives pain) and once we are bitten, we take that ant(challenges) out. But the will not easily
removed. A moment later, it will be gone, it will be getting better and back to normal. So, if
I were you, I will just step on those challenges and continue moving forward. But how if I
don’t have a foot? Be like Nick Vujicic. He does not have legs and arms, but he surpasses all
his challenges in his life. Also, don’t be like Mulan that hides her true personality. And if no
one accept you, and you don’t want to hurt others, live your life by yourself just like what
Elsa did.

But after all, I realize that we should accept what we did wrong, because we did it by
ourselves. Sometimes we are getting bullied because there is something wrong in me, in us!
It’s our choice, our choice to been bullied or to bully others. Anyway, It’s just a challenge! A
challenge that sometimes makes us stronger. It depends on how we will survive, just like
what Pi Patel did.

Pi spends 227 days in the ocean with only a tiger. It’s his challenge, and he surpass it,
he survives! He capitalizes his strengths and he also recognize his weaknesses. Just use your
brain, be resourceful, and specially have faith in God, because is the key of every locker in
our life. In God’s eyes, we are all equal. But if someone treat you different, don’t be ashamed,
be proud that God made you with no one else. And always put on your mind: Build a defense!
Because challenges are just like a bite of an ant.

Since we are old enough, we know what we are going to do. If you experience a
challenge that you can’t surpass. Don’t give up, there is still a chance. Just do the very special
thing that everyone should do, “Have faith in God”. Yes! Maybe all our challenges come
from God, but it doesn’t mean that God is mad, or angry. Challenge is a blessing! At the end
you will thank God. He does all of this not to make you worst but to make you brave and
stronger. And I believe that challenge is a thing to fix not only your personality but you,
yourself. To be the real you.
“Be Strong” a phrase that’s easy to say but hard thing to do, but because of
challenges, it makes very easy. Just keep on climbing until you reach the top of the mountain.
Once I read that quote, I got fulfilled with confidence. And from now on, I will soar high!

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