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When we Teachers Love Our Job

Loving our job as a teacher may mean respecting the very institution that we
are with and caring deeply about its welfare. It includes a virtuous wish to see the
institution prosper and gain a high degree of respect from the community that it is
connected with.

We should somehow develop the ability to translate from the ideal of loving
our job to the practical day-to-day attitude of showing such love, respect and care in
the way we deal with our students, co-workers, peers, and superiors and all those we
come across in our daily work. All the inputs, readings, studies and trainings, and
formations that we do should help us develop such ability. This will help us
distinguish what is right, essential and morale to the unnecessary in discharging our
every day ordinary duties with whom we work and whom we serve.

We should be sincere in fulfilling our duties. We should accomplish them with

open mind and hearts. We should be pleasant to every one with an intention of
extending help to those who are in need.

In our dealings with our students we need to give a feeling that we have done
our best in facilitating their learning which will somehow make them feel better and
not bitter. Making them feel better will make them realize that we respect them and
care for them. We may fail to provide them all they need but hopefully they should
see that we tried our very best.

In return we might as well gain the love, respect and care from our students,
co-workers, peers, and superiors and the very institution we are serving.

May GOD bless us in carrying out our duties.

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